Who else’s blue pvp set sucks?

T2 helm:

27 agi
16 int
26 stam
1% crit

Blue pvp set helm:

18 agi
14 stam
9 int
2% crit

That is strictly better than T2. Shall we compare to T3?

Ok, one piece of the set. Most of the t2 set wins out though. Overall t2 is better. That +20 agi set benefit it pretty irresistible though. BiS is going to be 2 pieces of PvP gear and the rest t2 if I’m not mistaken.

Dragonstalker’s chest

34 agi
14 int
17 stam
1% crit

Off nefarian from blackwing liar

Blue pvp set that can be obtained by afk’ing in AV lol:

16 agi
6 int
13 stam
2% crit

Also better than T2 chest from BWL. 1% crit = 53 agi for hunters, so the agi difference between the sets is more than made up for with the xtra crit

K so there’s the 2nd piece you replace. Is there a 3rd one?

Moral of the story is: ya’ll are wrong. You have this pipe dream that blizz is going to skip to phase 6 and they are not

Gg, have to get back to work

Who is wrong or right isn’t important. What is important is spreading knowledge. I’ve learned a bit about hunter gear today. What did you learn?

The only information we have from blue posts on the PvP Content Plan is that PvP rank rewards are coming in Phase 2, and they are the 1.12 versions. Phase 6 doesn’t mention PvP rank reward changes, and there is no mention of upgrading the sets in the way that they did in Vanilla anywhere to be found. It is what it is. We’ll find out for sure shortly.

So did anyone actually check the vendors to confirm/deny this or are you all employed browsing the forums at the work

To the latter point, yes, but that doesn’t matter because they don’t drop till 11 PST.



I dunno… we’ve got the 1.12 itemization. I don’t think any set is inherently bad for PvP. In fact, I think they did a nice job overall!

If they are indeed the phase 6 version on wowhead, then they are better than the BWL set, at least for hunter. There is no reason to kill the last boss of BWL because the blue pvp chest is better

You’ll look like a fool in about 30 minutes

I’m at work, please let me know when I look like a fool. I would love to have the satisfaction of knowing I never have to step foot in MC again other than for domo’s leaf (and don’t even have to bother with BWL for that matter)

I would love nothing more than to be wrong. I just highly doubt blizz is going bring out what’s listed as phase 6 pvp rewards in phase 2

Honestly, I think It’s easier/faster to get Full T1 than full Blue PvP set (let’s not even get started on the PvP epic set).

My guild is not even that hardcore and I’m already at 4/8 T1 and 2/8 T2 with Rhok’delar

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I don’t care if it’s better or worse; if it means I can finally get a decent set of PvP gear by PvPing I’m going to get it. Besides, the Warlock set looks badass.


It’s in plain English in the blue post cant you read? Obviously blizzard is dumb releasing gear that powerful this early, it’ll create a large gap between the casual raid logger and the hardcore pvper who raids. There will be complaining about this no doubt when people are getting stomped on by unemployed pvp grinders

Rank 10 is ez. I could get that just casually bg’ing like 2-3 hours/day. There used to be a way to queue 40man for Av with an add on, in which case you could win Av in around 12 minutes. Each win would grant like 8-10k honor depending on objectives. I am not sure if this will still be possible in classic, if it is, it will be the best way to farm honor in the game when it comes out

You don’t have to be unemployed to get rank 10 lol. You could get rank 10 just by afk’ing in av BG’s on the weekends lol

BGs aren’t going to be out until minimum 4 months from now not even worth mentioning

Ok well u still don’t have to be unemployed to get rank 10. Just go to hillsbrad and do group pvp for a few hours a day, spend your time exclusively doing that

Rank 10 is ez. Rank 12+ is where you have to no-life it

So basically, anyone can casually get a set of gear better than BWL gear by casually pvp’ing by themselves for a few hours a day. I’m all for it, o just don’t believe it will be the version released