In depth review of data stops people from misrepresenting statistics, which isn’t always intentional as people plug in a data series and print out the results and claim hypothesis proven on a 60% correlation because a student t-test says the means are comparable. Thalidomide was in use for some time, even available as an OTC before they discovered it was a teratogen. I’m thankful the FDA stopped approval in the US despite political pressure, they had received approval in Europe and even went through full clinical trials which turned out to be flawed when they reviewed the packet.
There are reasons that drug discovery is a very involved process. A new drug application averages 20 years and generics 2 years from inception to market. Vaccines are different but you’re still looking at an unapproved drug that currently has questionable efficacy and an observed mortality rate. Why shouldn’t I worry? Politicians making public health decisions like this is not a good idea.
I have my shots but I keep seeing articles about fully vaccinated people getting Covid in spite of it all. I’m thinking it must be sort of like the flu, as in even when you have the flu vac each year, you can still get the flu… because the vac only protects you against the previous strain or something to that effect, but you’re still more protected with the vac than without it.
When you Obama’s ex Doctor had demanded that President Biden to take Cognitive Fitness, I would take bit serious. What’s the worst case? He’s resigns and you get the 1st female president. Sure she would suck at her job but hey, you be in historical moment right?
you still get covid even if you’re vaccinated. it doesn’t get rid of covid completely. I know there some leaders out there their goal to have zero covid cases which that will never happen. Those who vaccinated will be fine, those aren’t are one ones who will suffer.
The problem is the virus reproduces quickly, thus mutates quickly, and with a large population of people not taking precautions and not being vaccinated it gives the virus a fertile ground to mutate in. At least so far while people are getting the disease after a vaccinataion, they’re not getting really sick from it. But again, as long as we don’t have widespread vaccination everywhere, there’s no telling when a new strain that’s not stopped by the current vaccines will develop.
Well, I mean I don’t like it because it’s blatant BS that is only helpful to a disease that’s killing a ton of people, not because my feelings are hurt by your wrongness.
I’ll just listen to the experts in the field who talk about it rather than just chat up whoever. I mean, for some reason there seem to be no shortage of nurses who have decided they know better than virologists and basic training about contamination and how respiratory diseases spread who are outraged too.
Because there’s not some evil conspiracy forcing us into these situations. It’s a bunch of idiots who refuse to show the minimum amount of concern for their fellow humans to stop the spread of a deadly disease, or even protect themselves with a free vaccine that’s safe and effective, but not perfect protection from it.
Indeed, but since there’s all these plague rats around I still take precautions when out, and as I have been vaccinated, even if I catch it it will reproduce slower than it would in an unvaccinated host making it less likely to spread that way.