subs numbers also not a real good indicator if provided…which blizzard doesn’t even do anymore. Now 8.X iirc the backend code revealed some data…was contested over if mined right.
Example: Me. Only reason I am subbed is my allied alts. Several 120’s 2 mains 1 each side literally living paycheck to paycheck as it were with content. 8.1 dropped…did both side’s new conent.
See what we get Tuesday with war campaign and…done again in less than 4 hours if like last time. I check in on them weekly for WF resets at this point. 2 alts…jsut there. WF and WQ gera hunts if motivated.
They are jsut in case DH nerfed in 9.0 protection lol. Same I do in all games. I try to have a few classes. One gets nerfed to hell, another class for a plan b.
Save the estalk…no dungeon or raid. Not my thing and even if I did them I’d tbh have simple goals. Run it till the first success and…done. Spamming dungeons 50 times not my thing. No mythic, save that estalk too. I’d run these normal if possible for story reasons.
I renewed sub to finish the VE out. She hit 110. Level 60…makes the leveling fun. Flew in northrend. flew in pandaria. flew in legion. WoD…not so much fun. BFA leveling soon…no flying again. Guess I forgot how on that boat ride?
Soon the nightborn levels. I will look forward to questing with flight 60-110 (sans 90-100 for WoD).
TBH no flying in this leveling part I’d be unsubbed. Then it truly drag lol. I’d come back months before 9.0 release. That way I’d run 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 all in one big collected bunch.
BFA and the see he land bit no longer applies to me or many. 2 120 exalted all chars leveled all storyline no IE’s. . 2 120 hunter alts (full story both sides again). The VE starts up BFA at some point for a 3 rd run at alliance story.
Been there, done that…a cliche that comes to mind here. And will be reinforced on the nightborne. She will see BFA horde story. A 3rd time. The land does not change for this.
its time to fly. It actually be a new way to see the land if you think about it.
Did “they say” they would have different flying rules in BFA? No.
Did they say “what they learned” was that the flying rules must change? No.
They changed the flying rules in 2014: 4 years ago. They LIKE they changes. They LIKE the affect they have had on the game.
“Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?” Not me. I know the BFA rules are the same as the Legion rules and the WoD rules: no flying for the first 6 months, then flying for the next 18 months.
We’re not even half way through the expac yet. We don’t even have a new zone yet. Sorry, but there’s really no need to break out the victim status over this issue yet. Flying isn’t integral to the game. I LIKE it and I wish it were here. I also wish Blizz HAD made content that made flying compelling.
But they didn’t, and thus it’s more or less a moot issue.
I’m not sure reddit counts as a random sample. It ABSOLUTELY caters to specific biases. Don’t get me wrong, it often caters to MY biases and that’s certainly nice for me. But I’m not deluded enough to think that means what shows up on reddit is indicative of a random mean cross sampling of the population. It’s not. Reddit is an echo chamber, not a scientific poll.
Give me a source on everything you’ve said about people liking flying.
Your book example is bad. Books, TV, etc., are temporary pleasures. If they are all you have in your life, you will be miserable and depressed. This has been studied. It’s just a Google away for you.
Terrible argument. Of course it’s an opinion, this is a forum for people to discuss opinions. All of your opinions are also opinions. Obviously I dont have a scientific study showing that most people prefer no flying.
My opinion, as someone who has played since beta, is that the game is less fun than it used to be. Based on my observations, it is in part because players can fly now. This, along with BGs and several other features, have eliminated all danger from the world. (CAN YOU DISPUTE THAT POINT???)
Then, in my opinion, the world (of warcraft hah) being totally safe is one of the reasons the game is less fun than it was.
Now if you pulled the player base maybe more than half would say they prefer to keep flying. I dont know, obviously. But they may not realize that it actually contributes to making the game less fun. It’s like deciding not to exercise because it’s hard and inconvenient, and then not realizing it’s the reason you’ve developed type 2 diabetes.
And before you say it’s fun to you to fly a big yellow dragon, let me point out that this is not the question. The question is whether the game is more fun overall with your big dragon than without.
I dont care that you served in the military. Not sure why you’re putting semper fi at the end of your posts.
Edit: oh also, I do have plenty of peer reviewed articles about challenge being an essential ingredient for human happiness. You should know that though. Not gonna Google it for you.
So does high end raid gear. Shall we remove gear progression, too?
Or I can turn off warmode. Oh, wow, look at that, already did!
How about you stop expecting other players to provide you with targets? Or you could just play an actual PVP game, rather than a PVE game that happens to offer a PVP option.
You truly seem to have a persistent delusion that more people play with PVP/Warmode turned on than off.
Yeah, I can. I died a couple of days ago in Drust’var while doing a world quest in Corlain. There’s some nasty three NPC pats outside the city walls that can overwhelm you if you’ve already pulled some mobs.
Saying there’s no danger in the world anymore denies the reality of level and ilevel scaling. And having flight wouldn’t have saved me. I had to be on the ground for the world quest. Because you have to be on the ground to do the content.
The game as originally constituted largely emphasized PvP. It is based on an extremely successful RTS, which was successful specifically because of internet multiplayer. The entire fundamental theme of the game was, and still is, horde v. alliance. The game fell away from that, and this expansion is specifically designed to emphasize world PvP and the horde v. alliance theme. (Though the writing could use some work.)
So your argument is that you play on PvE shards, and you don’t care how your ability to fly trashes the PvP shards for people who like them? When they are the primary focus of this expansion? When Blizzard spent who knows how much dev time on Warmode? When people are specifically encouraged to play with Warmode on with a 10% bonus plus extra talents? When they created an entire new forum just for Warmode and world pvp?
I don’t expect other players to provide me with targets. I expect them to try to kill me, which makes the game more challenging (and more fun).
Your ability to fly in PVE mode saves you miniscule amounts of time, but it severely impacts Warmode for people who like Warmode. Which, apparently, are the people Blizzard wants to get back into the game considering the fact that it is the main emphasis of this expansion. (can’t dispute that.) Perhaps Blizzard has judged that there is a larger market for that type of game than for a hamster wheel PvE game with minimal challenge?
I’m not delusional. There may well be more people playing with PvE mode enabled, I don’t doubt that at all. As they added more and more convenience features to cater to fastidious players who like to do PvE to get gear so that they can do more PvE to get more gear, many original players left the game, and now we are at half the number of subscribers (or less) than we were at Wrath. So yea, I bet the current playerbase is majority PvE hamster wheel types.
You think that’s a good argument? If the standard for making a case on this forum is that you must have a peer-reviewed, scientific study backing up your claim, then no one can debate any issue either way.
Only one pro flyer has made a decent argument in this thread, which I credited and said may be correct. But the notion that I’m wrong because I don’t have scientific proof is “some of the crappiest [and most fallacious] logic” I’ve seen on this forum.
Why use the word “fallacious?”
EDIT: Oh also let me point out the extreme irony of you saying my logic is crappy, while failing to make any kind of substantive argument at all. Do you see why that’s ironic?