Who do you Hate?

Which Word of Warcraft race or NPC can you just not flippin’ stand?

I love the Horde but both of my answers are on the Horde: Tauren, and Trolls.

Tauren are far too goody-goody for me, and I really despise the bad Jamaican stereotype Trolls seem to be.

In every game there’s that one guy who names his character some version of the N-word and jumps around like an idiot until someone bans him. I feel like I’d be doing that just by selecting Troll at character creation.

There’s every bit the exactly parallel reason to hate Goblins, but for some reason I find them adorable and endearing. I wish there was a way to have more hair as a male Gob, however. The most hair you can get is basically bald, which I guess is an upgrade from Wrath of the Lich King (when I started playing) when they were all bald.

I never really cared for Warchief Vol’jin but this is probably only because of my own sour grapes that I liked Garrosh so much.


Bloodelves and vulps and orcs


I hated the bread lady in Ironforge for years, all of her pacing back and forth spamming her BS. Sometimes i would have my horde friend come to Ironforge just to kill her for me.


Easy. Nathanos.

His power/plot armor rubberbands harder than anyone else’s for the narrative. His whole being abrasive shtick wore its welcome in Legion for me. He’s just too dang convenient.


Baine, Saurfang, Genn, Velen.

The usual suspects.


I’m waiting for someone to say Rhonin.


No way genn is the best


Citizens of Dalaran! Raise your eyes to the skies and observe! Today our world's destruction has been averted in defiance of our very makers!


The quiet ones, what are they thinking, planning your demise, and then BAM!

The undead because the dead should stay dead.


I hate the Insect Races, and AQ transmog sets, for the most part, are gross.



Vol’dun is my least enjoyed zone in BFA and I’m certain it’s because I couldn’t stand questing for furry spastics. The whole desert needs to be nuked.

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Ysera’s voice actress was like nails on a chalkboard. I’m always sad when a Dragon Aspect dies but like, also not in this case.


Nathanos is annoying. Sometimes I wish he’d just shut up. I don’t hate any of them though.
None I can remember anyway.

I don’t really dislike any races. I don’t play them all, but they’re cool to me.

Character wise I loathe Sylvanas with the fire of a thousand suns.


Reasons I dislike Night Elves:

  1. They blew up the planet.
  2. They went around planting evil trees around the world.
  3. Male night elves are creepy. They look & sound like Dracula. “huh huh huh, huh huh huh”. “hellloooooo”… like he’s just looking you over before he sucks the life out of you.
  4. All the Night Elf Hunters named Lllegggolasss or Llleggolaz or Leggolass or Llegolasz or whatever. Especially in vanilla.
  5. Night Elves who just ran around between southshore and tarren mill jumping up and down to try and backflip.
  6. They’re Alliance.
  7. All the Night Elves who spam Y OU L O SE during pvp in /say.

I hate Trum-- I mean Gallywix.


Murlocs. I’d belly-crawl through a mile of broken glass to kill one of those rotten, stinking fish-men.

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I used to dislike gnomes, but they have REALLY grown on me so much so that when I make a warlock when I’m done doing things (Loremaster cough) on my priest, I might even make a gnome. I used to like Vulpera but the overwhelming consensus they have makes me dislike them, I tend to dislike things when no one else does/when everyone hates something I like it.

I’m a big big huge elf fanatic and I do not hate anti elf type people, but I do sincerely send my deepest regards for not being able to appreciate the obviously perfect Elves (Void,Blood,Nightborne,Night elves) <- in that particular order actually if I’m being honest like the truthful person I claim to be.


jaina who by the way abandoned the alliance in Legion. Sick of her. Race probably Draenei only the males though. I can’t stand their animations.