Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

More people died than Quel’Thalas, Lordaeron, and what few Night Elves arthas killed.

These are the armies of multiple nations rendered worthless.

Roux’s book confirms the Alliance and Horde do not have the armies to withstand another war.

Zandalar is specifically stated to be rich in gold, but to have few people to arm it with.

tl;dr: you’re wrong, fanboi.

:rofl: An army being destroyed will never be the same as entire, highly populated nations being killed man woman and child. Keep crying about it, sexist.

Not “an army”
The Alliance and Horde are comprised of the armies of multiple different racial nations.

World Super Powers.

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Delusional. Compare the amount of people in the NATO’s combined armed forces to the population of five reasonably sized first world nations and tell me which number is bigger. Saying Sylvanas killed more than Arthas is ludicrously silly. You’re a moron for thinking it.

Alterac was already destroyed in Warcraft 3(hence why the map shows Alterac ruins)

The Scourge never touched Stromgarde.

He did destroy Dalaran, Quel’thalas and Lordearon but the former two still had enough population to rebuild so there is that.

Then why exactly was Stromgarde in a state of collapse by the time of Vanilla?
As for Dalaran and Quel’thalas, Dalaran seemed to have gotten off the lightest, this is true, but we know for a fact that Quel’thalas lost 90% of it’s population. Are we really claiming 90% of the decentralized Night Elves were left on Teldrassil after days of evacuation? Or that the military of the Alliance and the Horde equate to that kind of loss?

And lets, be completely honest here, the Alliance were more than ready to fight a war in BFA. Even putting aside Stormheim in Legion, the Alliance moved to intercept the Horde in Silithus having accepted whole heartedly that they were about to enter a war with the Horde. Sylvanas had just managed to trick them in regards to where the battlefield would be. So laying ALL of the deaths in the Fourth War on her shoulders is laughable as well.

And even with all of that, I still maintain that trying to compare deaths is a moronic exercise to begin with. It completely ignores each character and reduces them to “how high their score is.” that is not how stories are written.

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lmao, lorelet.

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Your meltdown is still ongoing, I see.

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Someone here put it much better than I could why this is really bad in writing I will have to find it.

Dont worry OP, everyone against reviving souls would 100% be for it if Sylvanas got disenchanted.


Dread is kinda right(that still leaves a foul taste in my preverbial mouth). The reason Stromgarde fell was Galen betrayed and killed him dad(must be a thing amoung Northern Alliance royals) and ultimately was destroyed by ogres/Syndicate.

All we know is it was a genocide and the night elves face extinction.

Then how about this. As bad as Arthas was he was not destroying souls. Sylvanas actions caused souls to be permanently destroyed. In that regard one can say she was definately worse then Arthas.

He also nearly wiped out the Nerubians, too.

That was Ner’zhul, the Lich King and not Arthas.


Yeah, I see that. My mistake. I now remember they pop up to help Arthas, after Nerzhul already beat them. They were killed by the Lich king, but before Arthas merged with him.

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Whatever Sylvanas did Arthas is ultimately responsible for.

He made the decision to pick up the sword knowing it was cursed, and a heavy price would have to be paid.

He made the decision to turn her into a monstrous pet.

2 cents

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they’re bug/spider-people. if it hadn’t been the Lich King, it would have been the Orkin Man


i audibly laughed
thank you

It’s just as useful to say Ner’Zhul, Kil’jaeden, or god forbid The Tailor are responsible for the both of them.

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Explains the well crafted suits of armor at least :rofl:


None of those have any bearing that I can see on an Arthus vs Sylvanas topic.