Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

Assuming that was the case, I would expect the Alliance would force concessions from the Horde to leave. I mean, why would it say for example pull out all Alliance bases from Zandalar when it would not do the same for what it arguable considers Alliance land?

I don’t always agree with you, and remember that once you said something that made me so angry at the time that I put you on ignore for… maybe a few hours, maybe a couple of days. Though I still disagreed with the sentiment, my anger itself cooled, recalled all the times we HADN’T argued, and I unblocked you. I don’t even remember the specific thing that made me so angry with you in the first place now. I don’t really WANNA remember it frankly.

Depending on how big the garrison at the keep is, they likely don’t have the numbers to force any sort of concessions

The Alliance feels secure enough in their position in Arathi to just leave a handful of guards in Stromgarde proper. I would take it to mean the Horde does not have enough forces anywhere near Stormgarde to ever threaten it.

These guys are acting cattier than a group of 16 year old school girls, it’s peak immaturity. All they have to do is leave me alone. I’m not some cult leader because I won’t flirt with him. This is insane.

This is the same kind of over the top reactions I’ve gotten from him and his friends for the last 8 months because I’m not romantically interested in him. Because i apparently lead him on because I asked his age and told him I dated a guy from where he lives. but it was literally “oh you’re from X, I dated a guy from there once.” and if that’s flirting then I apparently flirt with everyone because that’s basic smalltalk and I think the real take away from this Evelyssa should learn is: not every girl who is friendly to you, wants to get in your pants. That’s just the way it is. That’s not some feminist conspiracy.

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Probably had something to do with a Sylvanas comment I made, I know that angered quite a few people at the time. Even though it wasn’t directed at anyone in particular.

But we do get along more often than not. A little respect is all I ask for. This whole mess of living in the past and digging up past transgressions is tiring and I wish it would end

“OMG, are you wearing the same transmog as ME!? Well, it looks fat on you.”

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I just checked my copy of Shadows Rising:

The book mentions the Alliance searching for Horde travelers fleeing Stromgarde Keep specifically. There doesn’t appear to be any mention of which direction they’re fleeing to? Aside from that, the refugees that Turalyon and Alleria find are camped north of the Thandol Span, which puts them roughly in the middle of the territory. According to the scout, they weren’t on the move and appeared entrenched.

Just more specific information, if that helps pinpoint the discussion.


It’s just sad. They’re never going admit they did anything wrong. Can’t make people take responsibility if they don’t want to admit they’re just as much at fault.

But hey, we apparently run a world wide cult network. Which is a development I didn’t see coming. That’s pretty funny :rofl:

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Pfft. I…I got nothing. Except uhh…a…. Chucks banana and runs :rofl:

Thanks for the useful info. It certainly helps to put certain speculations to rest


The Arathi Highlands could be called humanity’s birthplace. This area was an empire, and the city of Strom was once the center of it. For a time it became the center of the World, at least for the Alliance.
-Matthias Shaw

Sounds to me the Alliance considers it one and the same.

It’s not the same though. It’s refering to the Keep, which is called Stromgarde

Stromgarde as a term refers to both the keep and the nation itself. The fact is, the Alliance seems confident enough that they have secured Stromgarde that they have effectively just left guards in the area. Which leads me to think even if Hammerfall existed it would be in a very weakened state.

I’m tired of the sexist witch hunt because that’s what this is. Act friendly = get accused of flirting. Reject someone outright = get called a cult leader. I guess all I want from people I interact with is a bit of maturity.

But it’s done now. I have moved on from this. I have blocked the people who I don’t want to interact with, I’ve cleared the air about my feelings, my point of view. I’ve moved on. So now it’s their turn to move on.

the cult meets on Tuesdays in the lounge bring muffins. This weeks enemy is Skarm because he called me fat.

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Which is the most likely scenario out of every other possibility. It’s there, just not in a state to pose much of a threat to anyone.

Or more likely it is gone and hence the Alliance does not need to worry about it or Arathi Basin.

Good for you. It’s the wise choice to make. No sense in letting this drag out anymore than it already has.

I’m like you, I just want to talk about the lore and talk to my friends.

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Unless you have actual proof of that, it’s pure speculation and nothing more

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Chocolate or blueberry?

(And how do you the line across the text thing?)

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