I just got my 1st vaccine yesterday and am super excited about getting it and helping to get things back to normal. Anyone else feel the same way?
Very happy here! I had some bad run ins with pneumonia as a kid, I do NOT care to go through that mess again.
I haven’t gotten mine yet but am looking forward to it! In all honesty, I am not worried for my personal health. I’ve survived cancer, so the only thing that scares me is a bullet. But what DOES worry me is the thought that I could pick it up and spread it to someone more at risk than I. So yeah, I definitely want that vaccine!
who knows when I am going get a vaccine. I’ll be happy once I take this stupid mask off for good.
right there with you. I know i am watching texas with hope that they dont get into trouble and we all have to turn around with harder lock downs
Texas can do whatever they want to do. President Biden can’t do anything about it.
Not even a matter if IF you want it there are many places that will prevent entry or even travel if you don’t have a ‘vaccine card’… so excitement isn’t the word its more mandate.
Along with Florida, Alabama and Mississippi
i mean, i’m not particularly excited about receiving any kind of vaccine, but that’s mostly because i usually get sick afterwards. that being said, i got my first round of the covid dose today.
Redneck states
hope its going well for you
i have a low-grade fever and some body aches, nothing too serious. enough for me to work from home today, though
good to hear. my arm hurt for a couple of days then I got super tired.
They handled cvoid19 much better than NY and California.
My arm hurt for the first two days on the first shot. I told my sister it felt like hamburger. After she got hers, she said she understood what I meant. On the second does, it only really hurt the first day, 2nd day I felt a little tired and a bit dizzy. But nothing worse that say, typical PMS.
My parents didn’t have any symptoms at all. They got Pfzier, I got Moderna.
Absolutely not. I got the call from work saying there was one available and I politely declined. He laughed it off, apparently a lot of people are declining.
If it becomes mandatory, I will have to look at other options, but there is far too much funny business involved with the whole thing.
Good for you though. I know the people that want it feel very relieved once they got it.
Just curious by what funning business are you seeing?
Coverups, fudging data, and ignoring data. Plus, the makers of the vaccines won’t even let their product into countries until the respective government passes laws preventing lawsuits related to side effects, etc.
Finland actually developed their own vaccine more than seven months ago, but were denied it’s use because it interfered with Big Pharma profits.
Gonna get it as soon as I can. Been staying holed up for over a year at this point and want to be done with that ASAP.
Not too worried about potential side effects. Seeing what covid has done to people in my circles who are both younger and in better physical condition than I am, I doubt any side effect could be worse than what covid is capable of, especially since I’ve been a bit sickly my entire life (though thankfully, that has improved in the past decade) and grew up with smoking parents.
That varies wildly between socal and norcal (I’m in the latter). The tech companies around here went full WFH weeks before any state gov did anything and over a month before any state took it seriously. As a result the number of cases was seriously curbed and our peaks are lower than many other areas’ valleys.
Always worrying when people on the internet, who could be anyone, claim to be a medical professional and spout misinformation that their peers would baulk at.
This is why I dislike a lot of what the internet has done, and the anonymity it brings.