Who is excited to get the covid vaccine?

They are not the primary vectors, it is the unvaccinated.

You are not winning any argument against me; I’ve already provided date indicating the vaccines aren’t as effective against the newer variants.

Your angle that because vaccinated people can get sick and transmit the virus they are the ones to blame is pathetic.

Also, you’re just gaslighting again. Congratulations.

I’m not blaming anyone, that was you blaming only the unvaccinated. I am saying vaccinated and unvaccinated are spreading it.

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Unvaccinated people are contributing to the continued spread of the virus.

Vaccinated people are actively contributing to the mitigation of that spread.

This. Isn’t. Difficult. To. Understand.


No they’re not as they are testing positive as well.

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I’ll leave this here as I believe it applies to this

Although I question it if they weren’t able to test before hand.

Perhaps they were just less intelligent to begin with?

Makes cents with your replies.

Good luck without your vaccination.

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I’m sorry you got covid in the past. I haven’t despite working with covid patients every day.

Yep, makes sense

Ah, more projection.

Also, I have not had covid. I’m doing my best not to get it, including vaccines and N95s.

Oh you didn’t link the article about you?

Do they pay you by the hour to troll?

Serious question.


Project much?

Gaslighting is a colloquialism for a specific type of manipulation where the manipulator is successful in having the target question their own reality, memory or perceptions.

Sealioning is a type of trolling or harassment that consists of pursuing people with persistent requests for evidence or repeated questions, while maintaining a pretense of civility and sincerity. It may take the form of “incessant, bad-faith invitations to engage in debate”

bugger off my dude


Alright let’s go over the facts. Vaccinated are testing positive. Asymptomatic spread is still a thing, according to you. Therefore, unvaccinated and vaccinated are spreading this.

Even your leader’s former staff says it’s the unvaccinated people who are furthering this.

Vaccinated are testing positive.
Asymptomatic spread is still a thing, according to the WHO and the CDC.
Therefore, unvaccinated and vaccinated can spread this.

Vaccinated seem to test positive at a much lower rate, this is not confirmed by sufficient data as far as I know, but it does seem logical as, although vaccinations do not offer complete immunity, they do offer partial immunity and as well as making infections less sever almost eliminating hospitalizations and deaths, they do also prevent infection in most but not nearly all cases.

The other side of that argument is obviously that those who do become infected despite being vaccinated are more likely to be asymptomatic and thus less likely to take precautions like distancing and masking.

However, it is axiomatic due to the politicization of the issue in the US that those who are unvaccinated already tend to be predisposed to ignore precautions like distancing and masking, and often even testing.

Meanwhile the propensity to mutate is muted by high percentage vaccination, and the level of infection by geographical region seems to be statistically closely related to the percent of the population within the region who are vaccinated.

In summation: I don’t believe that facts, no matter how cherry picked or how unbiased, are going to change the minds of anybody posting on a game forum.


I have a big problem with this myself, as I saw the writing on the wall when June 15 rolled along and CA decided to abandon all their mitigation strategies.

The loss of the indoor mask mandate for the vaccinated may as well have been for everyone, regardless of vaccination status, based on what I saw.

My state is perhaps 50% fully vaccinated, and yet, a month ago, I saw almost nobody wearing masks inside stores. If indeed people were honest about this, there’s no way that would be the case. Keep in mind my local county/city was even lower than the state vaccination rate. There’s no way that every unmasked person in the store was vaccinated.

On top of that, most of my friends and relatives are vaccinated, and all of them continue to wear masks indoors because of what’s going on. So my guess is those predisposed towards not being vaccinated are also the same people predisposed towards lying about being vaccinated and not wearing a mask indoors.

Further implies that those who are vaccinated are trying harder to not get infected and spread the virus.

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CNN. Okay lmao

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Covid is here to stay thanks to China. We’re have to learn to live with it there no way that we can get rid of it.

I just watched the video where he supposedly said this. He was standing near a helicopter’s blades while reporters were asking him questions. A reporter shouted a question to him about immigration, and Biden shouted back “What what’s been what?” in a questioning way so that the reporter would repeat themselves, which she immediately did.

You can even see that he says that in the way that he moves his lips, even if you cant hear him clearly. Say “My butts been wiped” to yourself and take note of how your lips move. Do that a couple times, then watch the video of Joe saying that again. He doesnt make the right movements with his mouth for a ‘M’ or ‘B’ sound. Play it back on half speed so you can see it.

I dont even need to read your response to know this isnt going to change your mind though, because you’ve already decided that he’s talking about wiping his butt and no amount of evidence will budge you on that.

We’ve known he’s had a stutter since the literal 80’s, my dude. This was even a angle of Republican attacks on him when he ran for President back in '88 and '08. Go to Youtube and look up “Joe Biden opens up about stuttering”. That video was uploaded ELEVEN YEARS AGO.

Also its weird how Biden stumbling over his speech every so often is such a big deal to Republicans, but when every one of Trump’s speeches sound like someone threw a dictionary into a blender and put it up on the teleprompter for him to read, no one bats an eye. If you honestly look at Biden giving a speech and think he’s senile, then look at Trump giving one and think he’s fine, you’re being incredibly dishonest.

Covid is here to stay thanks to idiots who refuse to get vaccinated because they believe Alex Jones and facebook mommy bloggers over people whose literal job is stopping the spread of diseases.