Who else think PVP gearing is completely dumb?

or the 2400 geared players can all form a premade and then que into LFG battlegrounds to wreck shop while on discord against a bunch of fresh 60 pugs just looking to gather honor to gear up. if blizz things a premade of guildies all from the same server with 36k to 44k health deleting fresh 60 pugs is what pvp is all about, then the devs really need to have their craniums surgically removed from their hind ends

I would hate to see PvP gear that was useful in PvE.

Shadowlands is not the expac for you then. If you play any spec that values Vers (most tanks) your BIS gear comes from PvP.

Which is especially bad because most tanks aren’t viable in rated PvP to begin with, and design choices like covenants and Soul Ash mean PvPing as an offspec is harder than it should be.

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This so much please

the issue is that rbg rewards you with conquest gear, so everyone who abuses rbg for free 226 gears takes it into arena where they are hardstuck 1400 and sit there with there gear.

RBG’s shouldnt reward gear it should reward mounts/cosmetics/tittles and lots of honor

E x a c t l y. If horrible matchmaking and smurfing wasnt so prominent it would actually be great, but as it stands this makes getting any type of pvp gear upgrades after the first few weeks of the season almost impossible. I’ve been trying to gear for months on alts and I can barely get to 1400-1600 in RBG’sbecause of how often we go against just better geared temas, or just better geared/comped players in arenas.

Give us back gear scaling and make it so in a given rank there is a baseline for ilvl (so its bumped up to this baseline) and a cap (so players can’t smurf). For example 1400-1599 games give a baseline of 197Ilvl and a cap of 213. This would just make everything… so much nicer.

I have the same problem getting to 1600, at 1400 I was able to upgrade pvp gear to 207, whole team floats around 1550 now but after a couple wins our mmr puts us against team full of 1600+ rated team who all have 213 gear and we just lose due to being out geared. Sometimes they have people over 2k and 1800 rating.

Not sure we will see any drastic changes to the system this expansion, I think it could help if they added a few ranks similar to what they did for mythic gear. Right now conquest gear starts at 200 and can be upgraded with
1400: 207 gear
1600: 213 gear
1800: 220 gear
2100: 226 gear

Change the ranks to look like…
Base: 200 gear
1300: 203 gear
1400: 207 gear
1500: 210 gear
1600: 213 gear
1700: 216 gear
1800: 220 gear
1950: 223 gear
2100: 226 gear

It would help with the gear level disparity between brackets.


Its go hard or prepare to be prey. Don’t pvp unless you don’t mind being outpowered by players who do arena.

This is an MMO? Unless you’re playing on a PvP server, then I would say the instanced PvP is like a mini-game more akin to Call of Duty than an MMO.


My God…The amount of times I typed MoP or WoD vendors before release makes me wonder how my fingers haven’t fallen off. Blizzard was behaving arrogantly by ignoring the community questions about these new “vendors”. WoW Tokens are the lifeblood of World of Warcraft now…sadly. Anyone who loves these vendors are boosting and making tons of gold or dollars from it.

Meanwhile Stoopzz is droning on to his sheep about LFG; when he should be advocating for MoP or WoD vendors. Those vendors would eliminate much of the Gladiators in brackets boosting others and eliminate gear disparity.

Back in the day if it was a rough patch I would complaining about all I do is log on and run around just to log off…now it’s to the point where I’m hearing friends say they log on and struggle to hit enter world; most of the time logging off before they even do hit it…Blizzard should re-do that button to: Enter World of Tokens and Boosts; since they are crapping on their game and the special place inside our hearts we have for World of Warcraft.


You’re living in a dream world

I think it’s dumb that people are getting easier rating from rated BGs and then curbstomping people in 2s/3s because of the ilvl difference.

Been hovering around the 1600 mark for a bit and most players we come across are typically about 10k more health, sometimes more, than us. Most of my gear is upgraded to 213 (the appropriate level for this rating) so they are outgearing me, yet playing at the same rank as I am. That’s the part that I don’t really like.

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would be something easy to do?
226 30,000 honor points or 500 conquest
220 20,000 honor points or 300 conquest
and so …?

Its great at the start of a season.

It’s horrible if you’re late.

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SOOOOOO, your issue is with the ability for high ranked players to essentially smurf, and not with gearing in anyway?

I went in really liking it, but now the flaws are pretty clear. The gap is just too large.

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WoD style gearing won’t help unless they also remove ranks for gearing which I highly doubt.

I can hardly imagine them giving the best gear to even unranked players, much like how they put brackets on the valor upgrades.

WoD gearing will just take PvP gear out of PvE as far as I’m expecting.


You mad bro?

Nah, I love getting crushed by a 226 warlock with 47k HP and his 26k hp priest partner in blues at 1360.

Who wants vicious spider progress anyway? :laughing:

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You want to know the insane thing about it? Blizzard is happy with pvp. They are patting each other’s back saying the participation is through the roof.

Well, duh! Of course it is. Fastest way to gear up. Make M+ faster and that will be the new way to gear up. PvP has been broken for a while, and in SL, it’s really broken.

confusion =/= anger