Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

The proof is Turaylon says Stromgarde has been reclaimed. That means the nation itself. If he only wanted to say it was only the keep, he would have just said Stromgarde Keep.

1: The group demands others to agree with them, going as far to report posts when there is opportunity.

2: Those who disagree with the group are attacked and insulted.

4: “Misogynists are on the forum trying to persecute women!”

5: “I was friends with the people who are now my enemies, they started attacking me and I don’t know why, turns out they’re all guys who hate women!”

6: Posters A, B, C, D & E all have the same experience of being attacked and lied about.

7: Forum posts show the group’s behavior.

8: Talking to M/R is walking on eggshells so as not to offend her.

9: Group members insist it is others who are in the wrong and must take accountability, not themselves.

10: The group insists that only M/R is telling the truth, any other claims are either twisted or not acknowledged.

The Keep has been reclaimed. Stromgard Keep. Not Arathi Highlands

chocolate duh! (though I do like blueberry too)

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Shall have to bring a dozen of each than :rofl:

Again if Turaylon was just talking about keep and its sorounding, he would have said Stromgarde Keep was reclaim. The wording was Stormgarde was reclaim, ie the entire nation as oppose to just the keep.

now that you are talking about the League of Arathor, I theorize that Captain Nials is Calia’s believed to be the dead, long lost daughter. Nials is “slain” backwards and I think that was always supposed to be a hint that she’s someone who is a secret hidden in plain sight.

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Again, pure speculation, since the only thing that was actually retaken was Stromgard Keep

… Which is why you can’t assume it’s your reading and not the other.

Like I said, I suspect they’re leaving it ambiguous on purpose.

That’s possible.


Can’t really assume it was the whole nation as that’s never made explicitly clear. But we do know that the Keep and the surrounding territory is in alliance hands.

And that’s all the lore really spells out for certain

Except the Alliance clearly wanted the entire Highlands and not just the Keep as mentioned by Shaw himself.

Again, why can’t I assume that the Alliance probably destroyed Hammerfall, the place that has caused it the greatest problems in Stromgarde? Seems to mean the Alliance would want that place destroyed and if did beat the Horde, would probably make sure it was gone.

Wanting it and actually having it are two entirely different things and you know that

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I think he’s right though. Canonically the Alliance did win the Arathi highlands Warfront. to the point where even Anduin was able to put the Desolate Council in graves on the Horde side. Sadly I think he wins this round… I just hope it doesn’t go to his head.

We can’t actually tell who wom Arathi because it’s now phased to the Warfront so it’s in constant state of war. But i do believe Danuser confirmed the Alliance won both Warfronts. We still hold Hammerfall.

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You can, as long as you acknowledge that it’s your personal theory and not established canon.


But if Anduin was able to bury the Desolate Council on the horde side, that would mean logically that the horde still has a presence there. Else why bothering burying them in a place no one in the horde can actually visit without potentially getting killed?

It would have made more sense to move the bodies somewhere safer and bury them there.

But it’s likely you’re right. We just don’t really know 100% for certain.

You could be right too. Ar’gorok is still apparently in the Horde hands so even if the Aliance did win Arathi Warfront what did they win?

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The Keep and the surrounding territory. They didn’t take the entirety of the Arathi Highlands as far as we know

I would prefer most likely canon answer.

“Most likely canon” is clearly a matter of opinion, as this thread has shown.

I personally think that what is “most likely canon” is that the Alliance now controls the territory shown in the warfront, and only that territory. And on that note …

I assume Ar’gorok has fallen to the Alliance, since that happens during the warfront and the Alliance version has been confirmed to true.


Thanks. I was thinking about that, I thought I remembered them being north of the Thandol Span, but I was not sure enough to argue it.

That would put them to the east of Stromgarde.

I also did not recall it saying where they were fleeing to. Zerde was saying they were going to Lordaeron, and I took his word for it… but I didn’t recall that being mentioned. Since they were east of Stromgarde, they very well could have been heading to Hammerfall. They would have had to back track and cross through Stromgarde if they were going to Lordaeron, like Zerde was saying.