Whoosh…look up.
I acknowledged that it wasn’t your only reason.
I have WM turned on for all my leveling toons…never once encountered a “gank fest”. Sure there is the occasional gank from a 120, but they just kill me and move along.
I turn WM on occasionally on my Priest and, again, I’ve yet to run into a “gank fest”. I see them talked about a lot, but I’ve never had that happen to me, personally.
But I get what you’re saying. Although being able to fly won’t keep you from having some random group of Hordies come by and kill you while you’re picking that herb or doing your WQ…you can’t mount up in combat. The only way to avoid that is to do nothing but hover over the world and hope no one shoots you down, or be high enough they can’t reach you. If they’re really there to gank you, you won’t be able to rez and mount up before they kill you again…just sayin’.
No doubt! We don’t have to agree. We can still be buds!
I just finished DLing FFXIV so Ill be flying in 2019 very soon ^^
Well, it depends on how many there are and how determined they are to camp me. As you know you don’t have to be on top of your corpse to rez. Depending on where you are, you can get creative about rezing in a place they don’t immediately see you. Or find a place further off you can pop a speed pot or something to get to. Added benefit if you carry an invis pot or make use of class or racial skills. Like for me if I’m by a cliff I will jump off and glide at the last moment to put a lot of distance between me and them. Maybe run around the corner and pop shadowmeld for a second if I have to. etc.
Finding creative ways to escape a group of people trying to camp you is actually kinda fun sometimes. If I’m bored with nothing better to do, not trying to level or something…
Just speaking for myself, I’d have more fun doing the things I’m currently already doing. Being able to fly is a major part of what makes the game fun for me. I still remember getting my first character to level 60 and buying flying and the sense of awe at finally being able to soar above the ground and perch on the top of Ironforge mountain. Flying gives one perspective that simply isn’t possible from on the ground. The giant statues in the Vale in Pandaria before they were destroyed is a good example. Stand at the feet and all you can see are the feet. But fly up and look at them from the air and my goodness they were majestic! Some of the most fun I’ve had in the game was farming the Pandaria world bosses every Tuesday after reset. I wouldn’t even have to join a raid group - just pay attention to the chat to see where everyone was going next and then hop on my flying mount and fly there to join that world boss kill, and then mount up and fly with the group to the next boss. I didn’t do the world bosses in Draenor because by the time I figured out where everyone was going and ran there, the boss was already dead.
I don’t do dungeons or raids or pvp. I do world quests and warfronts. There’s no flying in the actual warfronts, of course, but one of the reason I prefer doing the world quests in Arathi and Darkshore is because those zones have flying and being able to fly and have a bit of fun makes the world quests seem less like a chore.
As you said, flight is a faster means of travel, yes, but for many people, it’s a more fun means of travel, and that’s very important in a game where it seems like fun is often in short supply. Character agency is another topic that comes up often. It seems we have less and less of that as well. One of the things that attracted me to this game and kept me playing was the sense of being in an open world where my character could do what I wanted and wasn’t limited to just one path, one goal, one means of reaching the end of the game. Being able to fly on my mounts and have control of where my character goes and when and how opens up the world and gives me that sense of control that, again, seems to be in short supply more and more often.
For you, flying may just be a faster means of travel but for me and many others, it’s so much more than that.
I’ll give you that. It can be fun.
I 100% agree with you on this. But…
Flight doesn’t change the actual content, it just makes getting to it more fun. The content will be the same no matter how you get there.
Still, the exploration factor is definitely there, at least for a while. Eventually it’s just a time saver no matter how much you love the journey, for me anyway.
Never once have I said that flight is only a means of travel to me. I have said many times, in this thread and in many others (including the original “fight” to not have it taken away entirely) that it is something special in this game that I truly love.
But I do not fool myself into thinking that it will not become just another travel method after a while. Exploration, no matter how much one loves it, eventually runs out and gets stale. I mean, I used to sit on the mushrooms in Zangarmarsh or the hovering platforms in Nagrand under a tree. Today I just fly through…I’ve seen it and done it and been there already a million times.
It all gets “stale” after a while.
The irony, of course, being that the less fun the game is, the less likely I am to log in at all. Being able to fly and have fun doing current content would encourage me to stay logged in longer rather than just logging in to do a handful of emissary quests and then logging out immediately after.
I’m finding it hard to find the motivation to log in lately. I took a break over Christmas since I was visiting family and now I find myself choosing to play Minecraft instead. With elytra and rockets, I can fly fairly nicely in Minecraft survival mode; closer to flying than anything available in BfA for now, at least.
given they bascially stated wont happen until 8.2
also the game hasnt been out for even half a year yet.
Many players survived w/o flying for years.
you will also survive.
Well, back in the day, I was promised flying cars.
I still don’t have those.
I’m not happy with the reasoning behind the lack of flight in game, but they seem tied to the idea that they’re no longer capable of designing content for us where we can fly.
That’s exactly my point. I play this game to have fun. Flying is a major part of what makes the game fun for me.
Nah, I will never get tired of flying or see it as just another means of transportation. Flying is magical and exhilarating. I started playing in Dec 2010 at the start of Cata. I’ve only ever known the game with old world flying. If I’m not blasé about it now after 10 years, I think it’s safe to say I’ll never get bored of it or take it for granted.
Really? Is this where we’re setting the bar? Survival? The bare minimum of basic necessities? Sure, the game functions without flying; no one’s saying otherwise, but a game needs more than to just be playable - it needs to be fun.
pretty sure we had fun.
I mean we still play game to date.
and 90% of the time we play is ground bound.
If it were up to me we would have had flying with expansion release. Once the player reaches exalted with all reputations and got the first Pathfinder stuff done, boom! Flying!
But that’s too logical am I right?
A few things will die very fast once we get it, a sub because pathfinder is a hellish grind and world PVP but the grind alone hurts me already just thinking about it.
What grind?
If it was superfluous they wouldn’t have tried to remove it.
The whole contention is that it trivializes content. As though being able to complete your WQs in 20 minutes instead of 30 will change something.
I do more WQs when I can fly. Why? I can ignore the obstacles and go do it. It might seem like a bad thing or that I’d spend less time playing, but…
WoD, Legion, and now BfA. I start for a while, get tired of navigating crap, then come back when flight is available. Then I stat subbed until the first half a year of the next expansion.
Clearly, at least for me, it’s not superfluous. It is core to my enjoyment and whether or not I play. Given that, you know, when I don’t have it I get tired of dealing with not having it.
We do? I mean, I haven’t logged in for a few days. I’m still subbed, but I haven’t logged in more than a couple of times per week since shortly before Christmas and then I just check missions and emissary rewards and see if there’s anything I need. An incursion on an alt here or there, a few world quests in Arathi or Darkshore, and that’s it. There’s plenty that I still want to do, but too much of it feels like chores and work rather than fun. Flying is fun. Being able to fly from chore to chore would give me incentive to log in and actually do stuff.
Hmm, is it? I feel like I spend a lot of time on flight paths and loading screens and waiting for my flight whistle to cool down. That I have to wait for my flight whistle to cool down after completing a world quest makes me think I’m not really spending that much time on the ground questing.
I gave up on doing world quests, farming AP, etc a long time ago. Without flight those things are just not worth my time.
Crazy idea here… but maybe some people just like… enjoy flying around… because it’s fun?
Pathfinder 2 came on 7.2 but required completing 12 (I think) weekly 15 Min quests… I think that was a bit BS