Who is excited to get the covid vaccine?

CDC is not my doctor. I am still waiting on that data for why do we need to mask up again.

It’s evidence based, what’s not to believe?
Besides, people will believe almost anything; chem trails, Q is more than an internet troll, big foot, Trump won the election, the Loch Ness Monster, …


What the hell kind of response is this? Are you saying that the CDC knows nothing about medicine, or disease transmission? Please tell me you’re not actually implying that you know more about mitigating the effects of a virus more than the CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL does.

Because infection cases are rising again and masks have been shown to reduce the spread of disease. I feel like a broken record, we say this like every four to five months.

Wearing a mask is not a big inconvenience. I wear one for 10 hours a day, five days a week at work. Just freaking wear one and stop throwing a fit about ‘muh freedums’.


If a narcissistic racist liar with a history of destroying legitimate small businesses just to feed his ego who claimed to be genetically superior to “common people” and was a coward who dodged the draft is your idea of “perfect” then I guess that’s just your opinion.

But if you still believe that he got more legitimate votes than Biden at this point, you are simply deluded.

Trump has never had a dog, or any pet. Anything that could attract attention away from him is not welcome in his world.


I trust CDER more than CDC, both have their political points but CDER takes responsibility for drug safety and efficacy.
“FDA may, pursuant to a determination and declaration by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, authorize an unapproved product or unapproved uses of an approved product for emergency use. In issuing an EUA, the FDA must determine, among other things, that the product may be effective in diagnosing, treating, or preventing a serious or life-threatening disease or condition caused by a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agent; that the known and potential benefits outweigh the known and potential risks for the product; and that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. Emergency use authorization is NOT the same as FDA approval or licensure. EUAs do not remain in effect indefinitely”

This is my issue right here, a political decision to release the vaccines before FDA approval.

To snowflakes he was controversial. He said what most people wanted to about the fake news.

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Guess I can post youtube videos after all, just not links.


I enjoyed that he said what was on his mind but I felt he should have ignored a lot of what he responded to when the media went against him. It’s funny how media’s response to people catching on about their manipulations is to double down rather than back off.

NGL, I listened to every word he said the last year. And there’s a reason he gained 10s of millions of legitimate votes from 2016.

Did the vaccine work? If so, then I don’t wear a mask since I am full vaccinated. If the vaccine didn’t work, then I wasted my time to get it. The people who didn’t get the vaccine because the CDC kept changing their stand on covid. Plus you have this.

You can see why no one is trusting the CDC.

This is my state graph https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/Connecticut
While there some increase of this covid but death rate are still low. Only one person died from covid in my state…and yet my governor may bring back mask mandate even though my state is one the most vaccinated. It never about the science, it always about power.

In other words, “wear your mask sheep”.


I like the way all the plague rats act like the fact that they disease is running rampant and mutating in unvaccinated people has started another surge is the fault of the people trying to protect themselves and others and get past this pandemic as fast as possible.

Also completely not surprised they’re supportive of the wanna-be authoritarian dictator and complaining about losing bigly to a better candidate, not that that was a particularly high bar.


Exactly. We could have 100% vaccination rates and they would still recommend masks.

The delta variant developed in India, are you saying that people in America not taking the vaccine in some way caused the mutation of the virus?

https ://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/07/30/cdc-study-shows-74percent-of-people-infected-in-massachusetts-covid-outbreak-were-fully-vaccinated.html?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=Main&utm_source=Twitter&__twitter_impression=true

Wow, this is the most awesome post in here! Thank you for speaking truth to insanity.


Caused it no, currently spreading it, yes.

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If the vaccine is effective they’re just spreading it amongst themselves, if it’s not effective then everyone is spreading it.

I’ve been vaccinated for other stuff for over 40 years now: no side effects.

Maybe quit believing fear prawn about vaccines.


I have as well, for approved vaccines. This is not one of those.

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So what you’re saying is that you don’t know how vaccines work?