Who is gonna do more than one type of content in shadowlands?

I have enough alts to had all my content need cover

The issue is imo the community, because many would accuse anyone for not playing meta that you are ‘gimping yourself’ or ‘dragging down the team’ which of course are both false since the game is balanced to allow all specs to even do mythic, their issue is they cant stack 5 fire mages for example even though that shouldnt be happening anyway.

This whole thing didnt start because someone decided to whine about people not having fun, they started it by pushing meta on everyone below them, and even if Preach understands not everyone is like that, not trying to fix that part of the community is only increasing the problems.

It is why I feel covenants wouldn’t be locked if the community wasn’t so ignorant in their worshipping of guides and meta.

Eh. Makes the droprate comparable (as it probably should have been from the start), but completing an M+ run is much more reliable than clearing raid bosses.

There’s very few cases where an appropriately geared group won’t at least finish the dungeon (barring people leaving because it won’t increase their io score to finish 10 minutes slower). Raids are another story. They involve mechanical progression for most people. Learning the fights. And in the pug world, there will always be people learning. Raids will be comparable when fully on farm by a guild, but not really before that.

I’ll be raiding on my mage and doing keys on my DK.

I enjoy parsing in raids so I’ll be going with whatever is best for that environment on my mage despite my heavy preference for the Night Fae.

The DK will be going Venthyr for mythic +. The teleport will facilitate some interesting skips that will save a lot of time and the class ability isn’t half bad either.

Thankfully its very simple for me. I play WoW for M+. I enjoy raiding and do it with my guild once or twice a week, but its very much a secondary concern for me. I refuse to ever PvP. Questing is nothing more than a hoop I have to jump through in the first week of the expansion and then forget about.

I’ll have three toons that will each choose whichever covenant gives them an edge in M+, and my performance anywhere else, be that raid, open world, Torghast, whatever, will be what it is and I’ll just have to be okay with that. At the moment that’s looking like Kyrian for the Paladin and possibly the Monk as well. For the Druid… I’m really not sure yet.

does mythic+ and lfr count as two things…

that’s probably what i’ll do.

and world questing and professions. love me some professions and gathering type stuff


Ralph is anything but mute.

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Yet to see one of those overpowered skips in beta, everyone keeps memeing about venthyr allowing for OP skips but dungeons are available in beta right now and nobody has found any huge skips that would make venthyr OP in that context.

Venthyr is just an overhyped ability cuz a tryhard said “You gotta be trolling if you arent playing venthyr” and the meta slaves took it to heart and keep repeating it like mantra.

Yeah he did a while ago

It’s an mmo it’s a zero sum game. I want to compete on an equal level with others having skill decide who is better. It’s really not that hard of a concept.

The hilarious thing is that you think people will accept suboptimal covs to high tier content all this is going to do is increase the barrier to entry.

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They’re not super broken. They are, however, useful skips.

It’ll be handy to have–especially if you don’t have a rogue. We did have invis pots but apparently those invoke the 5 minute CD on all other potions in SL so… yeah…

The ability for DKs is especially good just for getting around though. DKs are super slow, after all. Currently my DK is incredibly addicted to lightfoot potions but I’m not sure that’ll carry on into SL with the potion changes either.

I will probably do less content if my chosen covenant isn’t good for it. Why? Not because people won’t invite me but because it ruins my enjoyment of that content to feel like I’m holding others back. I’ve already felt like that in BFA playing a Holy Priest in M+.

I will do what I’ve always done: RP and enjoy PvP. I want to dip my toes into the content enough to experience it (LFR and Heroic dungeons), but I’ve never been a Mythic pusher or hardcore player. I just enjoy the game at a pace where I’m comfortable.

I’ll do professions, Loremaster and Diplomat for sure. I’ve been doing those regularly since WotLK. How much more usually depends on how good the xpac is.

I won’t do M+ unless I have to. I get so bored of running the same 15 min dungeons, that I start falling asleep before I’m done gearing in heroics. Torghast looks like it’s likely to fall into this category as well.

I’ll do heroic or mythic raids if the xpac is good though. How far I get depends on my luck in finding a good group to run with. Communities help, but I’m still likely to get bored of WoW before Blizzard unlocks the server requirement on mythic. Though, at the moment I’m inclined to create “No Meta” runs just to annoy all the people that think you can’t be successful unless you’re playing the meta.

Sometimes I’ll do PvP… well regular BGs anyway. I tried a little rated again this xpac and just didn’t enjoy it. I just don’t enjoy competition much.

I haven’t planned out my covenants though. I’ve got a good stable of characters, but I’m not sure if I have ones to cover both Venthir and Necrolords. I’ll find out when I play through it the first time; I’m not going to spoil it for myself.