Who is gonna do more than one type of content in shadowlands?

I will be doing m+, heroic and mythic bosses as well as casual pvp as Necrolord spriest.

I am asking this because there’s a big number of wannabe elitists who pretend that because people wont get to change their covenant to be optimal at everything, they just wont do other content.

There are posters who unironically said that because a person chose the more heavy single target raid covenant ability they wont be doing m+ because clearly nobody will invite them if they dont have the m+ ability and these people are gonna lose a huge part of the gearing process which is m+.

Which I call bs clearly because we all know people will do m+ and players with sub optimal aoe covenants will still do m+ because you simply cant ignore that huge part of the gear process.

I am going necrolords and get unholy nova which is a very good AoE abillity, that means my strengths would be AoE while my weakness would be pure ST damage, that wont stop me from doing raids or even keys during tyranical or casual pvp.

Ion quite clearly stated that you are MEANT to have strengths and weaknesses, which is exactly why covenants are locked and it seems conduits will be semi locked as well, you arent meant to be optimal at everything.


I don’t think I’ll do M+ again. I hate it and it’s not for me.

I love raiding, questing, and casual PvP. :slight_smile:


Yeah that is an understandable perference, was mostly targeting the crowd that is going “Oh no! I dont have the optimal m+ covenant cuz I chose the ST raid covenant, I am now unable to do m+ D:” xD

Did you out yourself as someone who pays for carries?


I suppose that this doesn’t impact me much, since I’m not a competitive player. I wouldn’t mind them just scrapping the covenant abilities altogether tbh. Right now, it just looks like a bunch of hullabaloo about something that’s not even permanent or interesting.


You mean how I bought a m15 on my recently 120 mage that was 380 ilvl?

Yes I will always buy such gear boosts for new characters that are miles behind ilvl from my main as a catch up, but hey, we both know you dont care about reasons, you want to pretend that if you ever buy a boost no matter what reason it is bad, sorry to break it to you, but it isnt ;^)

So, why should anyone listen to you if its clear you just buy your carries?


Oh look, another trolling thread from Ralph. How original.


Cuz I clearly understand the game better than you since you werent able to comprehend what i said xD

I’ll be doing M+ and raids because it’s what I enjoy, the maw and torghast I’ll only be doing if it’s a mandatory chore for progression and I’ll be doing as little of them as necessary.

Why are you trashing other people’s playstyles?
Sounds more like you’re bring elitist towards people that want help with their damage. Not everyone is amazing at their class right off the bat and they need all the help they can get in all of the content they plan on doing.
Quit being a toxic wannabe elitist


I’m probably gonna try to get back into PvP since that’s my favorite part of the game… but I’ll probably end up doing it casually like I did through Legion and BfA.

I absolutely hate both getting into M+ and doing M+ so I’ll try to avoid that like the plague. Besides that, I have my fingers crossed I’ll find a new guild and can get back into heroic raiding.

And please don’t make this about covenants, Ralph. I was quite enjoying the topic you presented until I realized it’s about covenant choice restriction again…

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I’m thinking I might just have to roll a class I intend to do pvp with and one I want to do pve with unless I get lucky and just happen to be one of the classes with most powerful ability in my chosen covenant

By the looks of it rogue is a green light because necro lord seems best for everything and I wanted to go necrolord on my rogue anyways and my DK is just going to have the extremely hard choice between venthyr and necrolord

If I can do pve on my rogue I’ll be going necro on my dk too so I can just him as a PvP lord

I think I’m going to end up having one class for pve progression and the rest of them as BG lords

I’ll be doing questing and leveling up.

Ion clearly stated that you are supposed to have strengths and weaknesses, not be optimal at everything by changing at every new encounter, that is how the RPGs are meant to work.

Your playstyle of “I want to be optimal at everything” isnt valid anymore and it is getting removed from the game, feel free to leave as well : )

im sure ill do a bit of everything. i really dont think the covenant choices are gonna make or break anything as much as people fear.

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There is only one type of content you silly sausages…

The collection of mounts! Find that virtual horsey TODAY!


Suddenly your take on covenants makes a lot more sense.

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Yeah you’re right, screw people that want to play as best as they can in different content. How dare they want to play their class well.

Also, my playstyle? I never said anything about my playstyle.
Nice job trying to attack me over having empathy for people that want/need help with their class.

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I know right, when you see players pretend they cant do content they arent optimal by saying stuff like:

It says a lot about them, in WoW you can do m+ and even mythic raids as any spec, so in shadowlands you will be able to do m+ and even mythic raids as any covenant/spec combo.

The issue is the community of wannabe elitists who have no idea how the game works and try to pretend that if something isnt optimal it is garbage which is a false statement.

If the game aint designed for you, it aint designed for you.

It is like speedrunners whining that a single player isnt made to accommodate them xD

The more tryhards leave, the better for the game.

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