Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

For this I said:

And just think about it, if most of the universe was deleted via Legion or other means, there would never not be an Anima drought.

Titans can be wrong about stuff.

See, me, I’m a fan of the idea the paladin-father-of-Jaina’s-son King Arthas still went crazy and killed a bunch of people as part of a quest for revenge on Blackmoore - who after all murdered Terenas and Uther when Arthas was “too young to fight,” stole the throne, and teamed up with Kel’Thuzad. Arthas wouldn’t even need the extra push from Frostmourne to want to rip this guy apart, he wouldn’t have Uther trying to temper him, plus he has a wife and son to fight for. He wouldn’t actually be happy freeloading in Stormwind while his father’s murderer sits in his rightful place forever.

There’s also fanart where he’s pretty much MU Arthas except he listened to Uther at Strat, and got to grow into a version of Terenas that could fight. I imagine that’s what most people want.


That sounds reasonable. I hope for your sake they get to explore that AU with all the time travel shenanigans the writers have available to them. In that, AU Sylvanas doesn’t die a cruel death either, so win win.


So basically a King Arthur style ruler

Which does sound cool actually


Danuser has also stated that we’re the main universe, and all other timelines break off and stop existing if we don’t interact with them. We’re the only one that matters.

When Garrosh deleted himself, he deleted every Garrosh that he was in other timelines and it is the greatest gift Garrosh has ever given me.

The Paladin’s Beast short story in the Fairytales and fables felt very Arthurian inspired. Arthas in that story is genderbent and plays both a maiden and the Beast. It’s an interesting Arthas meta from Madeline Roux.

He’s both the damsel and the beast.

It foreshadowed Arthas’s soul being used to forge Kingsmourne. And also set up the parameters that if the sword his broken his soul would be destroyed.

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No, He went out in the only way he deserved

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That explains where that came from. My takeaway from the Wrath ending was always that shattering Frostmourne had freed Arthas’ soul with the rest, whereupon its fate was uncertain but per Edge of Night it was loosely understood by Sylvanas to be damned because of his undeath.

I haven’t really been a fan of any of the retcons to this done to fit SL’s stuff in.

The cinematic, where the jailer reaches into a portal and pulls out a blue Crystal. That was Arthas’s soul. Like all other souls consumed by Frostmourne, the Jailer collected a few noteworthy souod for his personal collection. He pulls out Arthas’s soul from his valut and uses it to forge Frostmourne.

Arthas soul was in Frostmoune, and it was kept in the Jailer’s secret vault. His soul is not the first soul forged into a blade. Is per the DK unholy artifact weapon, it contains Putriss’s soul. Stolen from the Shadowlands by the four Horseman.

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Game making me angry and sleepy

Bro you literally said that folks who dislike Sylvanas are thinly veiled misogynists

“Sylvanas haters are thinly veiled misogynists” Scroll up and see for you self https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/en/wow/t/who-else-strongly-agrees-there-must-be-a-quest-line-about-reviving-arthas-soul-or-itd-kinda-be-a-big-mistake/1498706/108


He :mage: really said that :bangbang: :point_up: :cold_face:


Well there’s a wee bit of a problem with that, if that is true then we got one heck of an empty universe. If the shadowlands really does need anima to exist then that drought would have happened hundreds of thousands of years ago. Between the Legion the Void and…the Legion most souls in the main timeline would have been wiped out.

So they’re going to have to pick one or the other to be true. Until they do I’m going to go with the whole rope explination as canon.

According to whomst
That question was rhetorical. You don’t have a source for how large or empty the Warcraft universe is.
Blizzard doesn’t care about numbers and never has.

Both can be true. Blizz also said said all alternate timelines are temporary until it’s anchored to our main timeline

… why did the same people who liked this dislike:

If everyone understands that the latter is a troll, why does everyone praise the former for saying the same exact thing?


Because the troll’s game was weak and apparently they knew who their main was

According to them, they said that our planet was literally one of the very few that survived the legion, if not the only one

After WoD, we need no more AU expansions. Also, that only means that that Sylvanas won’t get killed by that Arthas- there are still plenty of chances for her to die a cruel death. The life of a Ranger General is not a safe one.

Multiverse discussion overall: Blizzard’s ideas of how Alternate realities work, especially in relation to how the afterlife works, only proves that they should never ever have ever tried to deal with either idea.

Personally, I’m a fan of the idea that for all of how badly effed-up it seems, the World of Warcraft we play in is still ultimately The Best of All Possible Worlds, making it the one worth fighting for.

never read the story, but my mind conjures images of Arthas doing a one man play where he switches between roles, yanking on a dress and speaking in a falsetto as the demsel, then tossing it aside and rapidly donning a fursuit of some kind and doing a growly voice as the beast.


It’s pretty scary how easy it is to trick people here if that’s the case…
I actually had thought it was maybe because one poster was posting on Alliance character and the other on the horde character, yet they said the same exact thing. Either way I really need to take people’s advice and stop communicating here, it’s pretty much if trade chat and Twitter had a baby.

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