Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

I don’t really get the appeal. She’s a walking corpse that spends half her time in literal sewers with horrible alchemical runoff.

You’d probably be able to smell her from a mile out. Upwind.

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On a point not about Sylvanas, where would a questline about Arthas’ soul fit into the game at this point?

I’m in the “Shadowlands should’ve just left him be” camp, but we’re at the point his sister is casually on speaking terms with entities of the Shadowlands because Golden the Alliance main wanted to say “necromancy is necromancy so you guys like her now, please.”

Anything is possible.


It’s funny how people will fall in love with a particular character, but absolutely hate a similar character for reasons they can’t really describe.

Like I love arthas for what he was, a great villain. I just don’t get the love affair for the guy. Than again I don’t get the love affair with Illidan either, so it might just be me :smiling_face::rofl:

I think it would have to not be about him, rather someone he was close to or was otherwise linked to.

Unfortunately Uther/Sylvanas/Jaina were already present for his dissapating so there’s really not many characters left with that much tie to him left, and Calia would probably be the worst option possible.

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Eh, I still like him. He’s sexier now that he personifies the female gaze. Arthas could never.

Lets face it, Arthas is not a desirable character he’s just for the male gaze.

That makes two of us. It helps that Arthas was never rectonned into a hero/anti-hero while Illidan is Warcraft’s answer to Spawn.


Well Illidan will officially be spawn once he defeats the light and it’s army too, since spawn defeated both heaven and hell

But yeah, I don’t know what people see in the character. Could be that people like him for the edginess I suppose

I hope Blizzard doesn’t go that route with Illidan (even if it would confirm him for edgy Mary Sue), though I suspect they might because of how edgy it is. He went from getting punked by Arthas to having cosmic beings be jobbers for him with no explanation :roll_eyes: (at least his kill-steal on AU Gul’dan was a kill-steal). I’d be happy if he just stayed in the Seat of the Pantheon OR if he destroyed himself to destroy Sargeras like Garrosh did with that Soulrender guy in the Maw.

Best option would be Sargeras obliterates him when he escapes eventually and we’ll be done with Illidan for good

Gotta admit, seeing Illidan get all hyped up to put Sargeras back in his hole just to get squished would be satisfying.

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I dislike Illidan and Sylvanas for the same reasons.

They do terrible things to other people for “the greater good” or at least their own ends, but somehow it’s never themselves who get sacrificed for their plan. Except the time Sylvanas got shot, but that was obviously not the plan. Also, the plot contorts to prove them right or justified or at least victorious and untouchable by us goofy heroes. And none of them have an iota of humor or introspection.

Blu-Vanas not-with-standing, as she’s still new so that’s basically a big ol’ ???.

I don’t like Arthas, but at least he got hit with Ye Olde Bus of Consquences for his MORALLY EDGY DARK EXTREME CHOICES. And the narrative never tried to tell me he was a hero.

But that’s just my feelings on the matter, and feelings aren’t necessarily rational. I think it just gets under my skin when characters are users who sacrifice others for their own ends, but the story tries to frame them as righteous, justified, or worse, heroic.


I think “evil” Sylvanas was handled best in Cata, where she was at least picking fights she had reason to think she could win, to avoid a fate she had a logical reason to dread. It was up to you if you were enough of an edgelord to like her, the narrative didn’t stamp its feet and demand it.


She was also allowed to lose on not-her-own terms in Cata, which was much more palatable than whatever that “all according to my master plan muahaha” Dr. Doom schtick was in BFA/Shadowlands.


Nothing like Godfrey will ever be allowed again.


Let’s be honest: Godfrey happened just so that sylvanas could flex her new immortality.


I think this is a big reason why I like Wrathion - he faces so many failures that it’s fun to see where his plans end up, because they aren’t preordained to be The Plan That Saves The World like most main characters’ actions.

I didn’t mind Illidan in Legion for similar-ish reasons, because Xe’ra was laying it on so thick that she sounded like a delusional fangirl that the player was meant not to trust, but I was disappointed that the rest of the setting only made token objections (which were easily forgotten both in- and out-of-universe) to his shenanigans.

And I think that’s why Sylvanas annoyed me so much - the story revolved too closely around her and her issues, with a single judgement in mind for her that it was determined to make the player experience and agree with. She’s a historied, complex, and controversial character - she does best when every player is allowed to draw their own individual opinion on her, not when all players are forced to act in accordance with a single opinion of her.


She’s not a character everyone is supposed to like. They say the intro cinematic is the only part of BFA Metzen had anything to do with creatively, and I believe it. He would’ve understood that people would sympathize with Genn and want to see Liam avenged without just being thinly-veiled misogynists (maybe they also didn’t like how Lorna was treated.)

Garithos had it coming, Balnazzar had it coming, Arthas had it coming, Godfrey had it coming, Captain Renee Lauer had it coming, but let’s face it - by 2018 so did Sylvanas. Even during 5.3 people were confused that Garrosh was getting villainbatted first. Now they censor him calling her by the same word she used for poor old Queen Lianne.

When did Sylvanas cuss out Queen Lianne? that must be some rts lore I missed.

She calls Arthas a son of a beehotch in the RTS