Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

As a guy, I can say throwing those words around needlessly is a really good way to

  1. Shut down any potential conversation on the very real problems women suffer from

  2. Put a guy on the defensive and have him shut down and not be interested in having that talk.

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I think it was earlier in the thread someone was just calling everyone inherently misogynistic for disliking Sylvanas.

Now more recently it seemed to be implied heavily that Curse was for some reason or another and I’m just confused.

There are people who fit that but I feel like generalizing the argument to fit your arguing style to be able to weaponize it against anyone who disagrees w you is well it’s a choice, not one I would make, and something several people have pointed out may not be a beneficial choice overall.


Anyone who showed support for Sylvanas during BFA was a simp with a special pillow.

Aint it funny how things change but stay the same.


How the hell is Arthas the picture of manpain and not Varian, anyway? Just say “BOY I SURE HATE MEN,” you’ll feel better. You already admitted your biggest problem with your new book is it doesn’t have enough of that.

I happen to love my pillow a lot, thank you very much! :rofl:

You’re forgetting Team Spite. Which was pretty large, at least on the forums.


To you in particular :

There is little sense in all this. I think it is summed up as Mith/Ren trolling off some itch it gets.

Yeah. I thank you for your concern. But as you see, Ren will unleash an open and unabashed assault on folk who disagree.

I feel lucky that I have the luxury of being called almost every name in the book by Forum Trolls. It makes me realize how insignificant and ignorant name calling can be.


Well, for me. I still think that Saurfang the Hypocrite was a poor choice to force people to rally behind.

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I tell you man, day before yesterday we were cool.

What was team spite again?

People who sided with Sylvanas to spite the writers because the writers clearly didn’t want them to.


Some people call that RP.

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Saurfang was an obvious choice in theory, but BFA writing let down pretty much every character it touched.


As far as I am concerned, we are as cool as ever. We discuss WoW stuff on the Forums.

That is cool enough for me. In the vernacular.

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I meant Ren and I lol

Yeah. It ruined pretty much everything horde character it touched and made the alliance characters drop a few hundred IQ points so the war story could work


It still hurts. Playing a Sylvanas goon was fun though.


My mistake. Yeah, I am cool with Ren, from post to post.

One day we talk about music, or what ever. And get along. The next day, she calls me anti-woman or something. It is hard to keep track. I just try and have polite discussion about WoW stuff.

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RP would be “My character has reasons to side with Sylvanas.”

Team Spite is “I refuse to be against Sylvanas just because the writers are trying to tell me I should.”


I think for a lot of people it was a combination of the two. They had their reasons to stay loyal to Sylvanas, and really hated that the game was forcing them to ally with a hypocrit who engineered the entire War of Thorns for her.