Who is gonna do more than one type of content in shadowlands?

You still can’t do it all at once, I could even change talents back as far as BC to fit the content I needed to do

This system in its current state is just locking you out of a talent row, which happens to be the talent row with all the best stuff

This has a lot of negative impacts depending on how much of the game you consume, if you do PvP this is also amplified to be much worse

The problem is I’ll still be able to move my builds around but I’ll be locked into one large part of it

I feel like we should be having the freedom to move around with builds and no be shoe horned into the best builds for our respective covenant for a whole expansion

New drinking game. Any time Ralph starts a new thread about “elitists, mid maxers, meta slaves or toxic” you take a drink. If you hate yourself take a drink everytime he uses these words. Though disclaimer you are likely to have liver failure by the end of the thread.


More like liver failure by the time you finish reading his initial wall of text.

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If I am given a decision that has a major impact on my character, in not only gameplay but in story and aesthetic as well, then I shouldn’t be able to simply swap that decision around on a whim. That’s the long and the short of it. You can swap talents around, but these aren’t really talents. They provide a few new abilities, but the implications are much broader than that as well. If people don’t want RPG elements in the game, then this is probably the wrong game to be playing. That’s perfectly fine. There are plenty of amazing games out there where every player is given the same toolkit and has access to optimal skills for any situation imaginable. That’s not what and RPG is, though.


Sorry, but you’re either in the Mages Guild or the Telvanni wizards, not both. Hope to see Blizzard stand their ground with their choice on having RPG elements.

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Don’t tell me this is the wrong game for me to be playing when we’ve never had a system in the games history like this

I’ve also never seen a hard lock system like this in any other MMORPG

There has anyways been the option to experiment with new builds

You may have a slightly more narrow scope for changing builds too because you don’t seem to pvp, but being a pvp for my whole career I know the impact of having to move different builds around.

Also incase you haven’t looked at my profile I am playing a completely off meta spec whilst the OP preaching all this is playing a Meta spec with 1 talent different

does ralph fill some type of token role that blizzard is just afraid to punish?

it’s seriously about conspiracy time

Ill try a lot of different game modes and see what resonates, right now I am playing a lot of DOTA2 they have a rogue like game mode, if torghast does it well will probably do that. Also there is the weekly guild raid. probably an M+ too mostly solo though, it all depends what there is to do… might get to max level and quit if its like BFA patch 1.

I’m almost under the impression they’ve got the data on who spends the most money on the game and are building around those people in order to max out the cash they get

I swear there must be people busting out their wallets to buy carries like no tomorrow or something along those lines so they try to make it as hard as they can for them to get into content so they will buy tokens to get money to buy carries

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I think Ralph is just a genuinely good troll. He always toes the line of what is and isn’t allowed.

Never too inflammatory to get banned, but just inflammatory to get 100+ posts to any thread he makes.

The real conspiracy theory is that he never seems to actually revel in the attention he gets, like almost every troll. He could argue with people (like myself, ngl I just like arguing) for literal hours, but he blocks anyone who doesn’t actively agree with him, which leads me to think that he doesn’t see himself as a troll, but genuinely believes in what he’s posting.

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Here we go again. I plan to do as much as i possibly can.

If you guys decide to not do “competitive” content I can tell you that wow is quite enjoyable when you just derp around all day with no pressing objectives :slight_smile:

Login, crack some jokes in chat, maybe do a dungeon or WQ, it’s good times not having chores or “must do’s”.

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Well said sir once again like always!

I have people I talk to in real life for that content

I can also multitask and do things like talk and crack jokes whilst in waist deep in monster blood

Why do you think those two are mutually exclusive?

Do you think that people who raid or push M+ actively dislike the people they play with?

I was saying nothing of the sort, only that if Blizz has designed the game in a way in which you don’t enjoy then all hope isn’t lost, you can just not do the content anymore and come and hold W+Insert and do loop-de-loops with Ruggi :rofl:

Enjoying the game play and enjoying people in the game aren’t even in the same realm

In fact if the game play is punishing enough that people get frustrated enough to quit your friend circle will start to evaporate

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Me, always have. One will be my main focus, the other i will be dedicated to nut not the sole reason I play wow.

That’s the thing, it doesn’t have to be punishing. I’m not doing any content I don’t want to do. Someone said the maw won’t allow mounts, probably won’t go there, won’t do M+ either, I’ll just work on professions and do random dungeons and work on BFA cheeves or something.

This is YOUR daily dose of Ralph.

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