Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?

I’m reading this thread because I’m bored to death, stuck on a flight path with no way to interact with the world. Immersion is broken by this inability to interact, attention wanders, so I’ll forum a while, then play something else.

I have 11 120s, all with i levels 360+, I’m exalted with every faction, I have all of the allied races so far released and I’ve done pathfinder.
The only real argument in this thread against flying is some players who don’t care about flying think having it makes no real difference.
When so many passionately want it, if it makes no real difference, why continue to withhold it?

We are told we have to wait and wait for flying because um … because we should have to wait and wait for it?
Then we’re told we don’t need it because, having waited so long, it’s no longer needed. Great circular logic there.


Imagine you in vanilla - wrath when some flight paths took up to 10+ minutes lol

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and that’s one of the reasons I did not play during vanilla - it was a boring grind with long periods of being unable to do anything.

I’ve played WoW during its best years, now I’m just filling in time while choosing which of my many friends to join in their games instead. I see no-one playing WoW for the first time anymore, and few people seem to like this game enough to recommend it to friends these days. The devs have lost my trust, and are treating players as cows to be milked 24-7.

If the devs took up actual dairy-farming, greed and stupidity would have them milking their herd to death in a week.


No, it cuts travel time in half, which means people can get to the content they want to do faster. Many people have alts, slogging around on the ground for the umpteenth time isn’t fun.


Ipse Dixit, and wrong even though you used bold font. It is everyone’s problem because it makes the game less fun for everyone. If you haven’t ever played the game without flying then you wouldn’t know. I already explained why it makes the game worse, you should read what I said so you can learn.

I was pissed about it in 2018


Who else is irritated that people still feel the need to make whiny flying threads when we all know when flying will be unlocked as Blizzard has said years ago and Legion (the expansion we just had before BfA) was the same way?


Doesn’t bother me that much because running alts is 100% worthless in BfA. No need for flying if alts aren’t going to be played…

I’d love to see flightwhistles get upgraded to ALL WoW content zones… they are really quite good, imo.

Let me start this time by saying that I absolutely love to fly in this game. I love finding those little hidden “treasures” on mountain sides or flying up to the platform around the top of the “needle” in Dalaran to sit with the NPCs up there. I love seeing all the detail the art team puts into even the places many players never pay attention to or finding those little things I missed when traveling on the ground. Flight is super important to me as a player, and an explorer while playing.


To think that the game wasn’t fun, but was “just playable”, before flight was added is beyond wrong.

This game gained more players during the time when flight was either unavailable, slow, or too expensive for most to really enjoy than it ever has since flight has been the “norm”. There was a reason for that. The game absolutely was fun in the beginning.

It was about more than just how to get from point A to point B faster, or how to bypass the world. It was about the journey. The destination was the prize. It was a vast world of wonder and amazement and flying above it wasn’t the goal…being in it was the goal. It was immersive. It was beautiful. It is so hard to describe effectively, especially to someone who didn’t play then. And yes, a lot of that feeling of awe and wonder is based in nostalgia, based in memories of something that can never be done, or seen, or felt again.

Again… Flight is super important to me today. I love it. I’ve gotten used to being able to use it. I’ve spend hours upon hours collecting mounts and earning gold to have flight in all areas on all of my characters and (now) completing achievements to be able to fly in the newer areas. Flight is absolutely something I do not want to be without, permanently anyway. But I’m fine with being without it for a while because I do remember how incredible this world was before flight was the goal.

I started playing in TBC, when flight was originally added. I didn’t start, or continue, playing because the game had flight. I started playing because my son wanted to play and it was something we could do together. I continued playing because of the people I met, and became friends with, and because the world of Azeroth was a wonderous place. Flight was a bonus. A bonus that, frankly, I rarely used when I first got it because it was so slow and it was only available in Outland. I wasn’t able to “fast” fly until late Wrath.

I’m not trying to devalue how you feel about flight. And I do think that the current Pathfinder system (while I very much like it) could use some tweaks. I also fully understand that players like yourself who’ve only known the Azeroth with flight will miss it significantly more than I do. But I also see players such as yourself as not fully understanding the point of view of players like me.

When Blizz first told the playerbase that flight was not going to be in any new, or future, content I rallied with all the folks fighting to keep it in the game. I knew I would miss the exploration factor, the freedom, the beauty of being able to see the world from the sky. And I too never really tire of being able to fly. But that feeling of awe and wonder in a new zone, and finding new things, does not last forever. When I go to Outland today it doesn’t amaze me like it once did. When I see Crystalsong Forest, it’s not as amazing as it was when it was new. I don’t “stop to smell the roses” in Winterspring today. And to claim I do would be false.

I think some of you have the impression that anyone who is okay with taking the game in from the ground for a while must be somehow opposed to flight… That is absolutely not true.

I respect that you love to see this amazing game world from the air. Please respect that I love to see it both from the ground and the air. And find a way to respect that the people who make this world for us, flawed systems and processes aside, want us to enjoy the world around us in the way they designed it to be enjoyed. They have given us a way to see that world the way we want also. A few months is just not that long in comparison to how long we will be able to fly in the end.

and flying wont help solve that. Getting to the boring content faster doesn’t stop it from being boring content that feels unrewarding. All it will do is to help you finish it faster so you can go on the forums to complain to blizzard about the lack of meaningful content. Flying isn’t the problem. The lack of actual content that matters is the problem.

Umm… I could fly 3 weeks after P2 went live in Legion. It did not require 12 weekly questlines.

It reqired Armies of the Legionfall revered and exploring broken shore, plus completion of part 1. That’s it.

I was also a week later finishing it than most people I knew because I took a week of vacation and was unable to play for that week. So, technically, I finished it in 2 weeks.

I think your memory is a little off.

I’m of a divided mind here.

I appreciate flying for the ease and convenience if offers; however, if I’m being honest, I probably have more fun playing the game with no flying. The lack of flying present additional difficulties, but I find that I miss out on many of the incidental things that land riding allows me to stumble across when I can just zip around and go precisely where I want as the crow flies.

Flying is a Quality of Life upgrade, but I’m not entirely convinced that is an experience upgrade, at least in my opinion.

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I’d believe that if half the posts and threads in the forums weren’t about how boring the content is and how no one wants to do any of the content.

Being able to fly there doesn’t change the content you’re traveling to, it just changes the means of travel to get to it. It does not make “boring content no one wants to do” more fun, it just allows you to get to the “chores” faster so you can be done.

So… While you’re right, it cuts travel time (but not in half, it doesn’t take anywhere near the time to travel as is claimed in these forums), it also cuts play time because you can get to your chores 5 seconds faster and finish 2 minutes sooner.

Well no mater how boring the world quest is, it is still less boring than sitting on a bird, passively waiting to get there, with no option to divert to something interesting on a whim… /justsayin


sooooo much this… cudos OP for keeping your cool and being very constructive on feed back and reasoning behind your opinion:). I also whole hardedly agree with every point thus far you’ve made as its very very vaild. ( ill note myself. flying is an option not a must. If you don’t want to fly you have that choice/power use it or don’t its up to each player how they get around the world maps :slight_smile:


Some people find the content boring, and some don’t want to do it. Flying may entice them to do it if it means getting it done faster, so they can move on to whatever it is they find fun. Then again, it may not. But those people are probably the same who have let their subs lapse :shrug:.

At this point, most people have done the content on the ground, most likely several times over. Maybe they want to level alts, maybe they want to level tradeskills, etc. If changing the means of travel facilitates that, and entices people to log on an alt and play, as opposed to mousing over said alt on the selection screen and thinking “Eh, do I really want to?” and opting to log off, wouldn’t Blizzard rather they do the former instead of the latter? Wouldn’t we, as players and communities that interact with these people, rather have them playing than offline?

Flying has been a part of this game for far longer than it hasn’t. The game used to be designed with flight in mind. Now it isn’t, and flying is gated behind chores and time, so Blizzard can stretch as little content as far as possible. I don’t mind Pathfinder as a concept, but it’s execution is awful. Part One of Pathfinder should be it, instead of placing an arbitrary wait time on it , and adding another list of chores. Only to have the inevitable release of an area where we can’t fly.


it probably is, it may not have been the whole chain but it was several weeks i’m sure.

i remember flying guildies around collecting the broken shore treasures which was required to unlock it

As is everything else in this thread, including what you say.

Also, the “journey” that I’m talking about isn’t “getting from point A to point B”. I challenge you to find your journey in the game and really understand what that is for you.

It’s also not a “flight simulator”. I didn’t sign up for either a walking or a flight simulator. With or without flight, there is a significant amount of time spent traveling in the game. It may be a few minutes less with flight, but it is still a significant amount of time.

I don’t find the world to be convoluted or hard to navigate. Mob density is a bit higher than it used to be, but I’ve yet to “fight 100 mobs” on my way anywhere. I rarely fight any mobs while traveling, only when I reach the destination.

I find this to be a silly argument. Literally everything they’ve ever done, before Pathfinder, before flight, from pre-Alpha Alpha, has been to keep players subscribed. Honestly, as much as people complain about things like Pathfinder and boring content I’d argue that they’re trying to get us to unsubscribe rather than get us to stay subscribed. It takes about 6 weeks (casually) to complete part 1 in BfA, then all the boring, repetitive “non-content” starts. You can unsub then until the next 2 week “new batch” of content, then unsub again until P2… Probably another couple of weeks. Then unsub again. Heck, as terrible as the game is without flight, why are any of us subbed?

There’s nothing to do that’s not a “boring grind” and nothing worth while without flight, right?

This argument has never, and probably will never, make any sense to me at all.

And the point of that would be? I didn’t say that 20 seconds to travel to Uldir was “slow walking”. This is the most idiotic request I’ve seen in these forums yet.

I don’t care what you want, or don’t want to hear. I never said that my opinion wasn’t subjective. Do you have some odd impression that your opinion is not subjective? How are your notions of travel speed any less subjective than mine?

Why do you get to "impose your subjective* opinion on me but I can’t even state mine? How does that make sense?

It was 2 weeks just to do the rep if you did the Broken Shore dailies most days (4 or 5 times a week). It took me 3 weeks but I took a full week off doing nothing. Super casual doing a couple of days of rep a week it was a max of 4 or 5 weeks. So “several”? Okay… If you did dailies once a week for “several” weeks, yep. It took “several” weeks.

It took you 2 weeks and 1 day… P2 went live 3/28/2017, you got P2 Achievement 4/11/2017.

I finished 5 days later, on 4/16… 2 weeks and 6 days.

No, broken shore treasures was not required to unlock anything. I linked the requirements for P2. You might want to look at them.

Treasure hunting wasn’t even required for P1 (that was Warlords)…

The ONLY things required for P2 were, again…

Exploring the Broken Shore and Legionfall revered. That’s it. That’s all.

“But if we slow down how long it takes to complete the content they’ll stay subbed longer and we’ll have more revenue!”

As subs leave in droves and revenue drops dramatically.