Who else strongly agrees there MUST be a quest line about reviving Arthas' soul or it'd kinda be a big mistake?

I always tell my guy friends who aren’t sure if a woman is into that If she’s into you, believe me, they’ll let you know. You won’t have to guess. And if you have to guess, she isn’t and just sees you as a friend

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Or we can assume it is gone especially considering I don’t think the Alliance would led the Horde keep a military base near Stromgarde.

If anything I ever said made you uncomfortable you should’ve told me.

I don’t think me and him have ever been friends.

Telling someone they’re old enough to date and that you’ve kissed someone from their state is flirty behavior. Along with alluding to an activity you like to do with your mouth. I understand you’re autistic but those are things people typically tell to those they’re attracted to.

Without concrete facts, no you can not assume it is gone. The alliance has a base still in Durotar. So that logic makes no sense

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I just hope that it ends now. It’s been almost 8 months of drama for something that happened over the span of a week, maybe two weeks. And it has everything to do with young immature guys who don’t know how to take a hint or how to interepret social situations.

Not to mention how dangerous it is to reject men because statistically speaking they are the most likely to commit violence against women. I had to walk on eggshells. but it’s out in the open. I didn’t apreciate his sarcasm, I didn’t think it was cute and I was not interested in recripricating his advances. Now can we all drop it already.

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I hope it ends too. Especially for you. It’s not fair they hold you to this ridiculous standard while not wanting to be held accountable for their own actions.

Young men today aren’t taught how to treat and or respect a woman’s boundaries and this whole conversation proves that

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Again, if it still existed there would be no reason for Horde refugees to run all the way to Lordaeron.

Again, without concrete facts, you cannot assume it’s gone. Until blizz says otherwise, it’s likely still standing

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it’s not just Evelyssa, somewhere along the way Doness made it his mission to defend his friend. So therefore he betrayed me. He got a 6 month ban reporting one of my posts on multiple alts. He’s been screenshotting my posts here and posting it on Twitter. He says something mean about me on Twitter every other day, and that’s insane, because at the end of the day I did nothing to Doness.

Was I mad at him for trying to play devil’s advocate for some creepy dudes in the forum? Yes. but I think he blames me for him not having any friends here- but I didn’t do that. I’ve talked to other people who’ve intereacted privatly with Doness and we all have the same gripe and that gripe is “he expects everyone he talks to carry his emotional baggage.” especially if that person he’s talking to is female. I carried his emotional baagage as a friend. I helped call in a wellness check on him when he said he was suicidal and went awol. When you put your friends in constant position to stress over your emotional state, you are gonna end up with no friends, because that’s a lot to ask of someone. I don’t have a campaign of hatred, I don’t have secret gossip networks and nor do i have spyware on my computer that allows me to see who you interact with. I’m not the freaking CIA.

I know Doness is reading this - but I hope he reads it to understand why he’s lost so many friends this year. And still - to this day I am still sending him people to cheer him up and be his friend because I know he needs it.

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I been nothing but nice and supportive towards him and than I find out he’s been saying things about me also on twitter and he came into this thread on his classic alt and attempted to pick a fight with me.

He’s manipulative and deceptive and I honestly feel bad that he feels the need to act like that. I’d be mad if the whole situation wasn’t really sad. I don’t know what his problem is, but he does need help working through them. That much is obvious

So I came into this thread like yesterday or maybe the day before and liked the first post and never looked back lol

I feel like what’s left to talk about after this like


I just want everyone to get along personally or at least be neutral.

And not everyone is going to be at the same point of being ready to move on at the same time, so if you (general you either of you is what I am saying) feels you are ready to move, you should simply do so regardless of what the other party is doing or what point they are at, someone has to be the first to take the high road in a situation like this tbh.

WHAT SHASANI SAID! :dracthyr_heart:




You are literally sunshine Lannislight. Thank you for everything.


Lannislight is a sweetheart. We need more people like him around :heart:


You said he’s a predator who targets women, and you’ve been mentioning him on the forums when he can’t defend himself here. It’s so bizarre you say that “I DUNNO WHY PEOPLE GOING AGAINST ME I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!” when you keep talking about people and making lies about them.

Yes you do. You are constantly being negative and antagonizing people. You’re showing it now by derailing the thread with personal squabbles. Personal squabbles over a video game forum. You just can’t stop talking about personal issues.

You send people to cheer him up while you badmouth him?

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You’re not getting Lordaeron back it belongs to the Forsaken.

I’m going back to playing Dragon Age, it doesn’t have this kind of problems.

For all we know, refugees could have gone to both places. Which one made more sense would depend on whether you were closer to the eastern or western part of the zone when you started fleeing. If you’re in the west, then it makes no sense to try to go east to Hammerfall through enemy lines.

Can we cut the double standards here? You’ve taken pop shots at her when the numbers are on your side.

Just…drop the whole your innocent act, it’s annoying and sad to watch.

Can we all just move on? And let bygones be bygones?


I don’t make the double standards, she does.

When people stop being attacked and lied about, sure.

You’re just being a hypocrit then. WHich isn’t helping your stance here.

Be nice if we could all just move on and let it die already