Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

That’s because your insinuation is built on nothing. I haven’t even mentioned another female character.
You literally cannot defend Sylvanas because Sylvanas admitted she was wrong.
Fullstop: Sylvanas knows and admits that she is wrong.

Reread every post of mine in this thread, more slowly this time. Sound out the words if you have to.

Ad hominem because you cannot defend Sylvanas.

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Yes. I engage in ad hominem when my actual arguments are ignored. Sorry somebody calling you a sexist sends you into a manbaby meltdown, but the fact is is that I explained why Arthas is worse than Sylvanas more than once in this thread. You’re refusing to engage with that argument because you have no answer.

You can have a meltie over it if you want and pretend what I said isn’t true. But we both know it is.

This is your argument, built on nothing because I haven’t mentioned any other women. You made up a clause to defend Sylvanas, because you know you cannot meaningfully defend the woman who killed the majority of the world’s (See: No larger forces than the Horde and Alliance on Azeroth) armies.

So many that the Horde were recruiting civilians in orgrimmar, and the Alliance was recruiting farmers.

tl;dr: You make stuff up because you’re wrong and cannot defend Sylvanas.

See? You wrote all of that pretending I haven’t made any other points because you don’t have a real argument.

Here. I even requoted the arguments you’re ignoring. Sorry dead elf lady makes you so angry. Work on that latent sexism and you’ll find peace.

Arthas is evil. No one with a lick of common sense doubts that. Stratholme is on him. Sylvanas outdid him. She killed her way through Ashenvale, Darkshore, and finally set Teldrassil on fire. That wasn’t a stone and brick castle – that’s an entire land of people with multiple towns and a city.

She one upped Stratholme and Quel’Danas in one move.

Then she got the biggest armies on the planet whittled down to nothing, as admitted by Nathanos, Saurfang, Anduin, and I forgot who else.

These aren’t singular racial armies as Arthas had dealt with. These are the armies of multiple different racial kingdoms.

And ontop of that, she was working hand-in-hand with Zovaal, who aimed to send every soul that died in THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE TO ULTRA HELL.

You’re a baldfaced liar to say Arthas is anywhere near her scale.

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Literally, the media literacy of a small child. “No no Sylvanas’s High Score is Higher than Arthas’s that means she’s more evil.”
It’s like an illiterate person is trying to argue with me. You should be embarrassed to type out the things you do, but you don’t even realize just how dumb they are.
Sylvanas’s crimes are mitigated by the fact that she was victimized in a manner so horrifying that it has no real world equivalent.
Sitting there trying to count up how many people she killed compared to Arthas is absolutely, the dumbest argument you could make. And even then, Arthas consigned half of an entire continent to genocide and helped start a second continent spanning war that no doubt left countless people dead on Kalimdor. So, even if I lowered myself to arguing the same stupid point you’re trying to make, it wouldn’t even be equivalent because Arthas scourged five different nations to Sylvanas’s one.


She enjoyed people being melted by the blight.
Continue pretending she is not evil.
She told Azshara to kill everyone, including you her loyal champion.
Continue pretending she is not evil.
She allowed a man to lobotomize a teenager girl and enslave her.
Continue pretending she is not evil.

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Yeah bro. This totally isn’t you having a manbaby melt down. You aren’t even engaging with the arguments being made anymore. You’re just responding with canned gotchas, now.

You’re correct.
It’s me pointing out the evil she’s done that you ignore because you cannot honestly argue with it.

What am I ignoring, exactly? I said Arthas was more evil than her. I didn’t say Sylvanas was a golden girl who did nothing wrong. Again, you’re having a melt down because I called you a sexist. You aren’t even making arguments anymore. You’re just listing off unrelated evil things Sylvanas did, as if it changes anything about the point I’m making. Grow up.

Sylvanas got more people killed than Arthas.
Unlike Arthas, who kept the souls of those he killed, she knew their souls were going to the worst hell in the setting to be destroyed or tortured.

and she was 100% fine with a man lobotomizing and enslaving a teenage girl.

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Again with the “Sylvanas has a higher score” argument. God, daily life must be a constant struggle for you. :rofl:

I’m just requoting my previous argument cuz I’m not wasting anymore time on it until you come up with something new to say.

Actions matter.
Sylvanas’s actions were larger.
Sylvanas’s actions led to everyone who died in the entire multiverse going to the worst hell in the setting.
Sylvanas’s actions led to the Alliance’s and Horde’s armies being killed to the point that farmers and civilians had to be recruited.
Let me say again: The majority of the two largest armies in Azeroth have gone to Ultra Hell.

Sylvanas also had innocent villages killed, such as Brennadam, with mothers and children being murdered.


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Arthas killed far more.

Arthas did the same and far worse to literally millions of people.

And again

Not even close.

Arthas didn’t kill half a continent.
He killed belves. Some nelves. Lordaeron.

But Sylvanas killed the majority of the Alliance and Horde. These are multi racial groups comprised of the majority of the known world.

The Alliance is a super power and they have to recruit farmers.

Continue lying. You have nothing.

You’re actually delusional. Or you’ve never played Warcraft 3.
Arthas scourged nearly all of Lordaeron, Dalaran, Alterac, Stromgarde, and Quel’thalas.
He literally takes credit in Warcraft 3 for destroying the human kingdoms himself when taunting his enemies.

Sylvanas’s war killed the majority of the Alliance and Horde standing armies. Their population centers other than Teldrassil were untouched except that time the alliance attacked Dazar’alor.

I’m not going to continue arguing with somebody who does not even know the most basic of lore. Seriously, not knowing what Arthas did in Warcraft 3 is something I’d expect out of somebody new to the lore, not someone who has spent YEARS of their life arguing on these forums.
I certainly hope you’re embarrassed, because you really should be.

Dalaran was destroyed by Archimonde.
Idr Stromgarde. Maybe.
Quel’thelas is correct.
I already mentioned Lordaeron, you just refused to quote it. Strange.

That’s still overwhelmingly fewer people than just the current day Horde alone. That’s not even touching Super Power Alliance numbers.

Thank you for admitting that Sylvanas got most of the world’s armies killed.

Nathanos has to recruit civilians in Orgrimmar.
Stormwind has to recruit farmers.

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Actually delusional if you think a recruitment drive to put more people in standing armies is the same as entire societies being genocided to the point where the very land is unusable. And Arthas led a raid through Dalaran with the scourge, killing untold amounts of people before Archimonde finished the city with his own magic. Stromgarde was collapsed by the scourge, yes. As was Alterac which you’ve ignored. Arthas’s kill count eclipses Sylvanas’s by an order of several magnitudes. YOu can keep screeching liar at me all you want, but at the end of the day, you are either terminally uninformed about the lore you seem to care so much about, or you’re willingly ignoring it to crap on Sylvanas. Why would you be doing that? Because, again, you’re a sexist. I never see you scream about Garrosh despite Garrosh committing a genocide. It’s all Sylvanas with you. I wonder why that is? :thinking:

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