Who else think PVP gearing is completely dumb?

I don’t know if you understand what ‘fair’ means. You don’t give a knife to a MMA fighter because his opponent is much better.

Those people being bad is irrelevant.

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Why are you trying to argue or debate? I merely made a observation. They’re bad.

Stop trying so hard here.

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WOW PVP is Trash and not worth playing. New player experience is worst it has ever been. Gearing Alts is horrible.


How can a billions dollars company can’t even put a line of code to match with evenly geared players???

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This is true. At this point in the season, unranked pvp gear should be baseline 213. Alts and players that are behind the cap need to acquire conquest at a faster rate too.


I would rather they do WoD scaling than just flat bump unrated PvP to heroic level.

Make honor gear scale to 213 in PvP.

Make conquest gear scale to 226 in PvP.

Then let the ranks be for the PvE item level increase so Blizz can get the cross pollination they so desperately want in an MMO.

Bumping possibly the lowest form of content, unrated BGs, to be heroic raid level just because is fairly stupid to me.

Unrated BGs are the LFR of PvP except even more unbalanced, toxic, and don’t matter at all if win or lose.

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Makes you wonder what would happen if in bgs and rated pvp all ilvls were hard set at 150 (why 150? Less one-shots). Then it would be skill and luck to win.

But never would happen. Vast majority of pvp isn’t about fairness. The about posts and all the other posts on the forums are about unbalanced classes and abilties. The elities would be crying about how they worked so hard to get what they got to be “better” than the next guy. (The awards would be the same outside the qued pvp content.)

The same people who thought that is was needed to lock best gear behind harder content.
Also, people on the forum cried for that during BFA: you don’t remember?
Ion listened.

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It’s my last hope. Knowing how bad PvP is right now has killed any desire to log into this game. I did mostly casual PvP in BFA and I knew if PvP was botched in SL that I’d have a problem, and here I am with that problem. 9.1 better be on point in terms of PvP gearing needs.


I never understood this carry argument.
If they are carrying they gotta have 226 and win constantly. If they do it they will have high rating then if you are low rated you dont even lose rating when facing it.
If they are low rated they lose on purpouse and then you get free rating
i also barely find them while doing arenas. Like 2 teams every 3 hours.
If they are carrying with low equiped chars then… well, they play better and i wonder what are you complaining about? sorry its not 6 or 12 ilvls the issue here as much as you wish it was.

Also if i cant upgrade my pvp gear what would be the point of getting higher ratings? e-peen? boring af.
This is an MMO, if all you want is the fairest possible PvP experience i recommend FPS(thats still pretty far from what fair is btw)

Best pvp gear in BfA was m+ gear, by far, REALLY far pvp gear was in fact useless aside 8.3 trinkets. And two PvE trinkets were still the best pvp trinkets from 8.0 to 8.3.
SL literally rewards pvp better.

Basically you said you dont want pvp gear at all lmao.

This is a mmo, gearing is the main point of it.
Having gear becomes useless and the stats you build upon being unimportant is simple trash and lazy design. There are more pvpers in the ladders rn than legion had from 7.0 to 7.2

You seem to be the one wanting to feel better than everybody else.

They would still die for trinketing fear and sap.
Want to gear an alt? spam epic bgs your gear barely matters because sieges=wins
If anything they could lower down the honor gear requirements to upgrade with honor. All you need is the vers and haste for most classes. Some are vers and mastery and pretty few are vers and crit.


You vastly over estimate heroic raiding. It’s not special and 213 ilvl isn’t anymore either.

The non-set pieces in tbc were purchased with honor in from unranked bgs. This wouldn’t be much different.

Why would we want that? Resource gen, gcd, proc rates and cast times would fluctuate as players hit different points as they scaled in different content. It’s a considerably more complicated solution than it needs to be.

The weekly cap gear scaled in BFA S1 to heroic lvl by this point in the season. It didn’t cause any problems.

I don’t think killing everything below mythic raid and +15s is good for the health of wow tbh.

Pvp was already the best source of gear this expansion; I don’t think it needs to be made so good that no one does any other content.

We are 4 months into the tier. Normal and sub 10 keys are already dead as progression.

For you, maybe. There are other people playing this game. There are still people progressing heroic.

I’m not worried, though, even Blizzard isn’t dumb enough to take a massive steamy poop on their game with your idea.

Afking epic bgs should not reward 213s


There are still people that consider lfr progression. There are people that stopped considering M Deny progression after two weeks.

They shouldn’t balance the game around the top or bottom.

You are right. Let’s relaunch WoD design. It worked so well the first time…


this is how pvp gearing should work


Well, good thing they don’t. They set a season, with adequate rewards and aren’t breaking that because the bottom is crying that they want next seasons rewards.

At a loss to what you’re referring to here? If honour gear upgraded to 197 overall and then bumped up to 210 in instanced pvp that’s still a heck of a lot better than honour gear going to 213 in all forms of content because “I want more”

The biggest problems with SL loot have been the frequency, not the power.

The ilvl gap has been closer than previous expansions AND they managed to avoid a 100 ilvl jump between 8.3 and 9.0 unlike previous entry tiers.

If anything, the covenant gear was too quick.

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Umm…that’s not what I said at all. In fact, I explicitly stated I wanted WOD gearing. I advocated for a return to WOD gear scaling for the entirety of BFA.

I did not enjoy the PvP gearing method in BFA, and I got away with the conquest gear in BFA because I never did any rated content. The amount of M+ I did on my PvP character for gear was very low. But knowing the gear gap is so terrible in SL makes me not want to play PvP at all.

The point I made was that PvP was the only reason I really logged in for BFA, and the PvP situation got even worse in SL, which has eliminated all desire to log in at this point.

inb4 PlAyErs ThEsE dAyS oNlY wAnT hAnDoUtS!

I have goods news for you, It already work like that!

With an addition! You can also improve your gear the better you play.
Fantastic i know.