Who is gonna do more than one type of content in shadowlands?

Branching out past the paid carries next expansion? Bravo!

If I don’t enjoy the game, I’m not going to keep subbed just for a chatroom experience. Not when Discord exists and I can play stuff with the other people I enjoy.

But I don’t want the game to go that route. I’d love nothing more than to be addicted to this game as much as I was back in Wrath, but at this point I’ll settle for Blizzard not actively making the game worse.

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You are talking to tryhard who are literally gonna suffer through content they hate because someone told them they need to be “optimal” else they are “bad”

That is why you see so many negative and hateful posts, people are so addicted to WoW they are unable to leave even when the game clearly isnt fun for them.

Let’s hope now that they are making being a meta slave imposisble, because their only hope to achieve that would be to level 4 of each but more importantly GEAR 4 of each in a far slower gear reward environment since you can no longer spam 10-20m+ to get good gear with only 1 reward per m+

Most tryhards arent gonna do that so if they leave, it is for the better for the game and for themselves.

Either way I am expecting a lot of ragequitting from the high end community in shadowlands so Im stocking up on pop corn

I dunno, I worry what the result of a mass quit spree would be but it doesn’t really matter to me since if wow dies there’s private servers :slight_smile:

Shouldnt worry, they said the same for when they removed master looter and the game is still huge.

Plus due to the nature of mmorpgs, any new expac brings a huge wave of people, most of them always leave after the first few months, happens at all mmorpg.

The goal is to retain as much as you can of that wave, some high end tryhards ragequitting while more casuals rpg lovers staying because the game has decent RPG elements FINALLY as well as fun solo activities like torghast more than likely make shadowlands a success.

And if you can upgrade pvp gear to a high ilvl the random bg casual pvp community will also become bigger than the disaster we have now.

I get queues for FF, I don’t get queues for Warcraft.
Huge indeed.

Well we shouldn’t be making game design around people who don’t want to do stuff, it should be made around people that do want to do stuff

Like you know; play the game

Are their (I made this phrase up) Queue trigger numbers the same? Blizz could nuke the amount of players that cause a Queue so 20 players on the server means there’s a Q time or jack it up so 100 million players DON’T cause a Q.

So I would like to know each games Queue Trigger.

I’m really surprise anyone can make of this new system coming. It looks like pot luck system to me. That take at least a year to fix once it out.

Friend it’s like I start reading your threads and I’m like “yeah I can get behind thi…oh no”


But what if they only don’t want to do stuff because they don’t enjoy the way it’s designed?

(please don’t say quit :rofl: )

You always had the ability to never change anything. What you want is no one else to be able

Would you say it’s a bad thing if that happens?

I’ll either maintain 2 warriors or be miserable

That is an excellent point, let me dig and find out.
I am seeing estimates of 4500 for WoW (full servers) aaaaand Final Fantasy handles 5k per Yoshi.

So give or take 500.

FF is one of the few where the devs were like “YEAH WE CAN HOLD THIS MANY BRO!”

If what happens? They quit?

brb let me log onto my aoe warrior :rofl:

For retail? Seems pretty low.

No is it bad for the overall game if you don’t want to do things because of the way their implemented

Realistically I will be doing 99% Mythic+ Dungeons unless they have changed something about either that or raiding.

Just not worth raiding below Mythic when Mythic+ exists in its current form.

Not really, keep in mind most players are not on all at once, that is assuming the point before you hit a queue.

M+ now dropping only one piece of gear might mean raiding might also be worth doing since % of getting rewards is somewhat similar instead of being showered by rewards at almost every m+