Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

Oh C’mon Skarm live on the wild side! WoD wasn’t that bad.

I feel like someone’s reasons for hating Sylvanas could be problematic but you have to wait and listen to people and discern that it can be in bad form to just make that statement unfairly - and this is from someone who likes Sylvanas


“Wasn’t as bad as Shadowlands” is FAR from a rousing endorsement.

…I did enjoy the leveling experience, and the zones. Blizzard almost never fails in that respect at least.

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That the Legion has found, yes.
The Legion has not fully explored the universe. They did not know where Azeroth was until Gul’dan showed them in Legion.

My only complaint about WoD is too much orc. I got tired of orc oversaturation.

Sylvanas literally razed to the ground this game’s only example of a matriarchal society. How in the holy hell is hating this character misogynist?

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The same race that flooded stormwind with survivors? That one?

I don’t think there was too much orc, there just wasn’t enough draenei and there was too much demon. I never thought I’d say this at the time, but given all the scrapped content I’d say there wasn’t enough of WoD in general.


Okay so reading is fundamental I said you need to discern peoples reasonings for hating a character.

In other words you gave your reason and that’s valid. What’s confusing to you that you managed to fail to understand my post simply said people can be misogynistic in their hate of female characters.

You managed to get this wrong how? Genuinely asking

Yes, the ones that survived from being burned alive.
But I have actually disliked this character from all the way back in burning Crusade for failing to play the proper role of a anti-hero


She still tried, and she was still inspired to trying in large part by watching a young woman fight for what she loved and clunkily express general hope

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I heard what you said and I agree with it, I’m speaking more on the people who disagree on it. Earlier in this thread literally a ton of people were liking a troll post

It wouldn’t have been so bad if we hadn’t just run SoO for 14 months!..

But no, Blizz decided that now was “Hey I saw you like orc so we put orc in your orc so you can orc while you orc!” time.


Well it felt like you were arguing w me who was simply pointing out that it’s unfair to just declare misogyny for disliking Sylvanas without just cause to link back to misogyny.

So I apologize if I was defensive but yeah it felt a little aggressive but towards me.

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At least they actually did take the Blackfuse stuff in new places and give all the major clans new art.


That’s understandable. Her characterization certainly has been all over the place over the years


No, I’m agreeing with you but perhaps my wording was off sorry.


This is almost certainly it. I didn’t play MOP due to focusing on college, came back for WoD and didn’t get the Hate. The Blackrock specificially were fun enemies and I liked their dungeons/raid.

…then I started helping with SoO runs to get people mogs they missed and yeah, it became pretty clear why.

You’re not a misogynist for hating Sylvanas. At lot of people misrepresent me and what I have said in the past. I pointed out that the writing of BFA had misogynistic undertones both in how the Night Elves and Sylvanas were handled.

I have haters. They chose to target you to invalidate me, and I’m sorry.

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Tbh I think Shredow’s bit was the most obnoxious and he seemed sincere

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