I’m saying you don’t.
Its always is about power. Everything is a crisis for them except Southern border.
Vaccines prep the immune system to deal with a virus, they are not a magical shield that 100% eliminates the possibility of getting it. To be most effective you need a certain percentage of the population immunized so that there is not a large free breeding ground for it to grow in and mutate, as the mutations may move in a way to make the vaccine less effective. Plus with more people unvaccinated and seemingly deciding to make proven medical knowledge about risk mitigation into a political issue it increases the exposure as well, it’s just percentages, with enough exposure the more rolls of the dice the disease gets to infect someone vaccinated or not.
http s://usafacts.org/visualizations/covid-vaccine-tracker-states/state/massachusetts
Mass is over 60% fully vaccinated and yet 3/4 of positives are from the vaccinated…
And the states with below 50% vaccination rates are having much higher rates of hospitalization than states with higher percentages. Like Mass is at a 49% rise but Louisiana is at a 169% increase. So yeah, there’s an outlier in MA but the worse cases are in low vaccinated states.
Doesn’t say percentage of vaxxed or unvaxxed in that article. As I said, people coming to my hospital are vaccinated.
Always amuses me. It’s all absolutes for these folks.
Why do I need to wear a mask if vaccines work?
If I can still get sick, why bother with a vaccine?
Why are you so scared, didn’t you get the vaccine?
In simple terms that a WoW player might understand, vaccines and masks are like tank CDs and gear. None of them outside of divine shield will completely prevent damage, and any one of them on their own usually isn’t enough. it’s better to stack on as many as you can, good gear, good stats, and proper use of CDs.
It’s like saying if armor works, why use Shield of the Rightous?
If Shield of the righteous works, why wear armor?
Why are you concerned about getting one-shot, if you are wearing armor?
You should read my link earlier on herd immunity, but the issue at hand is efficacy. The drug was released by the government, not the FDA so we haven’t gone through peer review that’s usually required to market drugs by the FDA. In the past, drugs not going through the peer review process that were released caused significant tragedy (see thalidomide). Without peer review any efficacy statement is based on assumption, it’s not a given at all we’ll be affecting the transmission of the disease meanwhile people are reporting strong reactions and even dying from the vaccine.
I know you’d like to paint anyone in disagreement as an anti-vaxxer because that’s what the government wants you to do but the discussion isn’t about whether vaccination programs have been effective instead whether the cure is worse than the disease in this instance.
It’s always a risk/benefit analysis for everything.
Are there people who may have died from the vaccine? Seems like much of the VAERS stuff is just unverified self-reporting, but there might be some.
Are there people who have died from COVID? Yeah, a whole lot of them.
Do vaccines work? It’s been proven that they do work to varying degrees by various governments and experts.
Does horse dewormer paste work? Doesn’t seem like it does, even if it’s been touted to by some people, but if I had to gamble between horse dewormer paste or some vaccines the entire world worked together to create and encourages…
Well I’ll take my chances with the one that probably works.
According to your article, Florida is the 4th most vaccinated state and yet at a 123% increase.
And that’s your right. If it makes you feel more secure, I’m happy for you. I prefer to not take my chances with it and that’s my right.
Be that as it may, it is not helping our situation.
Whether you acknowledge it or not, it is the truth.
74% of covid positives in Mass are vaccinated. I am doing my part in not spreading the virus.
They’ve done experiments that indicated there may be some benefit to the vaccines which was the basis of the emergency authorization by the government, that’s what I listed from the CDER website. Without a full data review you don’t have the science so it’s not proven.
I was personally affected by a reaction leading to someone’s death which is a large part of why I question this process. Even the CDC lists a fair number of deaths excluding reactions due to unrelated conditions which were reported as part of the covid death statistics.
Veterinary medicines fall under the same umbrella but many remedies are marketed with ambiguous claims and are used for treatment outside the scope of their marketing so they don’t fall under drug efficacy laws. There is generally a difference in the level of scrutiny that they receive compared to human medicines unless there is some cause for audit.
While it may not have gone through the full process, it is not just the government throwing stuff at the wall like someone was doing with bleach injections and aquarium cleaners. They have gone through testing and shown efficacy and safety, otherwise they would not be eligible for the emergency use authorization.
Not sure where you got that from, but from a chart just on vaccination rates, if you include one dose Florida is at #9, and for fully vaccinated it’s down in the 20s with a 48.something% total.
Of cases in Provincetown MA.
And? That’s a lot of positive cases in the vaccinated.
What have you been doing to contribute to viral spread mitigation?
Just because vaccinated individuals are also getting infected and spreading the infection doesn’t magically mean you have been mitigating disease spread. And just because they have been getting infected and spreading doesn’t mean they haven’t been contributing.
You have to actively be doing things.
Personally, I am vaccinated and have not stopped wearing my N95s and still limit my outings.
Well I had a head cold a week ago (you know, those things that existed before covid) so I stayed home from work until I was better. I wear a mask at work. I wash my hands. I take care of my health.
I read this and saw it as a good thought experiment as to why it seems people are still dying, despite being vaccinated.
It’s pretty interesting and I think there may be some truth to it.
This was the basis given for release on the linked CDER page.
Here is link from earlier in the conversation on herd immunity.