Who do you Hate?

Reading parts of this thread where some of you are talking about nutso Sylvanas made me miss Garry.

I wish they’d unfist him from Nagrand and bring him back. He had a fun kind of psychopathy.
He definitely got things done.

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Yeah, they generally irritate me. Even that Bwonsamedi guy did, though the first time he said something when I died I cracked up.

Oh my stars, jeepers space goat! :flushed:
One thing I remember in Ad & D was how Dwarves would have a negative to hit, from Giants; I think it was due to their size or something.

And if you can’t stand Gnomes, you’ll love the mecha ones! :wink:


Should never have been a playable faction.

But it is what it is. And now the hordes stuck with a faction that’s completely out of touch with the rest of the faction, and forced to defend them.

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You know, come to think of it, Sylvanas is probably one of the most developed characters in WoW. On the outside, many see nothing more than a selfish, psychopathic lunatic hellbent on her own endeavors. While that may be so, one has to consider what lead to this; the trauma of being converted into a banshee, being almost universally hated by the Horde and Alliance (if I recall correctly, the Undead were tolerated at-best in the Horde), the Warchief mantle literally being dumped on her by Vol’Jin, her growing hatred for the existence of the Lich King, the possibility of her death drawing closer and closer for each dead Val’kyr… It’s not hard to see how it all has driven her to desperation, and if she’s going down, then why not bring as many people down with her? The final “F U” to this world and existence. Seems legit. Whether of not this was all intentional, it kind of all fits together.

It’s all good, I probably overreacted. There are a lot of elves, honestly now that I have this character and a shadow priest VE I feel like I have exactly as many elves as I need, and I even changed my NE druid to a Worgen once they released new models. Before VE it was BE, the former just made it hella easy to just stick to one faction.

I’ll admit I’m biased because I’m more a fan of various elf types than I am the factions themselves. Even if they added High Elves at this point I’d probably bite, just because they’d make the best mages I’d race change my gnome mage in a second for that, otherwise I have everything I need.

Male Spacegoats and Female Night Elf Hunters.

Mechagnomes are alright. Junker Gnomes on the other hand are absolute garbage and need to be deleted from the game before it gets worse…

169 posts and no one has said Nomi yet (i think that’s how you spell it).

Turalyon (and most other Human Male Paladins).

A one-dimensional borish character who should die by having a piano dropped upon him.

Also Vulpera should exterminated.


Nathanos. Ordinarily, I like snarky characters. Nefarian is one of my favorites because he makes snark into an art. Nathanos does not. Everything he says is condescending and abrasive, as if he’s never heard of the word “compliment.”

Sylvanas. I cannot stand characters who get the Mary Sue treatment, commit atrocity after atrocity, and they suffer no form of comeuppance. Sylvanas checks all three, and her entire time as Warchief is still facepalm worthy to this day.