Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?

Did you not say…

Sure, you added a line that said something like… “I’d be lying if I didn’t admit it would help me suffer the WQ grind better”…, or something to that extent, but your main reason for wanting flight, from what you said, is so that you can “explore for weeks”.

I wonder, thought, how being able to fly would entice you to turn on WM outside of the entertainment value of watching others be ganked…but I digress (just a funny aside that popped into my mind) :fox_face:

Either way… I don’t disagree with you, for the most part. Exploration is one of the best things in this game and I also love it. There are so many little treasures all over the world that you simply can’t ever see from the ground. I can’t wait to fly.

But I respect the wishes (even if not all of the implementations or decisions) of the designers, artists, quest writers, developers, etc. of this game enough to “suffer” through being grounded for a few months so that they have their work really looked at and played through. I will be soaring the skies soon™, and for longer than they kept me on the ground.


If they aren’t going to have flying on release, they at least need to remove the teleport-to-instance from LFR, LFG, arena, and battlegrounds.

It’s stupid that I have to hoof it out to Uldir or a M+ dungeon, but people who use the queue function get instant teleports.

Blizzard is just two-faced on this issue, to an extreme. They want people to “master the content” but god forbid they remove the ability of queue players to instant teleport all over the place.


I find it rather ironic that folks always want to call Blizz “childish” because they won’t give players flight (or whatever it is that they want now) now but players never admit to being “childish” for demanding they get their “candy” right away.



Please no :frowning: I remember having to run to the portals to queue battlegrounds in vanilla and do not want.

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And people want to fly for the same reason: Commuting to content is as boring as commuting to work.

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My VE hit 60 last weekend and I bought flying in SW then went to Hellfire and found I can fly there too! Was surprised that it carries over from Azeroth flying.

Go check that out!

Oh I’m pro-flying all the way. Always have been and always will be. This game gets tons more fun for me when I can finally fly.


False. Only 58% completed “diplomat” required for pathfinder.

h ttps://www.worldofwargraphs.com/global-stats/achievements/achievement-category-15286

And only around 60% of player EVER completed a mythic donjon (not M+, just M0)

If you have time to do it all, other (most) people don’t

Flying was introduced to the game in the expansion that brought the Outlands. I haven’t had a really low level buy flying in a long time but I think they also removed Cold Weather flying so you could probably fly in Northrend’s starter zones now too.

Edit- err, Northrend’s zones as a whole I mean. Avoid Wintergrasp it’s a pvp zone and will automatically dismount you if a battle is ongoing.

In Legion, when flying was finally allowed, everybody I knew (and I know a lot of people, in-game) just kept saying, “You know what? This game is so much better with flying than without.”


I can turn into a dragon…you wouldnt know though. :frowning:

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this is the new blizzard. they flat out don’t care. they REALLY don’t care. they see their numbers, and they know what’s going on. why do you think their stock is falling like a rock with an anchor tied to it. they could care less what’s important to their customers. why do you think ion still has a job. he does because he is following company policy.


Yes, I did say that. That doesn’t mean that’s my only reason. Nor did I even say that was my main reason in general. People in general have been saying the only reason anybody wants flying is to get around faster and skip content. I was giving an example of one of the main reasons I enjoy flying, other than that. Just because I enjoy it for one reason doesn’t automatically negate other reasons.

Because sometimes I am in the mood to give world PvP a go. But not if it’s just going to be a gankfest. So maybe I’m minding my own business questing and some dude comes up trying to pvp me to death and I’m like sure why not, have at me bro. But if I’m chillin’ doin’ my own thing and suddenly I see 10 Horde roll up on me, I’m not going to stick around and be facerolled. And I likely will be facerolled at least once by it. But I’d like to be able to rez and quickly dice out of there afterwards.

Or, sometimes I may not even be in the mood to pvp a fair fight, so I simply fly away at one person charging at me.

So if I could fly, I might consider enabling it. Because those people wanting to pvp or gank me… they absolutely will not get a chance to if I have warmode off. But they may get a chance to if I have it on. Better on with flight than completely off, IMO.

I don’t disagree with this in general. But we just seem to fundamentally have different opinions about how long is a reasonable time to wait, given what is consumed, currently available, etc. I think it ultimately boils down to a difference in opinion, really.


unless you got power

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Blizzard is a crap company so it doesnt irritate me when they do crappy things to the consumer.

So glad my sub runs out in 2 weeks.

It’s not odd that something that was originally only available in Outland is still available in Outland when you go there.

We couldn’t fly in the original Azeroth zones until Cata.

I want flying because Blizzard has changed their design theory on maps. Maps used to generally be wide open areas (outside of a few “special” places like Blades edge).

Blizzard now makes almost every map a maze. If I am at point A and can see point B on my mini-map, I shouldnt have to run to the other side of the world to get to B. Some may like crawling through mazes for a piece of cheese. I will do it once (see Pathfinder) but asking me to do that everyday is not gonna happen. I would rather sit in Borealus and just wait for a queue to pop (I would sit in my house or even garrison if I could).

Flying fixes having to deal with a sadistic designers idea of a map. I realized they may only get to enjoy screwing me over 1 time instead of squealing with glee that I have to deal with it every day on world quests, but none of the rewards are good enough to put up with the horrible map design.


Firstly, Blizzard’s argument against flying is it messes with their ability to provide engaging content. IMO grinding your rep up to proper levels isn’t engaging in new content. It’s grinding the same content over and over. But even so…

Second and more importantly, surely those numbers are skewed, seeing as how it is not required to achieve pathfinder on individual toons. For example, I have 8 level 120 toons. I completed pathfinder on 1 toon. The other 7 have some of pathfinder complete by virtue of leveling up going through content, but nowhere near all of it. And it doesn’t show it across toons. If I have the necessary rep on this toon but not on another, it doesn’t show that on my other toon. But it’s still eligible overall.

So I have sneaking suspicion those 7 toons I have is reflected in those numbers you show, even though they are eligible.

And that’s just me. How many lvl 120 alts do you recon everybody else has? In short, I can’t trust those numbers. Nor can I trust any publicly procured numbers, really, since there isn’t a way to dedupe toons that are actually applicable despite not showing they are.

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We really don’t need a part 2 in my opinion. Part 1 should be enough. You have to play the game to actually get it. All they had to do is wait 1, 2, maybe even 3 months (basically enough time to let most people see the land they created) to add the ability to fly into the game.


Oh you got me wrong !
I agree, we need flying ASAP !
I’m just poinring out most people aren’t playing a lot. My self with about 3-8h/week I just finished diplomat

And probably yes, mulriple toons are included for the same account. I think there is no way through APIs to find “main”

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