Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?

Of course they did. They learned that they can do whatever they want, no matter how angry the community gets, and still make a profit.

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I still contend that Cata’s design ruined everyone’s expectation of flying. Yes, yes, you could acquire flying back in BC and WotLK without the current gated system, but it was also tied to whether or not you could afford it.

And once flying is opened up in BfA, I expect a flood of threads complaining about how small the zones are, because they really are. Head out to Borean Tundra then fly over a couple of zones. The difference is staggering compared to how quickly you arrive at flightpaths in BfA. But TBH, I think Blizzard used expansive maps as a method to time gate in the past, now they just use mechanics and achievements.

I hate to say it, but you will never fly again, not like you used to.

You will always be punished for any desire to see the world from above. You will have to pay for it in endless time gates and grinding through content you have seen a thousand times. You will have to endure the countless indignities of every root and slight hill that could be placed in your way and you will have to worship everything the art team does from here on out. Navigating every frustrating mountain, every annoying crag, every deadly sheer drop will be your ongoing act of devotion to the topologists. Because they are important, and you are not.

Only once the zones and everything in them have lost all meaning, once every shred of joy has been leeched from the experience, only then will you be petulantly allowed back into the skies, once you learn your place.

Oh, and at that point it will be time to move on to new content
 where you cannot fly.



Not until summer I hear
and yes, it’s annoying.

Been irritated with it ever since they stopped letting us purchase it at level cap op. I mean unless you strictly dungeon level, most folks have seen all their copy pasted gather crap quests anyways. Doesn’t devalue the content. Why? Because wq’s is the same crap you did while leveling anyways lol. Pvp not sure. To this day still believe instanced bg’s did more harm there than flight ever did, or could. Imo gating flight had nothing to do with muh mersion, pvp, or any of that other rubbish the forum lurkers like to spew. It is to slow people down that is all. And yet you still see the I leveled from 110 to 120 in 3 hour threads lol. Only way they can slow the 24/7 players down any would be to gate ground mounts also.


Well I subbed 10 days ago to use my wow tokens to buy the mount and sale bonus then saw all they crap chores that need to be done,logged off since then.I have no clue how to unlock the research feature on alt to get bonus mount speed or get the other tiers on my main.The game is too excessive on chores and the gear with a couple bonus rng to warforge and titanforge make the regular raid drop unrewarding;that’s the real problem. I should be like omg my gawd the boss dropped 7 items I hope I win the roll for tier pants but nope 30g each week and every boss or the same item you have half a dozen times.

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Yea it does. They need to remove flying permanently, all remote q features, tune down gearing so most people have blues, remove meeting stones, and remove all transmogging and all the hideous non racial mounts. Also do more to improve wpvp.

What a silly comment. “Change the game to suit my tastes because it’s boring to me (because I ignore one of its core features, which is literally the main theme of the game, the focus of the current expansion, and the sole focus of the RTS on which it is based).”

Go play skyrim with cheats enabled. Seems like you’d enjoy that.

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I dont like how deeply this hits me

So, your argument is that running along roads ignoring mobs or AFKing on a taxi is “play time”?

See, I’d rather my play time be spent actually doing things. For example, I enjoy doing world quests. Cut my commute time in half, and I’m far more likely to do an extra handful of world quests, maybe even wander my way into a neighboring zone and do WQs I don’t technically need, rather than deciding “well, I’ve got what I need for my emissary, I’m done now.”


This is the kind of development mindset which has given them a cyclical player base.


The LFG tool was fine because it helped groups from small guilds fill in gaps. The problem was that the Cataclysm dungeon difficulty killed most of the casual guilds, making the tool the only viable option for casual players. On top of that, all of the epic gear was shifted into 25-man content because non-raiders can’t have nice things. Tool or no tool, you’re simply not going to form a bond with 24 other players, and you’re not going to ask any of them to join your guild. Finally, the tool was changed to work cross-server, further increasing the likelihood of recruiting someone into your guild. Back when the tool was first implemented, I used to get and give guild invites to players who I enjoyed running with. Once I was forced to LFR for current-tier gear and the majority of my dungeon runs became cross-server, those days ended. My point is that it’s not the tool in and of itself. It’s all the other garbage that they introduced alongside it.

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In TBC, the time players were grounded was based on their willingness to work on acquiring the gold for flight, rather than on an arbitrary time gate decided by the developers. Whether it took “a really long time” or not was at least somewhat in the player’s hands, but no amount of work is going to get me flying faster in BfA.



Ion’s team’s entire development philosophy revolves around removing choices from the player.

No way to advance towards flying.
No reforging.
No profession choices.
Fewer ways to customize gear (enchants, gems).
No options on how to play with friends (loot options, etc.).
No more glyphs.
Fewer class abilities - PRUNING PRUNING PRUNING
Smaller loot tables

Even things like changing how the camera works. Remember when they changed that at the end of Warlords, just because they wanted to? And only “compromised” after a big backlash.

And now they’re even moving towards a flat gear curve for everyone. Whether you raid or do M+ becomes less and less important as they hand out free Mythic-raiding-quality gear in the every-12-days warfronts, etc.

Ion doesn’t want you to play the way you want. He wants you to play the way HE wants. I’m convinced that, if he had the power, he would clone himself and go stand over the shoulder of every WoW player as they played, to make sure they don’t do anything he doesn’t want them to. The man’s a control freak.


At this point, if I see that my destination is to my east, I head west, because most of the time the beginning of the path I need is going to be in the opposite direction of my goal and make a big circle.

When did this terrain design start? In WoD, the expansion where “compelling ground content” was going to keep us so enthralled we didn’t even miss flying.


They promised us a renaissance of gaming. That things would be so amazing that we would be hypnotized with its magnificence.

Whatever happened to that?


You joke, but you would be suprised at how much newer generations think they are entitled and everything should be just given to them with no effort involved. Also those are the same people who get offended by everything and have zero ability to take any form of criticism.

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You’re describing the current WoW development team, right there.


You want Classic. Go play that.


The gall of these people, to expect their games to be fun and not a second job.