Who is normal raiding for anymore?

Question becomes then for Xy’mox with no double rings what does he do? I mean literally with just 1 ring its an extremely repetitive fight.

Halondrus without orbs is just beat up this boss that does nothing… its pretty much the only mechanic, is it really that hard to just plant yourself infront of some orbs and hit them?

I mean thats the point these arent hard mechanics hell the double rings can be managed by just the tanks (2 people) while everyone else hits the boss (you take portal for ring 1 and the tank pulls you all through the ring for ring 2).

Yes but I’m saying from the standpoint of a FnF guild, the sort normal is for, those extras add difficulty that IMHO doesn’t need to be there for that level of difficulty.

But why not? Should FnF guilds being getting an unrewarding experience? What is the fun of just jumping in a fight you cant lose?

Without difficulty there is no value in the content the gear rewards are honestly trash (if you spent the raid time farming ciphers instead you would already be full 252).

So if its not the challenge of beating the bosses why are you there?

For fun and enjoyment. See I don’t think that everything has to be a challenge for it to feel enjoyable. In fact I feel that mentality is part of the problem.

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When did I say they shouldn’t bother?

MY issue is specifically that they aren’t bothering. Normal has plenty of wiggle room for mistakes, but you still have to do the actual fight mechanics.

Without logs, it’s hard to give more advice than the generic “just do mechanics 4head”. but really that seems to be the core issue of the complaint here, they’re treating the content like it’s LFR and it’s not. Normal Mode is supposed to be an “easy mode”, but it’s an “easy mode” of a raid tuned around the idea that most people will eventually soft-nerf it with tier and double legendaries.

That doesn’t mean it’s impossible or that they shouldn’t try. Just that they need to put their big boy pants on and maybe sit down for a couple minutes and nut out problems the raid is having.

The example OP gave is the first boss and some questions to ask for that are:

When are they lusting?
When are they using Healer cooldowns?
Are Healer cooldowns even assigned?
Are people holding DPS cooldowns for the burn phase?
Are people running out the orbs and dodging the blasts?

And really, if you do basic troubleshooting like that for most of the early bosses, everything up until Anduin should fall over in Normal.

I don’t think I’ve ever started a multiplayer game and immediately been at a high level of skill. I decided to learn Valorant for a season and I was truly dumpster level at that game. I still am, but I used to be too.

I know what it’s like to be bad at a game.

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But whats enjoyable about it then? If I just walk into the raid and press some buttons (in whatever order) for a few minutes and the boss falls over how is that fun?

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Kind of like killing a world boss. Atmosphere of a raid and chill environment.

I understand. It’s just not how raids are designed lately.


But how is it fun,

I mean literally lets say Halondrus motes disappear when touched, so thats now a tank mechanic as they can handle that between taunt swaps.

Whats left to worry about

Reclaim? A small pull and some tiny damage if there are no orbs we will eventually dps through it

Earthbreaker missiles? If I have cooldowns running I dont even move out of that now it does not do enough damage for me to care about it.

So literally I just hit the boss a bit, run ahead to the next area and then repeat till he dies.

Where is the fun? Also world bosses are not fun its content that can literally be soloed by a tank.

Your idea of fun isn’t the same for other people. I could care less about how many mechanics a raid boss has. All I care about is the loot that drops. Getting a transmog piece or a tier piece.


I am sure that makes sense to you but for me I would still kill the bosses even if they dropped nothing, the enjoyment for me is actually besting something that was a challenge.

This CAN be fun. Things don’t have to be difficult to be enjoyable. You don’t magically feel better if you accomplish something “hard”

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I mean yes I do, if I solve a difficult problem at work I feel good about it for days afterwards. If I am just doing routine boring stuff I pretty much switch off and plan other things. I couldnt see myself willingly spending my time off on something that doesn’t challenge me mentally or physically.

Isn’t that part of why heroic and mythic exist?

I’m sure if your group walked into mythic SotFO you would find some fun challenges to overcome.


Me, and many others, don’t come to a nearly 20 year old RPG to feel challenged. Most of us get plenty of that IRL. We want a chill, RPG, social experience. “Challenge” should be for heroic, mythic, high level keys/PvP, and maybe other games.


The problem is, the game is currently “tuned” based on blizzard assuming the people playing it have 15-20 years of experience playing world of warcraft.

That’s 15 to 20 years of insanely high reflex development, situational awareness, ability to spam min max abilities bound to your mouse or game pad without looking all while making split second decisions about which cooldowns to use. I mean just imagine how good you could be at virtually ANYTHING in life if you spent 20+ hours each week for 15 years doing it, fine tuning your skills, gaining experience at it.

The average player with even a few years experience on average, unless a super experienced gamer in general, really stands no chance.

New players? Practically forget it…


I thought anduin in general was pretty egregious. Blasphemy is a retool of a old mythic mechanic from a boss infamous for being unforgiving(I remember a very similar mechanic being on star augur and i think it was on uunat too). The barrier mechanic as well is pretty intense as far as casual raid requirements go due to overlaps and the group being at half size for most of them. When I think normal I think of mechanics being mostly lethal rather then rapid fire pass/fail mechanics that include planning out healing cds. We’ll see how it feels after double legendaries come in, but Anduin in particular just didn’t feel like a boss on normal difficulty which feels kinda bad since he is the gatekeeper of tier.

IMO normal should probably take a page from FF and allow for things like unlimited battle rezzes. The complimentary last-raid-of-xpac mount should probably be moved down to normal, too.

That way, a lot of players who don’t really enjoy the higher difficulty but feel pressured into it would feel free to have more fun in Normal. Let Heroic and Mythic stand on bragging rights, cool recolors and better gear.


Yay. I like this

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My alt killed Anduin in a fairly average pug with discord, no CD planning was required (and I was healing) as long as both healers are casting heals (even on full hp targets) 2 healers can clear the barrier easily. Healing parses for the group were 8-39 so nothing flashy really it really was an average group.

Blasphemy isnt a 1 shot you can pop any combination of defensives that give 40% or more magic DR and live if for whatever reason you cant find your person although considering you can run through anyone who doesnt have a circle on normal its not too hard.

What I will say is running an extra healer than normal does make a difference (much like sunkings Salvation) so if a dps has a healing offspec have them swap and you should handle Anduin without issuem

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Normal exists because the gap between LFR and (now) Heroic is too big.

Making LFR twice, like people are suggesting in this thread, is pretty redundant.

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