Yeah but you need to remind non flyers that they aren’t the center of the universe either and that their opinion isn’t the only opinion because there are a few in here that think theirs is.
They lied they don’t learn from anything. Only thing they learn is how much they can take from the playerbase before having to give in. But each expansion they seem to be testing the limits. It’s about training/curving the players into how they want us to be . Sorta like grooming.
OP & main thread is complaining about not having flying. IMO one takes precedent over the other at the moment. Pathfinder exists, ain’t going no-where, doesnt need to be sped up. The issue was polled 3-5 years ago and the decision was based on player opinion.
No one can seemingly be bothered to have an actual discussion about pro’s and con’s, and when someone does bring up valid points it jumps into “No, i dont like it therefore everyone doesn’t like it so you’re wrong” lol.
Umm you do know that its not just pro flyers that can’t have a discussion about flying its also non flyers also. Most flyers are fine with Pathfinder they just think we should get flying as soon as we achieve Pathfinder.
Also what poll? Blizz never had a poll on their website or launcher that I remember and I never took part of this poll and i am a player. So I didn’t get to give my opinion in this poll.
Poll was back when WoD was around to determine how to handle flying/pathfinder. And based on other polls around on reddit, the response hasnt changed.
I honestly hate “most people like ____” when they have no numbers to back it up. It’s conjecture and basically a meme at this point.
Currently I am having the most fun in game between levels 70 and 110. This is because of 280 and 310 flying.
Ditch Pathfinder Blizz. It was fun on Draenor, but now it has gotten old. Bring back gold for flying at level 118 just like it was in TBC and WoTLK.
You will make A LOT of people very happy.
More like pruning the player base. To keep the sheep and get rid of ones who want things to work right and have fun. Not have to do something for several months to get it are the ones they want. While getting rid of other ones say one month fine. that the way it looking to me.
So a few people took a poll about flying on reddit and you think that its the overall feeling of the majority of players. Kind of weird because any other time there is a poll complaining about the state of the game its dismissed as nothing by White Knights, but as soon as it backs them up a little bit its totally legit.
I mean, Blizzard polling the entire playerbase back in WOD isn’t exactly a reddit poll. I used the reddit poll because it’s something I can see, and based on statistics a random sample is typically representative of the population. But y’know, who cares about how statistics, math and science work right? Let’s just dismiss available information by calling everyone who disagrees with my opinion on the game and my anecdotal experience as white knights .
Funny, they didn’t poll me back in WoD.
So when did Blizzard poll the whole playerbase? I don’t remember taking any poll.
That is an opinion, and unless you can provide hard data from all current subscribers as proof, it is an arrogant and foolish one as well. People generally don’t appreciate an arrogant fool.
Resorting to personal attacks after making an arrogant and foolish statement pretty much invalidates anything you said. May want to watch that in the future. Some people may take offence to being called “special”.
It is absolutely a valid argument when people are stating their opinions, especially when it is fact that all this is your opinion.
EXAMPLE: I like cherry pie.
The above statement is a fact because I do indeed like cherry pie.
Most people like cherry pie.
Unless hard proof is given to support the above statement, it is an opinion.
If you have any further questions, I’m sure the average 9th grader can be of assistance.
Semper Fi!
I’ve been around the forums for a very, very, very long time (even when I wasn’t playing, I would come peruse the forums): absolutely no one was crying about flying, not on these forums.
And if they did during BC, it wasn’t that many people, not to the point that you see people complaining about lack of player controlled flight almost 6 months into a new expac (quite honestly it’s a ridiculous amount of time to wait.)
Flying has always been one of the more popular implements in this game. There was a time when only WoW had player controlled flying.
The “I’ve hated flying since the beginning” type of posts only started when Bliz made a certain announcement at one of the Blizcons (I want to say it was when they introduced WoD).
So, in fact, YOU are the one that’s incorrect.
Best way to combat it , is to let new players know how things use to be. The devs are betting on new players that aren’t use to having it at max level from a trainer like mop ,cata, and previous expansions before that. BFA sucks so bad right now , in terms of story, development, classes, rng , tons of issues. Wow use to be good , it just seems like each expansion it sucks even more. Infect new players with truth and show them whats wrong with the game and devs.
In my thirteen years of play, I’ve never seen Blizzard poll the player base about design decisions.
Aside from the RealID debacle, the announcement to remove flight back in Warlords was the largest outburst of forum discussion I’ve ever seen. Flight is popular and the quick reversal to put it back in the game is a testament to its popularity among the player base.
That’s funny, I was very active here on the WoW forums when the whole WoD Flight-gate debacle happened and I don’t remember one, single poll from Blizzard about their unilateral decision to shove Pathfinder down our throats as a “compromise”. If there was such a poll, surely you can provide a link, right?
As an aside about online polls, I find it hard to take them seriously, because of the numerous variables involved, like: do the people have a sub to the game or site where the poll is hosted, did they play before Pathfinder was introduced, can people clear their caches and vote in them more than once, etc. Those kinds of things tend to destroy any integrity or validity of said polls.
There was no official poll for players about Pathfinder, just like there was no official poll for players about their bone-headed idea to try to remove flight in the first place. No one asked Blizzard to take out flight. They did that all on their own.
If you want to discuss pros and cons, fine, but I suggest you go back and read the hundreds of mega-threads about it before coming back and making up talking points to try and support your position. There are several good reasons that people are still prickly about any kind of Pathfinder debates. One of them is that after being strung along for half of WoD with blues telling us that flight was coming, we just had to be patient and then the way they handled the bomb that no, actually, it wasn’t coming, in WoD or any following expansions (on a Friday before Memorial Day weekend, on a third party site with an interview in an obscure magazine), the fit hit the shan and the forums went into meltdown.
The only reason we have Pathfinder is because it affected their bottom line, money-wise. If it wouldn’t have hurt them in the purse strings, Blizzard would have stayed the course and we wouldn’t have flying in WoD, Legion or BfA. Yes, there was a huge, very angry crap storm here on the forums, but the player-base was never polled. In fact, I think if the players would have held firm back then, we could have pushed for flight at max level for gold, the way it was before He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named had to dink with it.
As to the OP’s post, I am beyond irritated that we don’t have flying yet. I hate Pathfinder with a passion. That said, I understand why others like it and would rather see an option given to those who don’t like the PF method: gold per character at max level the way it was before WoD. Choices are a good thing. PF took away my flight and my choices, but I’m not trying to take away anyone else’s choices. PF for the achievement and the account or gold per character at max level. Choices.
Edited for an extra “can”.
I hope Pathfinder P2 is as fun and involved as it was in Legion. I agree with the reasoning behind having Pathfinder.
Very frustrating waiting for flying with 24 alts. I don’t have the time to raid like I used to so I just work on my main and a handful of other characters I like to play. I have 4 at 120 working on 2 more and it is beyond old. Last 3 expansions I was able to level all my chars to max level by the end of the expansion. Flying would help tremendously with alt leveling and that’s really all I do besides run old raids for mounts.
Yeah he keeps saying something about Blizz polling the whole playerbase which confused me since I don’t remember them ever having a poll about flying or anything for that matter. Granted I have taken long breaks from WoW at times but I still keep up with it so I probably would have remembered a poll.

Very frustrating waiting for flying with 24 alts.
Same, this is only Blizzard time gating content.