Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?

How does flying give someone a competitive advantage?
If your answer in anyway relates to PvP, than control flying in PvP only.


Elaborate. It’s only as competitive as you choose to play. I compete with no one, as many others don’t; and it hurts nothing. There are many levels of competition, skill, etc and it stays on those levels, hence why there are tiers and difficulty.

Comparing flying in WoW to a harmful drug abuse via contact sports is invalid. Once again, from one hyperbolic excuse to the next. And this is why I chose to introduce separate servers for anti-flyers. Don’t toxicfy my experience with your personal choices. Thanks.


It doesn’t give a competitive advantage in pvp either since WPVP was dead before the 30% bonus. Once they remove the bonus which in my opinion they will eventually WPVP will go back to being dead.

Before the 30% all you seen was Horde complaining about no Alliance to fight and that was while on ground mounts

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You’re comparing apples and oranges there. Flying allows you to get to the content faster. Your hypothetical and blatantly silly suggestion gets you through the content faster. It’s like the other stupid idea of wanting to be a marshmallow man that decimates towns. Flying just allows us to skip virtual commutes. At the end of the day, we’ll still be doing our virtual jobs and expecting our virtual pay like everyone else. You’re comparing the virtual commute to the virtual salary. There is no equivalency there.


No it isn’t. Flying doesn’t get you through raid content any faster. I also missed the patch notes where they put The Amazing Race into WoW. Even if such content existed, they could easily disable flying for the purposes of said content. I don’t know what kind of competition you’re talking about.


Quests don’t disappear if you’re the second person to a quest giver for the day.

There’s not a single aspect of open world content that is competitive.


Because it’s a game, and games typically have rules to create tedium, difficulty, and immersion.

This isn’t a homebrew version of WoW, there are other players whose immersion matters.

Except I believe that the stuff you’re flying over is part and parcel of the content that you’re saying you’re getting to.

I wouldn’t bother, his “logic” is just 2 gud.

It’s no wonder so many of these people claim to be bored and have nothing to do…

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Conversely, if it’s so useless, then why grouse about its absence?

It’s simply flying over content that has already been done… hence you need to do it to even receive flying now.

And it’s not flying over stuff like you think - when I was leveling this guy, I enjoyed seeing the world from the up view. At times I did click in a far direction and tab out sometimes… but it’s truly no different than me taking a flight path and not looking at it for the duration.

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But evidently to you us pro flyers immersion doesn’t matter


You must be easily entertained, if “follow the windy path up the mountain” is worthwhile content to you.

And if it’s the mobs we pass along the way, well, your real beef ought to be with mounts in general, not flying mounts. And the flight whistle. And flight paths. All of which keep people from the compelling content of fighting those hex crazed bunnies in Drustvar.

I’m not bored. In fact, the only time I’ve ever been bored playing WoW is during WoD.


Immersion is entirely subjective and individual. For example, I main Dwarves. How do Dwarves get around in WoW? By armored gryphon. It improves my immersion when I can use the mount associated with my character race.

Yes, some games definitely treat tedium and repetition as obstacles to overcome. However, the problem with not providing relief at some point from the more tedious “chore” parts of WoW is you end up pushing some players away if that’s the only form of game play you provide (in this case, world quests). That’s the pitfall that the developers have fallen into by delaying player-directed flight.


I’m irritated in the grammar of the title of this thread and I have to keep seeing it cuz it won’t go away.

You believe incorrectly, then. If it’s content that I want to get to, then I’ll fly down to it. If it’s another tree root, hill, windy path, or a trash mob, I fly over it. That’s why flying is so nice. What compelling content awaits me on horseback? None that isn’t available with flying.


While you failed to spell “because”.

Easily entertained?

If you’re above roleplaying and the simple pleasures of imagination, why are you playing a rpg?

Well, to be fair, not every game is for everyone. We don’t need to cater to every taste. We’re both pushing for changes that suit the style of game we would like to play.

Agree to disagree then.

I prefer a game with static rules across the board. If I want an open sandbox I’ll go play something other than WoW.