like me for example. TBH flying should go away. too many ppl QQ over it and even devs say they wish they never made flying a thing outside of TBC.
See, the thing is, there’s plenty of games without flying. You can 100% get your no-flying immersion fix in a literal sea of video games.
If you want no-flying there’s a ton of options out there, but this one has flying and we like it. In fact, I’d hazard a guess that for some of us that creates the very real problem that other games do not have flying.
What you’re asking for is tantamount to removing a game play option from the entire MMO scene, given that WoW is the only MMO that I’m aware of that allows flight.
even devs say they wish they never made flying a thing outside of TBC.
This one’s fun, though. The devs who made flying in TBC are not the same devs now.
While the current devs may well wish that the prior ones had not opened that can of worms, we have no way of knowing if the people who chose to do so regretted it. Given that they made no attempts to change it at the time they were there, and it hardly impacted end game, I doubt it.
The only real reason they’d want to take away flying is, to be clear, to keep us playing longer. It’s a product of their current design decisions, not an empirical fact that it’s harmful.
Economies are effected as flight means more resources faster.
I’d argue that the economy becomes more accessible, due to material flood. This brings the price of everything down, and was probably super beneficial to the average player who had no interest in farming gold in the first place.
World PvP is near nonexistent when flying is 99% of travel.
They could have, from the earliest point of flying, disabled flying if you were in wPvP. They could have prevented you from dismounting with an ability in flight, and force parachuted you if you tried to dismount and attack after.
There were a million ways to handle it and they did poorly. That’s not flying’s fault, it was theirs.
I am likely a minority in that, but thats life.
True, true. Nothing to be done about it, and honestly we’re all just bleating mindlessly about it because we know we’re not going to sway them.
That said, content managed to last just fine in the past when you unlocked flying at max level. There wasn’t a reason to reinvent the wheel except because they wanted to. They made flying a problem, not the other way around.