Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

Only her haters are stuck trivializing and over analyzing her to death.

I know who she is. I know her character.

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I’m glad Sylvanas is gone, no matter how long it’s for. What did you think of how Arthas ended?

No punishment should last an eternity because no crime can last an eternity.


You dont have to lie we still know youre a misogynist!

Oh … She just… She just like me…

She just like me fr!!!

I don’t think Arthas getting his soul destroyed was a deliberate punishment. That happened because his soul kept getting drained by the Jailer and then Anduin broke the Jailer’s hold, including the gem housing Arthas’ soul.

As for Arthas being thrown into the Maw, we don’t know where he would’ve gone if he’d been judged by the Arbiter. As for justness vs unjusteness, from what we’ve seen of the story those are questions that the writers have shown they’re clearly unqualified to discuss or lecture others about.

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In the context of the story’s cause-and-effect it’s presented as an amoral tragedy. Having Sylvanas and only Sylvanas do slam poetry about how no one should remember him tips Danuser’s hand, though, and everyone swarming this thread to call people Evil Woman Hating Stinky Men for having a working memory of Cata has made mature discussion next to impossible.


Are you just like Sylvanas Rufus?

Weird flex, but whatever floats your boat.

Heres the thing ( and I know a few people are going to get upset with me saying this, oh well) Arthas aint deleted.

It’s been explained that everyone in every timeline is connected, each individual timeline is just one part of what makes up the main soul of an individual.

“BUT THE BRONZE DRAGON SAID-” hes wrong. What our characters know and what other characters know in the story is superseded by what the people who write the story say.

And is “everyone in every timeline is connected, each individual timeline is just one part of what makes up the main soul of an individual.” what the writers say? Does that apply to everyone, or just the demons?

…hating Sylvanas makes you a misogynist?
Sylvanas, the character who burned down Azeroths one and only matriarchal society?


… the character who burned down Azeroth’s main matriarchal society to give more power to a MALE CHARCATER. (Raising a female character up only to send her crashing down; not to mention said female character’s fall plays a role in a male character’s rise… reeks of Afrasiabi and others).

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Thered be maturity if manchildren would just grow up. Two busy screeching at women on the internet to know how to be an adult. No one asked your opinion so sit down and be quiet its womens time to shine.

Yes it does you hate women.

Yes, this was stated in an interview from a developer. It’s not just demons, I’ll have to find the interview for you

Nice bait alt, you tool. Post on your main so my character can kill yours in Sylvanas’ name.

A scary part is, today’s world I have no idea if you’re a trolling or not. Given the fact you’re posting on an alt I would assume you are but one just never knows

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Stop typing. I said post on your main. I’m not reading anything else you say on your level 10.

Stop typing. I’m not reading that.

Im saying everything every feminist in here has said if you hate sylvanas you hate women PERIOD. Men arnt going to divide us any more you keep being sexist your going to jail.

No one read anything they say until they get their main.