Who do you Hate?

Dwarves. Mostly because of really lame memes about alcoholism, elf racism and edge. Nothing personal, dwarves. A case of bad experiences spoiling my opinion, to be sure.

Oh and Lightforged Draenei. I strongly dislike Warhammer 40k. I strongly dislike science fiction themes. I strongly dislike space marines. So when I saw a bunch of light zealot space goat marines zooming around in magical space ships, that basically ruined my favorite race (draenei) for me for a while. That is NOT what I expected nor wanted from a series like WoW. I play fantasy games to get away from that stuff! But meh.

/puts a random hawkens mask on a blood elf

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is that suppose to get me to tackle the poor blood elf above you?

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Gnomes. I don’t care if they’re chill and down-to-Earth.

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yeeeeee- nooo?
/sweats profusely

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paws your bangs…

skips over to Arlenadja and /tackles

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you win. lol

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I went from midly enjoy baby sitting Anduin, to wanting him to get slapped in the face by all N’zoth tentacles.
And Baine, imo his people should make him renounce as leader and get someone with more balls.

i’m chill and down-to-earth. :sunglasses: /hugs your skeletal arm
you need some nutrition. i dont think your gnome diet is working. tell ya what i’m gonna do, i’m offering you this chance to join my classic server on alliance, where you can dine on beef instead. fairly certain they not only taste better, but have alot more calories.

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I hate Troggs and Gnolls. Beyond that There is no one else that really springs to mind.

I can’t stand the Pandaren; never could. I hated MoP and thought it was the worst xpack in the game’s history, and I don’t regret
taking a break from the game partway through it. The whole expansion felt like a filler, and the Pandaren were basically poster children for it.

That, and the males just look fat and dopey, while the females look like prime furry waifu material. When the 15 year anniversary event was still in its earlier days, I considered leveling a panda rogue to take advantage of the rested XP racial of theirs, but I pretty much made a panda, logged in, for back to my senses, and logged out.

Oh, and the mogs almost all looked terrible and out of place. There were some exceptions but generally, the appearances I dislike most come from the MoP gear.


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Nathanos. Acts like he can beat the player up even though I have feats like killing Argus. I hope he’s a raid boss next expansion or at least dies somehow.

I don’t mind Tyrande, but I can’t stand her at the same time. Her voice drives me nuts and Val’sharah made me dislike her just from listening to her scream “malfurion” a million times.

Tyrande. ESPECIALLY if Malfurion is related like the Valsharah nonsense. “Have you loved as I have?” DUDE SHUT UP YOU AINT THAT GREAT A COUPLE.

Co dependent tree huggers -_-

I don’t dislike them for anything about how they look. I have a tiny little upset about the way helms look on every anthropomorphic race, but you can hide helm.

I think Tauren are just too goody-goody. Not only do I hate that idealised tribal archetype, but they really shouldn’t be willing to be in the same faction as the Forsaken.

Orcs are a tribal archetype I like. They’re not polished into perfection and they definitely have rough edges. The game does focus on them too much, however.

Troggs… just… no redeeming qualities. Horribly ugly.

Anything that makes horrible screeching noises. Virmen, harpies, A certain boss in ICC…

Genn and Tyrande are the two worst characters in the game.
I also dislike Nathanos but he is less painful to deal with.

I hate having to break Harpy eggs. This really, really bothers me, actually.

Or the yawn lip fwabble noise cat hunter pets make


Nathanos grew on me. He’s just so done. I respect that.

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Humans more than any other race.