Who do you Hate?

Wow chill. It’s ok for others to like characters you don’t. Her lore/story is very interesting to me and yes I have enjoyed her journey throughout Wow. No I am not some secret lover of Sylvanas who bangs the writer’s self insert whatever geez.


I dont hate anything but blizzards stupid decision making.


You mean pie or bread? I swear the annoying one was pie, I haven’t been in IF for longer than 3 minutes at a time for years though.

Those who take fictional cliches and tropes made by generic characters aimed to draw in audiences and view them as personal attacks some how aimed at them as an individual.

Genn, Tyrande

Both need to die within the next expansion.

But since Alliance bias, Alliance faction leaders are not allow to die unless a horde one goes with them.

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Voldun was my favorite zone Horde side. Drustvar was nice Horde side.

Probably the only NPC I actually hate is Jastor Gallywix.

Gazlowe being the new Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel after the Fourth War makes me happy; I like having a racial leader that actually interacts with Players considering over 90% of my playtime is on Goblins.

Not according to the tool tip which clearly says “Brings a dead player back to life” :crazy_face:


Drustvar is the most beautiful zone in the game, hands-down.

If there were houses and mine could be anywhere, I’d totally set up camp there.

I genuinely hate what the draenei did to the warcraft setting.

They took a medieval fantasy setting who’s highest level of tech was steampunk, and added sci-fi crystal tech to it, pretty much completely invalidating what gnomes provide for the alliance. Except that they actually just get ignored till their relevant expansion because adding a Sci-fi race to a fantasy setting is dumb!

Not to mention that with their protoss levels of tech they still somehow get massacred by the orcs on Draenor.

They’re also stupidly lawful good. People rag on Anduin for being stupidly lawful good yet Velen is way way worse. Despite legion attack throughout the whole world killing off literally thousands of people and he doesn’t decide “Hey, maybe I should do something” Until his home spaceship is attacked and his fancy wind-chime space ship power core is destroyed by his angsty son.

Now we’re sitting here, in the middle of one of the most deadly war’s in warcraft’s history. They’re sitting in low orbit with a freaking space ship capable of at the very least causing small avalanches and what are the draenei doing? Absolutely nothing, because they’re a sci-fi race in a fantasy setting and would drastically topple the power balance in the Alliance’s favor.

But their women are hot so I guess it’s fine.


Redemption doesn’t bring them back as undead abominations.

I love the Draenei for changing WoW into something with more sci-fi elements but I agree they are wasted.

I don’t really have a distaste for anyone, lore-wise or player-wise.

Garrosh and Sylvanas aren’t in character with any of their actions, their writing is just horrible and schizophrenic for me to hate them.

I hate this mish-mosh too.

But I only hate male Draenei.

I learned to hate male Draenei after getting my brawler achievement.

I hate it so much! If I wanted to play Protoss I’d go play starcraft! At least there they have different, somewhat interesting cultures instead of either painfully lawful good or literal demons.

Things like this are why I’m a Terrain main

Is that fight still super buggy? I got it back in MoP and never looked back.

Not to my knowledge but it’s really hard to avoid every one of those sparkles.

And all he has to do to make them… is pray.

He’s a blown-up balloon Ned Flanders.

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Alliance already won the space race and its Gnomes not Goats that did it… Mekkatorque has Orbital Weapon Satelites in Space; He regularly calls down Orbital Missile strikes.

The Blood Elves also had Sci-Fi crystal tech ever since they were added to the game.

Lorewise Blood Elves control the spaceships from Outland after we killed Kael’thas. They should have had BElfs show up in Legion with the Botanica to assist the Vindicaar or something to even it out a bit. Go checkout Netherstorm in Outland, Silvermoon or Isle of Quel’danas where Sunwell raid is.

Blizzard doesn’t talk about BElf or Space Goat Engineering because it would quickly become World of Starcraft.

I mean the Demon Hunter’s have a spaceship too.

The issue is they opened the interstellar bottle with Legion then expected everyone to be fine with going back to boats.

The Vindicaar is just floating above Stormwind doing nothing. The Exodar has been fixed like 3 seperate times across short stories, novels, and in-game.


I always despised this not because of how often it was spammed in Dalaran, but because of the voice actor’s line delivery. He says “very makers” as if it’s hyphenated. Like as if “very” is an adjective describing a type of maker. “our very-makers!” The emphasis should be on the word “makers.” - “In defiance of our very makers!” But that’s not how he says it and it sounds stupid.


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I really hate all the animal races

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