Who else think PVP gearing is completely dumb?

Who thought it was a good idea to lock the best gear behind ranks ? Current PVP system has turned good players into monsters.

Now it could have been an ok system if full 226 players were only competing against full geared players. Except they don’t. These players can freely destroy 1400 players. Do random BGs and roll on people. People are free to compete at any bracket they want while wearing gear that can only be obtained at the top.

It’s like trying to do Heroic Raid but you have to kill Mythic bosses.

PVP gear is suppose to be good against people who don’t PVP not create such huge disparity amongst pvp players.


Yep pretty much
Pray for 9.1 wod style gearing


I don’t mind having them in Random battlegrounds, as the concept in itself is ‘random’ both in maps and player skill.

What I’m surprised we don’t have is queues for rated battlegrounds, where the queue finder will match you with players of similar skill and rating.


I think PVP is for mechanically weak players, so yes it is very dumb.


I gave them one more chance after the abomination that was BFA. Sub ends in 9 days, peace I’m out!


The devs that brought you vanilla, bc and wrath…


we should be able to buy 226 with honor, even if is super expensive. cant pass 1700 since all the teams we fight against are 1800 and have226 gear vs 213 ish =(

the idea is that you little by little you get gear so you can achieve the 1800 up, not been carry till 1800 so then you can buy the corresponding gear and stay up there.


I would hate to see PvP gear that was useful in PvE. I wish they would bring back Resilience so PvP gear was more useful in PvP and less useful in PvE. That said, I can’t agree with your statement because it’s fun to get gear as part of your PvP progression.

The huge disparity you mentioned should be addressed by a good match-maker ruleset that considers item-level, rating, and number of matches (weed out those with high rating and few matches that likely bought a carry).

Problem is some louse in marketing thinks cross-pollinating PvE players into PvP and vice-versa is somehow profitable, so the dev team keeps being told to provide PvE incentives in PvP and vice-versa, which goads people into doing a form of content they’d prefer to avoid because they think they have to to do it to keep up in their preferred content form. See raiders early-on doing PvP just to get a 200 ilvl weapon that they could 100% buy rather than deal with ad-infinitum RNG runs in M+ and still get no drop (and of course raid loot is a myth! :stuck_out_tongue: )

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It’s only dumb when the PVP itself is not fun.

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1800 is 220 gear.

2100 is 226 gear.

If you are unable to get 1800 in any bracket of rated content, you most likely are bad at wow pvp. It’s just annoying to get 1800 right now because you have to grind it out more than previous seasons. But in all honesty it’s not that hard to gear 1 toon, if u wanna work on alts is when it gets a whole lot more bothersome.

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Except they’re also getting destroyed hense why they’re plaguing the 1400 bracket. They have gear, but they suck.

People intentionally lower their rank to carry people.


Fight for 213 as the minimum item level!

As someone who has geared up my buddies alts strictly through pvp on my ret, majority of these geared 1400 people are RBG heros trying 3s or carries who now found their actual skill bracket.

Very rarely did I encounter an actual carry itself.

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60 Blood Elf Demon Hunter


Ok they bad so what ? They still have better gear than someone who try to improve and can only buy 207 pieces.

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Exactly. They’re bad.

Welcome to my Ted talk

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Whatever makes you feel less inadequate about your inability to adapt.

I personally love the new gearing system for pvp.

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