Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

Sometimes I regard that as teem hope - hope that they would roll back SoO2.

Why would we WANT to revive his soul? If the idea is to give him a chance to be “redeemed”, that ship sailed in Wrath when he rejected that path with the whole heart thing in the Icecrown zone.


fanfic and shipping?


RP wise all my characters were loyal but my Paladin had the most issues w it but still wanted to believe / hope for the best and trust Sylvanas.

I’m not so bothered by WoW ruining one of my fav characters since they gave Dark Ranger skin tones, it sounds silly but I was like there’s nothing they can do to save that story at least let us have the customization options for characters.

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The only respectible answer.

I think there’s been a misunderstanding. I never said the writers tied morality to how “pretty” or “human” their race is. That wasn’t my argument. I actually said the writers tied morality - as in who they think is right and who they think is wrong - to how popular the characters involved are. Whether lots of fans like them or whether the writers like them.

I would say the writers throwing Arthas away like that puts a hole in the theory, except they did it to prop up Sylvanas. Even a comparatively less popular character like Garrosh still got a better/decent send-off.

I agree with the rest of your comment though.

I think the writing of the current game and the books by golden is what drives a lot of the toxicity these days. She purposely makes the story cross lines and put subtext of genocide, misogyny and abuse into it which has the effect of making people very divided over the views on certain characters and story elements.

Blizzard refuses to bring on a writers who just want to write a good warcraft story and not ones who clearly want to insert modern day politics into their story like it somehow going to make everyone better people.


I do think Arthas addressing Sylvanas as “woman” or “elf” even as he “salutes” her was obviously meant to be disrespectful. Golden adds all the imagery of “violation” but she also adds the only instances of him addressing her by her rank.

Grom and his men underestimate the night elves and pay for it, so I wouldn’t really consider DK Arthas’ attitude reflective of the WC3 writers’. They consider Arthas to have turned evil long before that.

Depiction is not endorsement. Any of Designer Dave’s videos about The Culling prove that.

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It’s easy as long as you don’t try to redeem the character.
Arthas was a soulless husk the minute he became damned. So maybe his essence returns and manifests itself in the flesh once again, but with nothing left of his humanity and no hope of ever getting it back.

I like Arthas more as a villain. so this would be how I’d handle it


I don’t think many people really wanted Arthas to come back. I didn’t. They’re just annoyed the hacks behind Shadowlands seeded the idea in Afterlives, then spent months going “we dunno about this idea, we’d want to treat the character respectfully,” only to proceed to expressly disrespect it in an inept effort to pry some sympathy for Danuser’s pet out of people.


I wanted to see The Lich King Entity (see: Arthas/Nerzhul infused soul) in his Lich King armor, with a spectral Frostmourne.

I wanted to see The Lich King Entity locked away in the Maw by Zoovy, because Zoovy is scared of the Entity. It refused him, and now holds sway over his power.

We don’t need to see him break out. We don’t need to talk to him, or hear him talk to Zoovy. We could just hear from Zoovy’s lieutenants, such as a cell warden, how dangerous the Entity is.

idc about Arthas himself. But the Lich King was my favorite thing about the setting after Thrall’s Horde. And Blizzard wrecked it.

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He died at the hands of players and Tirion Fiordring.

Why did that stink according to you?

I meant his soul-death or whatever

Wrath was fine :slight_smile:


Yeah I don’t trust the mob in charge to do it right.

Hit up the dude who the cinematic of Garrosh’s “I regret nothing” speech followed with his ragequitting existence. That clip alone had more soul than the rest of Shadowlands put together.


WHya re people so hateful to Shadowlands? I enjoyed it. People complain about grinding for anima but ht sonly quests that required that were the ones from Ve’nari.

People’s problems with Shadowlands, including mine, are many and varied. If I like the story, the music, the visuals, and the gameplay systems, chances are better I’ll put up with a grind.

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The focus on th covenants as the truest true afterlives and revealing all of the secrets behind the scenes were fairly down putting. The nerubians ripped off the maldraxxi, ardenweald is almost literally the emerald dream 2 electric boogaloo, kyrian are the most evil beings in existence and they’re still in their job.

Also destroying the frozen throne and heom of domination just to give the crown of literal who to pelagos.


It shall forever be a mystery. Shadowlands had something for everyone. Some people just can never be pleased.

Sylvanas got punishment, after everyone complained she never gets punished.

The Night Elves had massive focus as Blizzard gifted them their resolution and closure, again and again, in case they missed it.

Orc fans got to run around with Thrall’s mommy.

Blood Elf fans got to hang out with Kaelthas.

Alliance fans got to run around with Uther and Jaina to save Anduin.

It had something for everyone.


I do agree they need to fix the damage Shadowlands did to the Lore. The whole souls getting wiped out is pretty terrible writing and puts a damper on alot of religions based in wow.

Not to mention the whole split souls garbage has opened a bag of worms and doesn’t make sense for the way they explained it. Shadowlands would be better if it was some artifical construct and not actually the proper afterlife as it was a pretty dismal affair.

Arthas specifcally was done really dirty and needs proper resolution.

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Tyrande even states it’s the start of her penance meaning that she has further Punishment after she is done.

Tyrande of course has to think of more Punishments of course.

The Veil is the proper Afterlife as that is where Souls normally go outside the Physical Plane(where they pop up as Ghosts) even before the Shadowlands Expansion.

The Night Elven Night Sky and the Light are the only Afterlives mentioned in Lore outside the Physical Plane(Afterlife of Ghosts and the Ancestors) and the Veil(Afterlife of everyone else) before Chronicle and before them it was stated in WarCraft 2 and 3 that the Twisting Nether was the Afterlife and before that it was Hades that was the Afterlife.

Soul destruction has been mentioned since Legion if not earlier as Fel is stated to be created from Soul Destruction.

The Soul Splitting is not unprecedented since it was outright mentioned in the Arthas Novel where Arthas still had a Fragment of Soul that desperately attempted to reign in the Vehicle(one more like a Space Ship than a Car) known as Arthas only for it turn out to be on Auto Pilot and teleport both him and Ner’zhul(who kept telling the Auto Pilot to remove the Captain so that he could pilot the thing) into the Brig known as Frostmourne along with the other Souls it picked up along the way.

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