Who is gonna do more than one type of content in shadowlands?

This is the first time I’ve had a raid-capable computer at the same time people are encountering content when it’s fresh and new. I probably will try all kinds of content. I’ll also be trying each of the covenants with my army of alts.

It’s going to be around for a while, I’ve got plenty of time to play with it.

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Not quite, but ok

One sec, let me get on my Frost DK, using my UHDK covenant which is for PvP, but UHDK sucks in PvE so…

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And that is the attitude any mmorpg player should be having when a new expansion comes, being excited to try all the new stuff and play around with the possibilities of new combinations/builds.

People who are being a stick in the mud and ultra negative and its like “Ugh I dont give a damn about anything, i ll just copy what icy veins tells me” makes me wonder why they are even playing WoW, and mmoRPG, if you have 0 interest in its rpg elements clearly the game isnt for you.

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Well, I can see an argument being made that if enough people don’t do certain content then it would be frustrating for players that still do it because it’s harder to find people.

The players are still subbed so there’s no risk of Blizz “running out of money” for wow but they may reconsider how much development time to put in for content that few people are doing.

I BELIEVE that’s why raids got nerfed (after Naxx40) and why LFR was born, to justify the cost spent developing the content. If true then I’d say overall it would have a negative impact if people just stopped doing certain content.

If you don’t think the way I do, you’re wrong and shouldn’t belong.

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Lemme have my joke Brokat

As a PvPer Blizz isn’t even giving me a choice anymore.

I have to suffer through PvE crap just to do what I love.

It’s still there, man, I didn’t delete it

That is a legit issue, pvp should be viable gearing method that doesnt depend or “get glad or no good gear for you”
My hope is that you could upgrade your gear slowly in shadowlands with that benthic looking pvp vendor that they have to a good ilvl so you dont need to do m+

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kind reminds me of Rastlin

I’m not really a pvper but I feel your pain. I still think the conq set>honor set>crafted set (conq and honor currency btw) was the best system for gearing for pvp. Pvpers shouldn’t have to look in the direction of PVE ever


I know youre trolling him but buying carries and actually doing content aren’t mutually exclusive. Is that not reason enough to just take the topic for what it is rather than personal attacks? Who the hell cares if he buys boosts. A lot of legitimate players do. It means absolutely nothing.

It means you’re not playing the game on a level to understand why people are min-maxing, and why the covenants are such an issue. So no, he wasn’t being trolled, it was a legitimate question.

“Why should we listen to you, when you do not have an understanding about how the game works at those levels of play? WHy should we listen to you, when you mis-represent people playing at that level constantly?”
Being questioned in such a manner is not a troll. People need to get over the notion they are above criticism.

I will stick with whichever covenant I go with all expansion and will never change.

I’m going with the covenant that makes the most thematic sense for my particular character. That said these threads are getting stupid. The amount of people who want to crow over someone else’s perceived lack of fun is stunning.

Because believe it or not, min maxing is fun to a whole ton of people. If it wasn’t it’s own little fun mini-game people wouldn’t engage in it.

Personally, even if it was free to switch I wouldn’t switch, but I’m not going to get all high and mighty against those who would like to switch. Honestly if the lockdown keeps people from demanding you switch covenants per content that’s probably working as intended though.

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I’m planning to play at least 4 toons and trying to align them up so that I get to experience all the covenant storylines without compromising on covenant abilities. Outside of that, some raiding and m+ as well. I hate pvp with a passion so unless it’s mandatory for equipment or there’s a super cool reward involved, I’m boycotting pvp.

Looking forward to the flappy bird WQ as well, feels like it’s going to be jumping jellies magnified but I could be wrong.

questing and farming this time around.
No group content except where forced by law.

Questing, farming, maybe some LFR? 5 mans haven’t felt worth it since they added mythic, I refuse to play on a timer but “heroic 5 man” is faceroll for bad gear. It’s WoD LFR in other words. If they removed the timer from torghast I might want to spend time there, if it’s timed though I’ll avoid it.

Pretty much anything that’s timed or time-sensitive (like scheduling a raid) is too much for me. If I didn’t feel like I could walk away from the keyboard at any given time I don’t know how I could enjoy myself. Even in LFR if I die I can step away momentarily and I’m not immediately kicked/failed out of the run.

Just gonna do 15s, pug whatever raid I feel like when I feel like, do WQs and random PVP when the mood takes me. Same thing I do now and enjoy with my cool-looking Kyrian mog. If the mood takes me to actually raid again for some reason, I’ll do that too. That’s more a personal life consideration than a “raiding is good” consideration for me.

In none of this does the consideration of Covenant impact me beyond the concern that meta lemmings will insist that my Covenant get nerfed to death or be made unfun because some kid got mad in some raid somewhere. I push my own keys and only do 10s/15s (whatever the box one is) and never higher. I only pug whatever the easy stuff is as mood strikes me (so heroic/easy Mythic bosses). I only PVP whenever I wanna stomp Horde. In all of these things, my skill as a player is far more than enough of an edge over lemmings following some guide that’s ‘better’ on paper for them. The content is itself neither hard nor demanding either and I do it when I feel like it so I enjoy it.

So yeah nah try-hards can cry that they can’t change out a Covenant to better do a +28 but does that really matter? To them, sure, but not to me in my weekly +15. Oh I’m sure Doublejump the DH and Portalspec the fire mage care as they post “BIG PUMPERS ONLY” and demand minimum ilvls ahead of Mythic raid for theirs but not me. Their issues aren’t mine and Shadowlands looks great to me.

Bless you Papa Ion. Keep those haters in their box.