Why does difficult have to equal bad?
im loving the new raid and our group is similar to yours OP. Just do a little bit of reading or guide watching and you will find it will get easier.
Yeah and wiping for 3 weeks on the first boss of normal is super fun.
OP said his guild has been wiping for 3 weeks.
You get what you put into the game so maybe doing some “homework” will help them get better.
Would hate playing a team game with you, legit the guy that just shows and knows absolutely nothing and expects to be carried.
So you want to do LFR with a hand picked group of people…the literal easiest group content they supply. Dude just stick to picking herbs
It blows my mind on how people think with their a$$. Right now normal raids are not made for average players. Normal raids should be cleared no problem for a average Joe including myself. Even a below average should be able to clear it but they can’t. Cause the current raid difficulty for normal is to much. And that’s not even including heroic and mythic.
Yesterday, I went into lfr…and 6 people died on the first boss… in LFR… they died…in LFR.
Now, I understand that you might think “yes…because this tier is soooo hard that you cant even do it on LFR”…and I say to you this…
One of them, got a giant red arrow on themselves, stood in the middle of melee, ignored the giant golden dodecaheeeeedrons that were coming towards him… died, typed REZ ME in chat…got rezzed (?!?) then stood outside the giant golden bubble shield and died again. He didnt “miss” the giant bubble… he just chose to stand outside it when every other player ran in.
The point is… at what point does the difficulty of the raid, come back on the players in the raid…and how easy should a raid be? Should there be ANY challenge to it at all? should Jaina drive in on her magic boat , lean over the side and pick you up 5 seconds before you die, give you a 16,000% dps boost and put you back in the fight?
I understand that some people are having difficulty with the current raid tier… but thats not a bad thing. Just watch a guide, have a tiny idea of what is going to happen before you run in…and you might just find it fun.
Ngl, a couple of the fights we learned on the fly. Way more fun than looking up a guide. Feel way more accomplished for learning that way then being spoon fed the answers through a guide before even starting.
That’s on blizzard. Why is it so hard to understand you shouldn’t need to “watch a guide” to play a god damn videogame? People don’t want to do that. The game should TELL you to stand in the circle, in the fight itself. Not figure you’ll read it first and magically know.
These things you’re arguing are part of the issue with WoW: the devs are lazy and rely too much on add-ons, guides, videos etc to do their job for them instead of having all these things clearly identified and displayed in game.
Tell me this: if you went in blind to sepulcher, no dungeon journal or anything (also a crap lazy idea BTW), would you automatically know to do that? What if you were brand new to the game?
The fight should have a warning, since they have them in game for things now, that very clearly tells you. Not just say well between the journal and videos/add-ons/sites everyone should know.
yup and if blizzard keeps going down this path all they will have left is a janitor and 5 of the top guilds wanting more. its getting to that point now compare to 6-8+ years ago.
I still maintain the design of cata/mop fights was the sweet spot compared to today. Fun, challenging but not crazy.
Compare those to the what we have now. I might very well just be the plethora of effects flying around as well. Definitely more now that ever before. It makes it incredibly hard to actually see what’s going on when there’s a dozen things flashing on the screen. And that’s with spell effects set to “essential”
The game teaches you not to stand in stuff every step of the way, the last 2 expansions, the trash leading up to a boss fight has basically shown you a portion, if not all of the abilities that you will be facing. And think about real life…how many times did you put your hand on a hotplate before you learnt not to do it? Life is full of lessons that need to be learnt through either common sense or looking it upin a book or video. Does your car teach you how to drive? does your oven teach you how to cook? Did space invaders tell you not to get hit by the missile thing that got shot down from the aliens?
How hard is it to put on a 5 minute video…and if you dont want to, thats fine too, but dont complain that something is too complicated or hard when you have put zero effort into finding out what something does or how it works.
(oh… fixing my car is just Bullsh** man… why doesnt the car tell me how to fix the engine…Smoyota are a terrible company that dont know how to make cars… its on the designers if I can pull the engine apart).
It’s not a matter of that. Should a GAME expect you to “put on a video” to learn how to play it?
Why is this such a hard concept to understand. Most games don’t require this crap at all.
thats just not true man… every game has a learning curve… and most games arent as “in depth” as wow
There’s a learning curve and there’s “go watch a video of someone playing so you know what to do”. The latter used to be called “cheating”
used to be called cheating? nah… youre having yourself on
Yeah, that’s what people said many years ago. “Why can’t this be something in-game to read?” they said.
So Blizzard added the dungeon journal.
But people don’t read that, either.
Dungeon journal is a terrible idea and doesn’t actually address the problem.
But it should be is very clear emotes or phrases the boss says or an NPC nearby saying something things like that. Not here is something to read beforehand
If it takes you more than 2 attempts to learn “the big circle stops you from being one-shot by the big telegraphed aoe”, then that’s on you.
It’s not like “standing in this circle will stop you from dying” is a revolutionary concept within WoW.
How doesn’t it address the problem.
“Oh, I got killed by this ability, lets see what it does in the dungeon journal. Oh the dungeon journal and my raid says I gotta stand in the big circle to not die to it, easy peasy”.
This has been my experience pretty much the last few years. I’ve watched tier after tier after tier balanced further and further away from players of the skill level normal was ostensibly designed to cater to. I’ve played with mostly the same core of folks since Cata off and on and while there’s been peaks and valleys we’ve never struggled to get AOTC or its equivalent quite like we have this expansion, with people who were generally capable of getting through now unable to contribute meaningfully on a normal clear. Some in the group overperform and some underperform, as is usually the case with a raid groups of this type, but the gap has never been wider and it causes stress, frustration and capitulation that it ought not to.
And you will still likely get AoTC this tier, it might just take a couple more deaths for people to figure out the fight.
My old guild was very inclusive (we took pretty much anyone) but when we hit a wall at Heroic Sludgefist we asked a couple of people (who kept dying every fight) to sit out for sludgefist so we could see the next boss and work out if he was easier or harder. We brought them the following week and killed the boss with them dead on the floor for like 3 minutes.
You can go in blind as a guild if you want but if you are going in blind you will need to observe what is happening in the game such as on boss 1 you will die to exposed core first time around, second time you will probably realise a few people took way less damage than you did because they were in the circle and by about the 20th wipe you will have seen how to survive everything.
Skolex is even more generous none of his abilities actually kill you instantly well except possibly the cleave off the tank but thats a listed buff on the monster.
The balance of the raid is fine, yes it will probably take everyone 4 or 5 more weeks to progress the same as they did in 9.1 but thats on the reintroduction of tier sets which give such large bonuses for players and cant be ignored in the raid design.
Likewise. I hate players that expect you to know content when it is first released because they’ve watched videos or streams of others playing it.
I’m open about my lack of commitment and I like to play with people who are fun, relaxed, and get better. My end goal is fun, not new pixels or item level on my character. All that stuff resets every patch, but fun memories and relationships last.
Also, I could understand you not liking a player like me if I tried to get into high level keys or heroic/mythic raiding, but I don’t do that. Normal raiding and low level keys is where I belong and if you think you are “carrying” me in those arenas that’s on you. Don’t come to those areas where people relax and have fun, stay in mythic raiding where people treat this like a job (in the main) and want to be challenged by a 20 year old RPG. Lol.