Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?

Exactly. They are trying to say that we are skipping such important leveling content; like we do less work, but still level and get the same rewards as them.


What does this have to do with flying? Does flying stunt your imagination somehow? In what world is repeatedly killing the same trash mobs that have been in your path since the expansion launched considered imaginative? In fact, I think it’s extremely jarring for everyone to refer to my character as a “Champion of the Alliance” when I don’t even have my flying license yet. Every flightmaster in the game is more skilled than I am, apparently.


Back during Burning Crusade- when flying was introduced- you could be knocked off your mount by birds and other aerial type creatures (but mainly birds).

People apparently don’t like falling to their deaths when trying to fly.

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I prefer that players be allowed to pick their own method of travel and immersion. Ground or air.



It took me exactly 2 weeks and 6 days to get P2 for Legion and I took a week off work and the game to go on vacation during that time. So I’m not sure what “well after” you are referring to but, okay.

I know many folks who finished it in 2 weeks or less, by a day or two.

Call me crazy, but that’s not from memory, it’s from knowing my achievement date and the launch date for the patch.

I’m aware… I didn’t like it.

But it wasn’t my idea. I was asking someone a question about why they think “flying danger” is less tedious or annoying than “ground danger”.

Point taken.

Same with ground travel. You eventually learn where the “dangers” are and either avoid them or learn how to maneuver so they may as well have been avoided.

I’ve, personally, rarely had this happen and on those incredibly rare occasions it takes less than a second to “unsnag” myself. Not really an issue. Also, see above… Eventually you learn to avoid these things.

While I agree this happened a lot in Legion and Warlords, the terrain in BfA is much more straight forward. Not really an issue. Also, see above… You eventually learn where these things are.

I happen to roleplay in a world where flying mounts are canon. How about you?



They make the game better for you. They make the game tedious for me, and many others.


So how do you guys propose they add flying to the current zones, without undermining the warmode system (because of warmode, it no longer feels like a single player game to me. I help and interact with many of the players that I randomly encounter now, for the first time in a decade. It’s slowly repairing a portion of that ‘in-game community’ feeling, which was lost a very long time ago).

choosing not to fly when flying is added is hardly a choice at all, those players would be severely handicapping themselves. Flying will impact the in-game economy, it will make the world feel a lot more empty, it will make botting easier. Making flying disabled in war mode would be a terrible design choice, and enabling it would pretty much wreck that system…

If they do add flying, then I hope WM gets a 50-100% bonus, and players receive a -80% damage debuff (against other players) for 30 seconds each time they dismount, and that the [Net-o-Matic 5000] is upgraded to 2000yd range with a 0.5 sec cast, no cooldown. At least then players could defend themselves against flying raid groups.

Isn’t that kind of like saying “I’ve killed all the raid bosses already, why don’t I just get their loot handed to me at the beginning of each week from now on?”

Yeah it can be nice to view the world from above… but is it so good that it should be added (forced upon those who aren’t keen on it) when we’re only 20% into the xpac?

Adding flying into these zones will alter pretty much everyone’s gameplay experience, and not all for the better. If they decide to add it, then I hope it’s done so based around sound game design principles, and not on whims.

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The only reason WM has participants now is because of the 30% and level 400 gear, before that with ground mounts only and no flying WM was already dying. Horde were constantly complaining that there was no Alliance to fight in WM.

With all the whining the Horde are doing about the 400 gear and 30% (maybe rightfully so) there is a good chance that Blizz nerfs it and we go back to dead WM which will still be on ground mounts. So flying has no effect on WM, you know what does giving people an incentive to do it that don’t want to.


It most certainly IS a valid point.
Flying doesn’t give anyone a competitive advantage over another person in this game. You’re not going to get better gear because you have flying.


Wow is first and foremost a pve game. Blizzard has to bribe alliance with HEROIC RAID GEAR and a 30% buff to rewards to even participate. It’s a joke of a system. Flying would only have a positive impact on the game. When wow was at its peak flying was embraced and loved by both the devs and players.

Make no mistake the ONLY reason wow doesn’t have flying is because not flying slows people down even if for a few minutes. That’s the only reason. To add a bit more time onto the time /played metric.

It has nothing to do with pvp…


It’ll be a PfoE game if you add flying this early.

and now every 2nd-3rd alliance that you encounter will attack you on sight, which triggers nearby alliance to join in for a constant 3-5 vs 1 experience. Because of being attacked significantly more on my scrubby horde alt, I decided to faction change 80% of my toons to horde.

Granted far more people will probably switch to alliance for the free loot, but that’s a good example of how simply adding something to the game doesn’t always yield the intended outcome or necessarily make it “better”.

“only” implies that it would make the game better for every single player. Completely untrue.

Coincidental. It was pretty much peaking in subs around the time they decided to add flying and experiment with vehicles. ~80% of that growth occurred during times where no flying was available. There was a massive drop in subs during the expansion where they revamped two entire continents to include flying. (could we fly in areas like Uldum and Twilgiht Highlands early on in the Cata xpac? I don’t actually remember, but if so then that would be kind of sad. Just look at those subs decline).

I enjoyed flying during BC, and didn’t mind it during WotLK, but I largely did PvE during that time.

Possibly, but no flying is currently making the game more enjoyable for a lot of people whether you choose to believe it or not, despite any potentially manipulative intent on blizzard’s part.

That had far more to do with the way dungeons were redesigned after Wrath. They were tuned far more difficult than Wrath’s and were especially brutal to healers. Not to mention, much like Warlords later, there was far too little content at end-game initially. At the 2009 Blizzcon announcement for Cataclysm, Blizzard mentioned that flying in the old world was the most requested feature they had ever received in the game. Given such popularity, it doesn’t make sense that flying would be the cause of the subscription drop in Cataclysm.


Flying was added in very early BC while subs were very clearly still on the rise.


And no flying is limiting quite a few peoples fun whether you choose to believe it or not. Pro flyers don’t want to take your fun of riding a ground mount around but you non flyers sure do like to take our idea of fun away.


Well said.

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No, you don’t. You can’t. There are too many stupid bushes, rocks, tree roots, and random obstacles on the ground to learn all of them. More so than in previous games. It’s an exercise in frustration.

You must not have taken advantage of last week World Quest rep bonus. I spent the better part of my three day weekend doing World Quests, and 75% of that time was spent disengaging from tree roots and mowing down trash mobs. That’s 75% of the time that I could have dedicated to running dungeons, island expeditions, or some other form of group content. Instead I was killing trash. After the rep grind, there’s no time for anything else. I never thought that my guild leader would ever quit the game, but he actually burned out and doesn’t play anymore because the rep grind burned him out. When 75% of the rep grind is riding around on your mount and killing trash, I can see why.