Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

Lol period

No one on this entire thread has said this.


Dont tell women to shut up you misogynist, its mens time to sit down and listen, we say sylvanas is right you accept that and deal with it!

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Epic post! Shut up and take my upvote!

His main is Evelyssa or Abhertu or whatever he goes by now. He also has another level 10 alt called Batz.

He is a troll. He is trolling Mo right now.

Actually I shouldn’t even laugh at this, this is just someone hurting the image of what feminism actually stands for to get some luls. It’s not right


Thank you for seeing that Mo. I appreciate you calling it out.


Holy crap, it’s a surly night Elf main?


Just put them on ignore and focus on the good parts of the thread. For example, how would you have handled Arthas’ story in Shadowlands?


You dont know what feminism is grow up manbaby

At least try to be funny.

Blizzard really needs to worry more about whether the last four expansions can be considered complete products than whether my forum post can be considered a complete sentence.


Why? Because then you can make feminism the punchline of a joke?

I’m tired of this.

I found it!
"This is a complicated question. How do you deal with things like alternate Draenor? There was a Draka there. What is that Draka? Is she alive? Is she dead? Is she related to the Draka in Shadowlands that we see? Or is there another Draka? We know that in Warlords of Draenor, Velen of that universe died. Does that mean there is a Velen in the Shadowlands? But what about the Velen in Azeroth? All these things are very complicated questions.

The way I would have you think about it is think of a rope… If you look at a rope, it is one thing, right? It’s something that you can grab onto, you can hold it, you can see it; think of that as a character. Think of that rope as Draka or Velen.

If you look at that rope more closely, you can see there are different threads that make up the rope. There are different twines that pull together, and you can pull off one of these threads if you want. But it’s still a rope, and each of those threads you can think of as one of the realities of the character, one of the streams of time… There is a thread that is the Draka from Draenor we visited in the Warlords of Draenor. There is another thread that is Draka on Azeroth as we know her… And there are many other threads that could be other realities that we never peered into. But all of those threads at some time come together to make that rope. And remember also that, as you’ll see, that there are many characters in the Shadowlands when they refer to time, they usually say that time is not a construct of Death. Time and Death are not related. Death is about eternity, not linear time. The manner in which these threads come together, that can take a very long time from mortal perceptions. Those threads can be separated for a time, but sooner or later, they do combine to make one rope that is that character. You can think of it as the threads of that rope, all the individual threads, are just waiting. And over time, they will come together but they can exist as separate entities for a time. That still doesn’t change the fact that they are part of one rope."

So in short, Arthas, Ursoc, Varian, and most of the universe were not actually deleted.

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I would handle Shadowlands like I handle my cats’ turds - vicariously, briefly, impersonally, and with a mind to dispose. Plenty of fertile ground to explore in Warcraft’s setting without making the afterlife stupid, boring, and atheistic.

Working with the pieces on the table I like the idea of sending him to Pelagos better than what we got. I don’t want to actually see him return, especially not as written by nu-Blizz, but having him cease to exist and Sylvanas try to give us the final word on him was just wanking.


They could at least put some effort into being a terrible human being.

Christie Golden teased there’s a good AU Arthas out there in the multiverse who married Jaina. So just because he had a bad go in one universe doesn’t mean there isn’t a good Arthas out there somewhere living his best life.


Except Danuser went with the whole “rope” thing and made it so even if these good Arthases exist their souls are doomed to be deleted.


I have a theory that Blizz might one day merge all the timelines into one in the future. Would be kind of neat to see how some characters turn out when they come back.

The thing I just posted? Thats the complete opposite of that, that’s stating that even if something happens to one part of that soul in one timeline the main soul lives on in the other timelines.

Except based on what we know we are the “main” souls. IE the “true timeline” as per the titans. So whatever happened to main line Arthas is the fate of all Arthas.