Who is gonna do more than one type of content in shadowlands?

I always do all types of content on many characters and different specs.

However, the last 2 expansions have made that very difficult and unfun to do. Here’s to hoping Shadowlands will break that trend.

i plan on doing mythic plus in shadowlands

maybe start pet battles, always wanted to do those

and some erp on the side

but other than those two i dunno

I have a feeling I will spend most of my time running screaming through Torghast and the Maw trying to collect all the things without dying so I can craft all the things.

I really hope torghast remains fun and replayable at every patch, it is such a great idea and love solo challenges we can push forward as any spec.

People are not asking to change covenants for class abilities . We want them taken out of the covenants and made into actual class talents.

You know when you are in game and you press N and your talent tree comes up .

By the way how many of these pathetic troll threads do you have to make a week to get the attention you seem to need.

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Ralph thinks since he doesn’t have to try why should anyone else.

Ralph"s Mantra : Why try when I can buy.

Just for this fact alone is opinion is mute.


“Elitist ruin the game.”
“If you need help, the game isn’t for you.”
Sounds like you need to stop being a toxic elitist.

How about people with medical issues that play the game, I guess just screw them for needing help, right?

Clearly you do not understand how to communicate with other people, if you did not understand my point. I was not discussing the game. Read before you type please.


It isn’t even min-maxing because these people want to be good at everything. I don’t understand why people hate the strengths/weaknesses dynamic. This is an RPG. You shouldn’t be optimal at everything.

He might block you to continue his echo chamber

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We don’t mind the strength/weakness idea, no one wants to be able to have everything in one kit

We should have builds that are better than others - however if we are designing the game with that intent in mind we should be able to change around to accomodate what we are going to be doing

Hey if solo challenges is something you like MMORPGS might not be for you . Might want to quit and play a single player game like a fps.

Nah I agree with him on this

The game should have a decent single player experience in one form or another

That’s fine, watching my cat trying to steal treats is more entertaining.

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Me neither, it is clear they have no idea how RPGs are meant to work, that is a hallmark of rpgs, people can specialize in something, or be jack of all trades master of none and then the group is supposed to be build around them.

Instead we see people try to build around each situation and that thankfully is slowly being moved away from, there’s a reason you cant change gear in m+

Imagine being so desperate you try to use disabled people to defend elitists, clearly hopeless so gonna be ignoring

You do know we can search your name in armory so we can find your server and ignore you right? making the profile private doesnt stop that, just saying this before i ignore you since you clearly keep posting in bad faith while having no idea how the game works.

If you can freely change things around so that you no longer have those weaknesses, then they are no longer weaknesses. If I have made a decision that sacrifices AOE performance for ST performance, but I can easily change that whenever I know there is a need for AOE in whatever I am about to do, then I haven’t really made a choice and there is no real weakness.


I to think it should have some good single player stuff too .

However he does like to use if you don’t play his way this game is not for you and he does like to remind people this is a mmorpg that is meant to be played with others.

Did you know announcing who you are ignoring is considered a form of trolling?

Exactly, me choosing Necrolord on spriest means my AoE will be rly strong, but single target wont be as good.

And that is a choice I have to live with, that is what making choices means.

If you changed to necrolord for m+ and venthyr for raids then there would be 0 choice.

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Imagine being so desperate that you try to shame someone for being inclusive.
Unsurprising though, considering you’re also the same person that implied that Chinese trans people don’t matter.
Quit being a toxic elitist.