Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

No worries, to be honest I should have actually read the rest of what the person said earlier and he’s probably right, there is probably a lot of people who dislike a character just for being a woman. After all this is the World of Warcraft Community we’re talking about here…

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I’ve seen so many people call her Banshee Beehotch or Beehotch Queen or whatever, but not in this thread.

I mean … some are.


I don’t hate Sylvanas, but I’ve never liked her, especially how she’s been written.

I like Arthas, as a cool villain. I get whiplash trying to figure out what the hell Sylvanas is supposed to be.

Everyone has preferences.

Sylvanas has been written poorly for years. At least Arthas is consistent.

Arthas was better before Golden wrote his DK persona to be all self-unsure and secretly remorseful

This is the whole point I was trying to make. I was satirizing people who do that. If people get upset about people who troll saying those things they should be upset when people are sincere about it.

I see where you’re coming from, on the same token I can definitely see some weirdos being weird about a fictional character just because they are a woman.


imagining some incel doing an Elliot Rodger style posting a half hour long video rant about how Sylvanas will not date him no matter how many times he uses the /flirt or /kiss emote, and only seems to talk to him when she has a quest to give him, showing that she’s a ‘typical woman, who only notices you when she wants something from you’, no matter how much of a ‘perfect gentleman’ he is; how ‘wrong and twisted’ she is as a person for not giving him what he’s ‘entitled to’…

…and never mentioning anywhere that she’s an entirely fictional person incapable of interacting with him in the first place.


And I oop

And that place still doesn’t have a skip.

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This is so cursed haha

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You’d be surprised how accurate that is. in Legion and BFA there was a bunch of guys I knew who hated Nathanos because he interfered with their headcanon and RP that Sylvanas belonged to them and they were in a relationship with her. I imagine that’s a lot of where the hate for his character came from but also because he’s just a rude character- but he’s always been like that and he was a fan favorite character before he was romantically linked to her. so it’s more than a little sus.

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That’s her go-to with edgy characters. A friend of mine has never forgiven her for turning Asajj Ventress into a “self-doubting, wibbling wimp” in one of her Star Wars novels.


Still people shouldn’t be painted with one brush. I’ve always listened to what people who dislike Sylvanas have to say, it’s usually the same reason why even as a fan I have been disgruntled with her writing. Her characterization has been inconsistent and for years they could not pick a side of the fence they wanted her to be on. Doing evil things sympathetically can only go so far.


I’d rather they just retcon the entire expansion. Everything about Shadowlands was a big mistake.


I think Arthas has the big benefit of not actually showing up that often, WC3 and then Wrath, not being constantly bounced around expansion after expansion. He had a two part contained story and by letting it stand at that they don’t open it up to the dangers of screwing something up with later uses that screws up his story.


If he was a regular recurring character they would have found a way to mess him up.



What joy I feel in knowing for a fact that there are Sylvanas fans eager to ‘crack open a cold one’, instead of merely suspecting it like I used to. I guess it ‘doesn’t count’ if she’s still animate.



I’ll say for what it is I enjoyed Vanilla Nathanos much better than I do Danuser’s take gallivanting in his cousin’s body. And he was always treating the player like vermin and all but stated to be Sylvanas’ muse, so it wasn’t about that so much as how the writers handle it these days. Defense Attorney Nathanos is a far cry from the Champion of the Banshee Queen who hounded Rammstein and Demetria.

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