Who else’s blue pvp set sucks?

I got rank 10 on my warlock back then. But it was already via BGs (specially AB) and my GF played my char sometimes.

Remember that we won’t have BGs for a while now, all ranking will be done via wPvP. It won’t be fast.

Meanwhile I raid 1~2 times a week, about 4 hours/week of raiding and I’m getting the purps

I was rank 6 on my rogue like 2 weeks after honor system released just from ganking in hillsbrad

It doesn’t matter if BG’s are out or not, the amount of required honor is all relative to what other people can gain. If no one can access bg’s, then the extra honor/hour gained by doing bg’s Is technically irrelevant

I’m having hard time reading so basically 1.12 came before 1.5 and phase 6 I assume came from 1.9 which comes after 1.5 so that means the pvp set coming right now is the weak version not the phase 6 version?

That’s what I believe, there’s a reason wowhead lists it as phase 6

But everyone else besides me is saying wowhead is wrong and I’m wrong, so…

Long story short: ALL gear is going to be the 1.12 version of the item, regardless of what phase it DOES release in or what stage of original progression it is compared to. People can’t seem to wrap their heads around this, or are flat out intentionally being trolls/idiots.


Phase 6 is later than 1.12

Ok now you’re just trolling.




But you have to pvp for it, ew, i’ll take bwl for 5000 alex

Dragon stalker’s chest:

34 agi (53 agi = 1% crit)
14 int
17 stam
1% crit

Off last boss of BWL

Rank 10 blue pvp reward chestpiece:

16 agi
13 stam
6 int
2% crit

Let’s look at the 3 piece T2 bonus:

Increase the ranged attack power of aoth by 20%

Let’s look at the 2 piece blue pvp set bonus:

+20 agi = 40 atp and about 1/2% crit

The blue set is strictly better than the item from last boss of BWL. And the blue pvp item is better than T2 helm. And the 2 piece is MUCH better

We’re getting the 1.12 versions.

Blizzard said as much:

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Cool story. You said there was no reason to kill Nefarian. I said there was. Wasn’t talking about the chest.

Ashkandi is BiS for hunters in PvP if I’m not mistaken. Also there’s the +1% hit +30 agility necklace which is PvE hunter BiS.

I think you overestimate the number of people are going to shoot for those ranks, most will get to 3 for the discount and stop.

Some, like me, will never pvp at all because we don’t like it.

Whatever, tired of arguing with people

Sorry to crush your dreams that you can get phase 6 gear that comes later than 1.12 in phase 2

But I hope I’m wrong. Waiting on proof to be shown in game

There’s a blue quote that specifically addresses the issue in this thread.

You gotta tone down your cognitive dissonance, friend. When everyone tells you that you are wrong you should probably re-evaluate. It’s ok to be incorrect. Insisting you’re right when you clearly are not is much worse.


That’s not how the patches work, common mistake. It goes like 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12.

So 1.12 is much later than 1.5

That real world money bet still up for grabs?

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Lol legs are 2% crit and the gloves have +4% multishot damage, which is 1/3 as good as the 8 piece T1 set bonus, on a single piece of gear

This means that every single piece of blue pvp gear is LIGHT YEARS better than the T1 raid set, and the set bonus is just icing on the cake. I still hold to the fact that the full blue pvp set is actually still better than full T2 raid gear as well

Everyone will need to pvp to rank 10 to optimize their raid damage

What a joke. I mean whatever, if that’s what blizz wants to do. That’s nuts

The hunter Hands are specially insane, yes.

You seem to be assuming people are ALL going to be willing to spend their lives PVPing for the next 2 months to get marginal upgrades. For some classes, the differences are small. Some are huge, yes. Like me, I’ll be doing it because the Vanilla pally sets suck dong, but also because I ENJOYED PVP pre-BC. Seriously. Reign it in there man. This ain’t the end of the world.

Yeah it’s honestly a weird decision, but one I support because I personally hate raiding