Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

And doesn’t the forsaken have a pretty well defended spot right on the border of Arathi? I can imagine they wouldn’t be eager to have both Arathi AND Gilneas breathing down their necks.

And I think it is less ambiguous then you make it out to be. Blizzard gave us the win. Why not fully give us the zone? Especially considering the Fourth War seems to be the end of any major faction conflict.

The entire point of controlling Arathi is to use it as a buffer zone against any Horde invasion.

I don’t really get the game’s fixation on retaking Arathi. What makes Trollbane important enough for the game to focus on reestablishing a dead human kingdom when there’s three other living and active ones that could get attention instead?

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Because Stromgarde/Strom was the birthplace of humanity. Of course all of humanity in general would have an interest in wanting it secured.

I’d also point out Dannath is one of the Heroes of the original Alliance. He literally has his own statue in Stormwind.


Being the effective birthplace of the human kingdoms as they exist now is pretty big.

But this kind of thing is basically unspoken main moral flaw for the Alliance. They’ll hate the orcs and everyone else, but historically and recently, they’re more than happy to carve as bloody a swath as Blackhand if it gets them territory they think they should have, and they’ll treat the current inhabitants like vermin to be exterminated.

Stormwind deciding that they’re going for Arathi because they feel entitled to it, current residents be damned, is entirely in character. It’s only been like 30 years or so in game since Stormwind’s last wars of conquest.


Yet you still have not produced evidence, just interpretations. Which are just that, interpretations.

I could just as easily ask, if they gave you the whole zone, why don’t they just say so in clear and unambiguous language?

Blizzard gave you the warfront win, no more and no less. They have not said what their plans are for the zone.


I’m too lazy to go upstairs to my room and grab the Exploring EK book and see for myself so I will take your word on it.

Fundamentally, Danath has the same appeal as Alleria, Turalyon, Khadgar and Greymane. He’s from 90s Warcraft in name.

oh! you write </strike/> before your sentence but remove the /


Who said it did? Point is, Arthas is far more evil than Sylvanas because his entire situation was brought about by a series of choices he made from the beginning. He willingly became evil. Sylvanas was put in a position where she had to commit evil to ensure her people’s continued survival and eventually began going too far. If you cannot see the difference, then you have the media literacy of a small child.

Plus, the idea of human kingdoms being revived is a popular one among the RP lore community. Lordaeron is off the table forever, but Stromgarde doesn’t step on too many toes. Same could be said of Alterac, which is currently just Ogre town.


The idea of converting them to be Forsaken was popular before Sylvanas went completely omnicidal too. She converted Galen Trollbane in Cata, and she probably sent Mug’thol and his ogres after Alterac in the first place.

Meh, even as a longtime forsaken main, I think the Forsaken have enough territory as it is. And honestly, I like the idea of Alterac being revived as a neutral human kingdom more than just a Forsaken castle on top of the mountains. They have every reason to be distrustful of both the Alliance and the Horde and having a neutral power in the region would have good potential for stories in a hypothetical revamp.

As for Stromgarde, the zone will probably remain split between Hammerfall and the restored Stromgarde city either way so letting them be restored changes little in practical terms but gives Alliance a genuine lore victory.


Sylvanas made a series of choices, too.
And as she herself admitted, she was never controlled by the Jailer. They were her choices.
Everything Arthas did, Sylvanas matched or exceeded.

You’re being willfully ignorant of what I am saying. I really doubt you’re incapable of wrapping your head around the idea that Sylvanas’s story began with victimization and being placed into a kill or be killed situation and am just going to assume you fall into the “thinly veiled misogynist” camp I described.

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tell me you love rick 'n morty without telling me you like rick 'n morty

Tell me you don’t have an argument other than “Woman bad” without telling me you don’t have an argument other than “woman bad.”

Tell me you can’t defend Sylvanas without implying that people who don’t like Sylvanas just don’t like women.


you can’t.


I did, you’re refusing to engage with that defense. Why would someone refuse to engage with a logical defense of a character unless something about her predisposes her to said someone’s ire?
Do you understand what I’m getting at, here?

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