Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?

yeah, last i checked, arathi and darkshore wasn’t in stormwind keep. also those zones are in the classic areas; it’s not like i’m flying around to explore new zones.


Flying is completely optional, even where it has been enabled.

  1. i’d appreciate a million dollars so i could do a lot of things i wanted as well.
  2. pot, meet kettle.

The Class order hall campaign was required, which in all cases but one (druid) required at least one dungeon.

The Suramaritan achievement was required which called for downing a raid boss.

I don’t think flying should be gated behind group content, as it is an individual thing.


yeah, it’ll shave off 10min or so, so that i can run around boralus in circles more, like the days of dalaraan.

It’s time to end this non sense and have flying on day one. There were way more people playing the game before they started doing this.
And also pve and pvp currency for gear. Enough with endless RNG.
We already got a farmable currency for vanity items. That’s a great start!


i’ve done the warfronts once just to say i completed them because that crap isn’t a real warfront, and yes, when i’m bored with the game yet undecided in logging off or while waiting for bg queue times to pop, i run around the town in circles… it’s an old wotlk habit that carried on in legion.

You’re either lying, or never tried to navigate BEM.

That was Part 1, not Part 2. Part 2 is what the person I responded to originally stated required a 12 week long “weekly” quest chain…

Part 1 requirements weren’t part of the discussion.

But, since you brought it up…

While I agree that instanced content shouldn’t be part of an achievement to gain the ability to fly, I don’t really think that a single LFR boss (in a wing with only that single boss), and a normal dungeon or two is “tear” worthy.

Additionally, they did listen to the complaints regarding that from what I can tell. There is (so far) exactly zero instanced content required for BfA Pathfinder.

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Exactly. You probably like oreos and cake, but if you eat that stuff a lot you will get diabetes. And you appreciate the convenience of not exercising, but if you do it a lot you get diabetes. Flying is like cake and not exercising, now we all have diabetes and we have children in here screaming BUT I LIKE CAKE whenever we point all of this out.

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I’m not irritated by it at all. And have leveled multiple toons quickly without it so I’m really not missing flying at this point.

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I really hate that we don’t have flying anymore. Their reasoning for removing it didn’t make sense to me back then, and it makes even less sense now. I’ve seen and done the world content over and over again, there’s nothing exciting about running through Nazmir for the 1000th time to get to a WQ I’ve already done many times over.

Many expansions ago they said they wanted us to get back out into the world instead of standing around the AH of our cities. They took a few steps forward to achieve that by adding things such as world quests and world bosses, then but then took a few steps back by making some professions pointless and keeping flying locked up.


Its one of the reasons I will not renew , My sub expires in 11 days and I am done


This is only true if you dont have WM on. Turn it off and a run through nazmir will be more exciting.

Good, bye bye. The game will improve once all of you are gone.

I would def be doing WQ and playing more. The reward isn’t really worth the effort at this,point. I’ve had pathfinder part 1 done for a very long time. I wouldn’t really say irritated. I’m more indifferent about playing.

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I’m more irritated that people are still using “It’s (insert current year) why isn’t this a thing?” As an argument.

Far more irritating.

That is an option but I only PvE in WoW. When it comes to PvP I’d rather play other games.

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A smaller player base isnt a good thing fanboy! The game needs an overhaul