Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

You do realize it doesn’t all belong to the Forsaken, and the Alliance literally has Southshore again. Ie, it already has part of Lordaeron back.

Not that it matter, I am not sure why you are bringing this up here.

I would like to just walk away from what happened. honestly. I’ll take accountability for my half of it but I don’t want to bring it up again ever.

It doesn’t help to defend someone who is constantly starting drama and lying about people. You know what you’re doing.

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You really have a habit of just filling in blanks with your head canon.

I would say unless it is directly mentioned to be changed, it is likely the same, until a change is mentioned. There is little reason to assume Hammerfall is gone or in Alliance hands, but even if you want to assume that, it certainly is not stated any where.

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I’m not defending anyone. I’m calling YOU out. And telling YOU to be better

Take some accountability for your own actions

Just once. Your problem is you always have an excuse on why your bad behavior is never your fault. It’s always someone elses fault

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The refugees of Lordaeron, as per the Exploring Eastern Kingdoms book, are happy to let the Menethil line die out. They are happy being the people of Stormwind, Elwind and Redridge now (forget about Westfall no one cares anyway) besides who wants to live that close to smelly worgos anyways? and besides, you have Arathi what more could you want?

This entire denial feels like the whole “Jaina was not doing anything once she left Dalaran” thing again. At this point saying the Horde kept it is as much head canon as anything else. Especially when we have multiple sources saying the Alliance took back Stromgarde(the Kingdom) and not just Stromgarde(the keep)

We literally have a guard that was still hoping he could go back someday. We have Turalyon thinking about taking back old Alliance holdings.

Wondering if retaking old alliance holdings is worth it and actually wanting to do it are two entirely separate things.

He doesn’t say he wants to. He just muses which ones are worth the effort

I’m not the one who has to do better. People who lie and gaslight have to do better. I’ve taken accountability for what I’ve done.

Doing better is not letting someone lie about you and others. I’m not just going to up and go, “Hey sorry I defended myself from your lies, you’re totally in the right! Please let me join your bully group so we can gang up on people while we claim to just want to move on and chill! We attack people but this forum so cute and wholesome uwu!”

I’m not interested in joining your cult.

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Good thing I’m not in a cult. :rofl:

Sad you can’t even be an adult and admit you were just as much at fault as everyone else. Seems you still got some maturing to do.

I would say it is uncertain. I would not make a claim either way. It could be in Horde hands or Alliance hands. There is not enough information in the lore currently.

My opinion, though, is that Hammerfall is likely in Horde hands unless the Devs announce a change of status. Since Arathi is more than just Stromgarde. But I would not say my opinion is a lore fact - just what I consider likely.

You jump to conclusions and make assumptions, and proclaim them as canon lore.

Your cult says this a lot. It’s some good projection.

When you find this imaginary cults imaginary headquaters let me know

I can’t fix the massive amount of denial you’re suffering from after all :person_shrugging:

Until than

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I can’t help you with the fact that you think a secret cult is running amok.

What am I lying about?

I am telling the truth from my personal experience. The only one trying to gaslight right now is you. I am telling the truth from my perspective. I’m not a liar. I am not manipulative. My real friends can tesify to that. I knew you’d be a problem that’s why I told Shasani and Doness everything. I remember telling Shasani that I am not interested in you but i was scared of your reaction if I just told you point blank I wasn’t interested in you. I told them as it was happening “hey yo this is happening right now - here are the screenshots” because I KNEW you would not be able to take rejection. Nothing about what you did was innocent. You knew exactly what you were doing and i am sorry Doness fell for your manipulations.

I knew you were being manipulative to Doness, you are being manipulative right now. He’s too young to spot a manipulator, but I’m not and neither is Shasani. Remember when you called him a predator because you assumed he was doing the same thing to me that you were… lol. Your reasoning at the time was “predators know predators” and you still think after that I was ready to take whatever BS pick up line you threw at me?

C’mon now.

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Listen, only you know yourself. Nobody else.

But apparently he thinks there’s a cult, like the Freemansons or something secretly manipulating everything.

Which is a interesting turn of events :rofl:

Because I knew you would try and say that I was actually quite deliberate in my wording, exhibit A:

I specifically said what I think is most likely. Do I have 100% proof that is the case, no I don’t. But there is evidence backing what I said based on what we know. Unlike you, who have nothing to support your position.

Arathi Basin has been a hotbed of the faction war. Why would the Alliance let Hammerfall stand considering it is the main base of operation of the Horde against what is arguably one of the most important point of conflict for Stromgarde?

Probably didn’t have the numbers to assault it at the time. Considering the numbers it took just to take the Keep and surround territory