Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?

When, exactly, did I say anything like that? Oh, I remember now!.. I didn’t. Nice twisting my actual words into something never, ever stated.

But since you apparently think twisting words and making things up…

I guess your argument is that flying over the world is “play time” just because you have to hold a button or two down to do it? Yeah, okay.

Anyway, back in reality… Controlling your own flying mount doesn’t “cut commute time in half”. it maybe shaves off 20 seconds of a 60 second trip for a 40 second trip with flight vs. with a ground mount. And, if you liked WQs that much the extra 20 seconds wouldn’t make that much difference.

Considering that I do actually complete all WQs in at least the “Emissary Zone” in both BfA and Legion (one with flight and one without) I would actually know the difference in travel time. Considering the significantly easier landscape in BfA, I think 20 seconds is quite generous.

No, my argument is that I’d like to get to my actual play time faster. But hey, if you like running along roads to “extend your play time”, you do you.


If you equate “putting in some effort” to “a second job”, I’m guessing you are part of this “newer generation”.

Then you’d be guessing wrong.

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Where, exactly, did I ever say that I like “extending play time” by running along roads?

Highly doubtful.

You sure seem to be defending it. Or did you not say


I had better things to do, such as actually playing the game, than “working toward acquiring gold” which is probably why I was trotting along on my ground mounts unless I needed to fly to get to something not accessible from the ground because I could only afford the 60% flying until mid(ish)-Wrath.

How dare me actually play the game rather than collect coins. :speak_no_evil:

See, the nice thing about that was that you got to make the choice of whether flying was worth the effort. You didn’t say, “yes, by golly, I am willing to put in the time and effort to fly” only to have the devs say, “great! now wait until we get around to implementing it.”


Eh, if flying’s available, I’ll fly to places.

If it’s not, I won’t.

It’s really not that big of a deal. I really don’t get why people are so upset in regards to this issue.


I did say that.

That phrase does not say “I want to extend my play time by running along roads”.

I play the same amount with or without flight because I do what I enjoy regardless of how I get there. I always have. Never once have I claimed I’d play more if I could fly. Never once have I said I enjoy having my play time extended by roads. Never once have I said anything you claim I said.

That phrase, again, does not mean what you apparently think it means and it’s not even referencing my own play time or style.

But you keep thinking whatever you like.

I agree OP, I am very irritated that we can’t fly yet. Of course pathfinder has been BS since day 1 but whatever.


I’ll give you that.

Still, if I were at home and wanted to play the game I wouldn’t let not being able to fly stand in the way of what I wanted to do. There are simply way to many ways around the whole “no flight” thing to worry about a few seconds extra travel time…

In my opinion, of course. So…

Still, I am choosing to play the way I want regardless of how I get where I’m going. I am not going to let you or the dev’s or anyone else negate how I play the game or what I choose to do.

If I want to fly I go to one of the plethora of places I can fly and do something I haven’t finished there. If I want to play current content I simply do not worry about the means of travel. I get around pretty fast regardless.

Again… Still my choice.

But, alas… I am at work wasting the last half hour because I don’t want to start something new and have nothing better to do than mess around in the forums. :frowning_face:

Yes. That gives me time to achieve my daily WoW goals and spend quality time with my family. If I’m left with a situation in which I have to pick one over the other, WoW’s not winning. Last night was a prime example. I had intended to take advantage of the World Quest rep bonus, but after wasting an hour and a half unlocking a couple of flight paths and searching for entrances to the caves in which the World Bosses lived on foot, I changed my mind. You could argue that this keeps me from clearing content too quickly and keeps me in the game longer, but it really doesn’t because an hour and a half of an experience that sucks simply isn’t incentive to remain subbed. Enjoy your virtual horseback rides, though.


How about adding 3 minute loading screens to all the content to extend play time?

That’s how many of us feel about the removal of flight. Hoofing it out to wherever isn’t fun, isn’t interesting. It’s just a waste of time. Especially after we’ve already “mastered the content” which was Blizzard’s phony benchmark at the beginning about when we would be able to fly.


I mean… If WoW won I’d be a bit worried about your priorities.

Quality time is significantly more important. I bet they super appreciate that extra 20 seconds also. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Why not? FF14 did and everyone seems to love that pile of :poop:.

they did say that and I believe they also said 8 months was too long, and they would shorten that time. they lied…again. what else is new?


No, I dont. I want regular wow, in 2019, without all the immersion breaking ease of use mechanics introduced to appease people who dont understand that while exercise, for example, is hard and inconvenient, it is actually good for them.

If you want to play a PVE game with no challenge, go play skyrim with cheats enabled.

How is a virtual horseback ride good for me? In what way does it resemble exercise?