Who do you Hate?

It depends on whether they can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.

Technically most Star Trek races are Humans.

We’ll never really know on Azeroth until somebody tries.

Now be a trooper and mate with anything you see that falls out of the sky.

It’s for science!

Technically Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, and even Orcs are all descendants of titan constructs. Ogres too though they aren’t playable. We also know that Orcs and Draenei are interbreedable and that Half Orc Half Draenei can breed with humans. It stands to reason that all of the titan construct descendants can breed with other species no problem. The elf troll connection has already been made but also remember that Satyr and Naga fall in that same category.

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I agree with you but as long as they’re going to be around they do fit more with the Horde, despite having precedent for being in the Alliance.

Blood Elves are more morally grey than really fits with the Alliance, and their archaeology organisation isn’t even grey, it’s plan evil.

I hate Sylvanas. I hate that she’s a sexed up D&D Lich essentially, like, wtf is that? I also hate that she gets more shine than any actual elf race’s leader. She’s desperately seeking an epic death, and oh yes I will so raid on her and love it. She’s flippin’ disgusting undead posing as waifu and at least half the reason people think elves are jerks. Revenge is gonna be so so sweet, I didn’t actually care about garrosh but I’d spend a year raiding sylvie, or at least I’d like to think I would.

Baine and Saurfang.

To hell with them

People think elves are jerks because it’s a classic fantasy trope.

And there is a ton of them in the WoW universe.

I’m sweet and kind and good and believe it’s wrong to hate .

So I pretend to not hate anyone.

Faerie Dragons.
They act cute, but as soon as your back is turned they steal your socks.
Then they disembowel your noncombat pet.
Brightwing is a monster!


Although it can easily apply to Sylvanas and Nathanos. However, at this point, I’m just sick of both of them, and want them to go away. I’m waiting for Sylvanas to die die. And I really just want to punch Nathanos in the face.

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I don’t think the zandalari like me to much. Enough! Does that answer your question?

I really hate gnomes… They are only good for eating.

But the only thing I hate more than gnomes, are melee, and especially tank gnomes. How much more of a joke can you be? If I can punt you buggers 30 yards, I cant imagine how far something like Abyssius could kick you…

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Undead. Particularly Undead Rogues. Why? Go to classic, level up an Alliance anything, and enter a contested area. You’ll understand soon enough.

It’s been 13 years and I still hate the rotting sons of… with everything I have to hate them with.

opens thread
presses CTRL + F
types “Nathanos”
Finds more results than can fit on the screen
leaves thread satisfied

I hope Nathanos’ eventual demise ends up being like Kai Leng’s death in Mass Effect 3.

You know, the kind of death where most players aren’t actually satisfied that they’ve finally beaten a strong rival, but instead just happy that they no longer have to watch him cutscene-immunity his way to victory while mocking you, when you know your character is strong enough to easily turn him into paste at any time.

Getting kicked from the story like a wet fart is suitable, he doesn’t deserve anything more than that.

Well it’s not like undead aren’t just as much a classic fantasy trope, you can take it back to Tolkien and the Ringwraiths and other living dead just like elves if you really want to. Both concepts derive from Norse mythology. Tolkien was inspired by such and he in turn inspired Gary Gygax to take the concepts into gaming.

Maybe elves have been playable characters in more games but they and undead have precisely the same pedigree. In fact if you want to get technical in the mythology Elves are Ancestral spirits, just a type of undead. And Dwarves are “Dark Elves” in the original language, so literally everything’s an elf or an undead if you go back to source material. But even just going back to Tolkien, who was the fantasy gatekeeper of all this stuff, it’s kind of ridiculous you could say “elves are too much classic fantasy” when you’re playing a race from classic fantasy, in a game filled with classic fantasy races. The fact earlier games didn’t let you play some of said races doesn’t make them a bit more original or interesting.

It’s fantasy, there’s elves. There’re also Orcs and Undead, heard that’s a thing. Bunch of other Tolkien stuff too, like dwarves and trolls. Cause it’s just another Fantasy game. Don’t kid yourself that you aren’t playing the same tropes we all are.

I get the feeling you think i am trying to be toxic…i’m not.

It’just a pretty race that gets a lot of attention comapred to the other races that are not Orcs and Humans.

To generalize a playerbase for it’s race pick is stupid. Everyone is a different case.

I met nice Blood elves and Tauren players who are total spergs.

They also get a bad rap for asking for even more elf races when we already have 4 currently.

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I love the insect races!

I hate the Klaxxi though. For such an amazing Insect (Praying Mantises), they’re blighted by the fact that they came from the cheesiest expansion. Their appearance is goofy and clunky. Their dialog is fine aged cheddar, especially the boss fights. Everything about them just sucks, especially compared to such amazing races like the Quiraji and Nerubian.

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Demon Hunters, obviously.

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