Who else think PVP gearing is completely dumb?

People have been asking and wondering about this for years.

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You mean who thought it was a good idea that the better player be rewarded more? The only problem right now is the massive amount of “carries” going on but that has been a thing since rated PvP existed.

I would love it if they just put in a separate queue where everyone’s ilevel was maxed out or set to just the same:

For arenas and random bgs.

Let the elite set appearances be unlocked via items costing a metric ton of honor but not actually increasing beyond a low cap ilevel.

One shard = honor cap of 15k, three shards = one elite appearance.

That way the elites get their own pool and bragging rights and people who just want to enjoy the game can do so.

I bet it would be absurdly popular.

The only catch would be no glad or spider mount for people that use the ilevel match queue BUT a 1/2000 chance at a saddle from any bg or arena win.

Honestly, at this point, Blizzard should just institute stat templates for arena. Leave gear disparities in other brackets, but right now, it’s insane the disparity going on. And boosters wrecking havoc in lower brackets is also highly annoying.

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:joy: my partner and i just beat those two on our alts i think lol

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I will not lie, I had a round the other day against a lock priest combo much like what I described, and I got feared and was quite literally burned from 100 to dead in 3 seconds. I recorded the fight and went back to confirm, I got dropped like a bad habit.

It’s really hard to be mad about getting deleted so fast, I laughed at my bad luck, but good lord do I want to keep it above 1400 for that damned spider I will ride twice and forget about. Even swapped covenants to Kyrian (yuck they suck) so I can bring some burst of my own to 2s lol

yeah i feel that. are you playing with a healer? double dps can be volatile

and yeah :joy: my alt has 34k hp and my partner is at 32k hp so us its the 40k condemn warriors that are shredding through him and i go oom so fast from healing him getting chunked a third of his hp each attack

These aren’t those devs, not even close

I mind this. Being on either side of a waffle stomp isn’t fun or rewarding. I want a match of similar skilled and geared players. I mean if someone can create Raid IO, yes it’s not perfect, why can’t Blizzard do something similar in random battle grounds so they aren’t all hot messes?

Because they are random.

I agree, OP. PvP as a whole right now is insanely dumb. No hotfixes for clearly broken classes / specs, and the gear gap is absolutely insane. Probably the least fun I’ve ever had in a video game is trying to gear an alt in PvP right now.

My sub runs out in 4 days. Last time my sub ran out I didn’t come back for 10 years. I’ll keep an eye out for 9.1 patch notes, but unless it’s a wishlist of fixes, I’ll see ya’ll in 2031.

Random doesn’t have to mean random skill or gear level. That’s my point. The quality of the game experience would be improved if like skilled and geared players were matched with each other.

yes, having some one gear 226 doesn’t mean they are good at pvp, they might waist ccs on a whirling warrior. but a bad player should also need to be able to aquire good gear to have fun and not be destroy in 1 hit/sec thats not fun. let the pro pvpers go to 2000rate .

would be very interesting if we could buy conquest 226 gear with a lot of honor

Well, if you remove PvP gear you must just remove item as a whole and give player fixed stats when PvPing. otherwise you have the worst problem that make raider the best PvP players.

Now I do agree the situation we have now is just bad. Starting a new character for PvP at this time of the expansion feel like having to be in a purgatory for weeks till you can get some gear to compete.

But thats what random at max level literally means.

we tried that, nobody liked that.

they just need a MUCH better matchmaker ; das it.
id rather wait longer than 2 seconds for an arena match if it could be fair.

hire elon to write some matchmaker AI inbetween two rockets or something :wink:

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It’s up to Blizzard to define “random”. “Not a premade” is another legitimate definition.

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I do like that gear from pvp and pve can be use in any context, I come from the first iteration of pvp and believe me was not fun having to grind different sets, plus set for each magic damage. One set for pvp another for fire resistant, another for nature etc…

But I think getting gear from one bracket to another is avery big steap. Not moving up on rate is not nesary been bad. Means the whole team is bad (I do bgs) i know others with god class would do 2v2, get higher rate and then do any other type of rated just for fun since they already got the rate and won’t go down in 2v2. (Rogues mages warrior and paladins looks like are the ones with higher rates than other classes, might be the popularity since they are so powered for pvp almost indestructible)

Or just have MMR take ilvl into consideration as well as CR. People like me with the 207 pvp gear are getting matched against 220s and it is basically impossible for me to get the next set of upgrades because I am fighting against players that are already two upgrade tiers ahead of me, but have the same rating because they are doing carries, or are RBG pros at 1990. It feels terrible to lose so often just because the gear advantage is so skewed.

And yes I know “git gud” but I can’t do much against a fire mage with 43k hp and 1800 rating ilvl. I have a 50% win rate in 2s overall, a 56% winrate for the week, and I am 50 rating lower than I was last Tuesday.

Before SL I hadn’t done arena in a long time, but I have never seen so many highly geared people at a sub 1500 rating. It is insane.


More than feels terrible; many of us just dont bother queueing anymore.

Which makes it even worse.